Bill Nelson& Harry Ried-No Social Security CutsThe proposed cuts to Social Security to make up for your (OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS). NO MORE CUTS!! NO MORE BORROWING!!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Outland
President Obama Please protect Social Security benefitsSo many who receive disability benefits will be adversely affected if Social Socurity benefits are cut. Lowering benefits for this most vulnerable population can be devastating. My daughter who is disabled and unable to work. She receives Social Security benefits which assist her with housing, food and other essentials for day to day living.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frederick Douglas
Do Not Put the Elderly On the StreetsSocial Security is falsely labeled an entitlement when everybody knows it is a government promise. Removing any benefits including COLA to current recipients is a death sentence to many elderly because cuts will force them to the streets in the cruelest fashion.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by J S Clark
DON'T CUT SOCIAL SECURITY!!!!!It's unfair to put the burden on seniors who are already finding it so difficult to make ends meet. They have worked their whole lives contributing to social security. Let's show that we support the President's recommendation to increase the tax on those making $250, 000 or more.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcie Vasta
Chained CPI & Social SecuritySocial Security is probably the most successful government program we've ever had. Since its inception in 1935, it has made money. Congress and the President must be told to leave it alone!665 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Fleischman
Don't make any significant cuts to Social Security.I now receive Social Security, am retired, and need our President and legislatures to not make cuts to people like myself that can affect their well being.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Sieg
Don't Cut a Cent from Social Security!Social Security is not, I repeat, is not part of the general fund. It is a separate fund. The money collected is only for funding Social Security, not anything else. The Federal Government; since Linden B. Johnson has stolen money from the Social Security Fund to pay for Wars! Viet Nam for one, and the invasion in Iraq and I'm sure for Afganastan. Here's a novel idea, how about paying back with interest all the money that was taken out of the Social Security fund over the last 48 years. Do not cut one cent from Social Security funding!44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosemary Baues
People unite in solidarity to demand tax fairness!We can get government by the people if we stop being divided over social and cultural issues. The special interests use these divisive issues to keep us too weak to counter their over-influence on our government.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Brezin
stop cpi adjustment!!.I have paid into S/S since I was 17 ,I am now 72 this is not an entitlement(which make sis sound like a giveaway).S/S was a self sustaining govt program that was used as a cash cow by the government to build 6.5 billion dollar aircraft carriers,2.5 billion dollar airplanes that were to expansive to fly to fight an imaginary enemy. Stop building defense equipment whose time has passed and wake up to the new reality of war in the 21st century. In the last 10 years I have lost my IRA because of fraud committed by wall street ,watched the value of my house plummet 50%,the cost of educating my children skyrocket and my salary stagnate. Enough with the cronyism and double dealing get the money from the guys you bailed out and leave us little guys with a few crumbs.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Syl Camiolo
No cuts to Social SecurityI'm over 65 and just getting by.849 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by RANDALL THOMAS
Leave Social Security as it is!Yes, I am a Social Security recipient and I worked very hard to earn my Social Security Benefits. Social Security does not to our Budget deficits. The only thing that SS does is get raided by the Government when they need to borrow from it to finance wars and other transgressions.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bruce Elliott
Don't Cut Social Security Benefits!!!!Do not cut Social Security. For many retirees this would mean critical cuts to benefits that cover medicine, food, and other daily necessities.137 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Theresa