• Fight Social Security Cuts Now
    Social Security is backed by civil promises and our civil rights. This is our money which, because of our trust in our government, we allow that governent to manage. We count on President Obama to protect our money and not let Congress to rob us and makethe rich ever more powerful.
    471 of 500 Signatures
    Created by edwina seidel
  • Do not cut social security
    I have family members who are dependent on their social security checks. I am nearing the time when I too will be dependent on it. With rising costs for food, clothing, shelter and gasoline we can't afford to have this right cut.
    514 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Yvette Mardis
  • No Cuts to Social Security!
    It is pathetic that ANY cuts to Social Security have been proposed. The dollars earned in Social Security have been EARNED--you can call it an entitlement, but I won't. NO CUTS TO SOCIAL SECURITY!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy J. Silva
  • Social Security
    There are massive numbers of seniors who live on Social Security; they depend on this for their lives, food, care and everything else. It's not their or our faults this mess the government has gotten itself into. You deregulated the banks; you took from Social Security for your own projects. It's not honorable to make Seniors pay for this, and very few can work now. It's INHUMANE to do this to your country's elderly that worked honorably and trusted you with their money.
    560 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert
  • Do not cut Social Security & Medicare Benefits
    The fiscal cliff which resulted in saving Wall Street bankers should not now penalize Main Street and retirees under the guise of compromise. Extending retirement age whilst ensuring the banks can continue business as usual is an insult to humanity. Do not allow the money we've all contributed all our lives to be affected by a "compromise" to a mess the Government itself created.
    501 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Greg Grajew
  • Congress Should Pay
    Instead of cutting Social Security, how about they take the pay of the Congressmen. The people who receive Social Security worked their whole lives and they are fed up with all the talk about taking their only source of income.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean Culbertson
  • Increase Taxes on Firearms for State Social Programs
    I have started a petition on We the People via Whitehouse.org to increase already existing taxes on firearms and ammo to specifically raise funds for state safety, education, and mental health programs. We need 150 signatures for it to be published on Whitehouse.org's We the People site and then 25,000 in 30 days for the administration to review it. Link is here: http://wh.gov/nTrv
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eduardo Wong
  • No Cuts to Medicare or Social Security
    Cuts to social security and Medicare will impact millions of retirees and disabled citizens like myself at a time when we have already given so much in the midst of this failing economy. We cannot afford more cuts to the programs we rely upon for our future retirement and health care. We paid in and we should be entitled to what was promised. Stop waste and abuse within these two programs and there will be no need to make cuts that will hurt everyone who depends upon the programs
    202 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Eadie Rowell
  • Don't cut my Social Security
    The future of the majority of Americans who have paid into and expected to receive back Social Security in the time of their life when they need it the most should not be compromised in order to give a tax break to the wealthiest Americans among us.
    623 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dan Fontanesi
  • No Social Security Cuts!
    I live on Disability. In 2008, I lost half of my IRA; the little that is left is for a dire emergency. Social Security would not be in this situation if Goverment had kept its hands off of it. I would like one of the Senators or Congress members live for a week under my conditions. No cable, paint peeling off ceiling, windows need caulking, $10/mo allotted for gasoline, one meal a day; yes I am really living in the lap of luxury. Tell me what would you cut from my budget?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary McNulty
  • Say "No" to Proposed Cuts in Social Security
    You may have heard that yesterday President Obama made an offer to Republican John Boehner to cut Social Security benefits and leave in place some of the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%. It is already difficult to make ends meet and provide for our daily needs. This is not the place to compromise. The good news is that many senators, including Senate Leader Harry Reid, have promised to oppose Social Security cuts in any deficit reduction package. If they hear from enough of their constituents, we can still get the Senate to reject this proposal and protect Social Security.
    320 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Ellis
  • Save our social security!
    I will be forced to give up my home if the cuts are enforced.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Phyllis Thomure