• Leave Social Security alone
    Say no to Obama's proposal to cut Social Security benefits.
    594 of 600 Signatures
    Created by tom emdy
  • Improve Social Security
    The fear in America about retirement is about the fear of not having enough money to live reasonably well and have effective health insurance to live up to your potential. We need Social Security to step up to the plate for every working member of America to give us all peace of mind in our older years.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stu Erris
  • Reduce govt. pension increases, not Soc. Sec.
    I am on early Soc. Sec. because I needed the income, and it's ridiculous to consider reducing our small COLA increases when the CPI index used for the pct. increase doesn't even include food and energy, 2 of seniors' biggest costs, along with medical and shelter. With govt. workers' pensions out of control, how about reducing those and also, make EVERY govt. worker pay into Soc. Sec. too!
    474 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Carl Cooley
  • Stop Social Security Cuts
    President Obama made an offer to Republican John Boehner to cut Social Security benefits and leave in place some of the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%. The cuts in Social Security would amount to "a cut of more than 5 percent and more as the years go by." For many retirees this would mean critical cuts to benefits that cover medicine, food, and other daily necessities. Many senators have promised to oppose Social Security cuts in any deficit reduction package. If they hear from enough of us, we can still get the Senate to reject this proposal and protect Social Security.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathryn Carey
  • President Obama-don't cut Social Security and extend unemployment
    I have been unemployed and looking for a job with no success. It has greatly affected my future and present circumstances.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Miller
  • A petition to stop Social Security cuts.
    You may have heard that yesterday President Obama made an offer to Republican John Boehner to cut Social Security benefits and leave in place some of the Bush tax cuts for the top 2%. The cuts in Social Security are opposed by an overwhelming majority of SignOn.org members and would amount to "a cut of more than 5 percent and more as the years go by." For many retirees this would mean critical cuts to benefits that cover medicine, food, and other daily necessities.1,2 The good news is that many senators, including Senate Leader Harry Reid, have promised to oppose Social Security cuts in any deficit reduction package. If they hear from enough of their constituents, we can still get the Senate to reject this proposal and protect Social Security. As a SignOn.org member in New York, you can make a difference by launching a petition to your senators, Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer, and Majority Leader Reid. If you get it started, we'll email it to SignOn.org members in your area to help get it going.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Othitis
  • Take Social Security off the table.
    The Social Security Trust Fund is solvent and only problematic when political leaders see the money and want to use it. This was true of Lyndon B. Johnson, for his war in Southeast Asia, and in 1980 President Reagan and the democratic congress decided to tax the benefits. The COLA, initated in 1975 was used as a means to cope with out of control inflation, but has been kept until it's recent use in the "fiscal cliff" talks.. The SSI program must be taken off the table while the fiscal cliff is under discussion. Any revision of the program needs a concentrated analysis and review that guarantees any contributions to the SSI funds are put in a "locked box" for future generations. To use SSLI as a chip to leverage free income for the top 2% is a further deterioration for the life of older Americans. Remember SSI funds are used to to make Medicare payments and come out of the individuals monthly supplements. Medicare's fee didn't freeze, why keep taking money away from social security recipients. If you freeze the supplement, then make it tax free again.
    547 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bednarcik
    My husband and I are both 75, we have very small pensions from our previous jobs, but depend on our ss and medicare for living expenses, I would like to see all politians give up part of their income and see how that feels, if you all had to depend on ss, instead of your fat paychecks, and your cushy pensions, maybe, just maybe you can understand those of us who don't get what you do.
    298 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James & Johanna Wigley
  • Cut corporate entitlement not paid for social security
    The party of greed lost. Act accordingly.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by william miller
  • Cut Social Security Benefits for those who don't need them.
    There are probably many wealthy Americans who don't need their Social Security benefits to supplement their income. Maybe we should ask them to forfeit at least some if not all of their benefits to help the economy. For those who need them or is their only source of income, nothing should be taken away. If anything some of the money saved by those forfeiting should go to increase the benefits for those below the poverty level to a level that will help them improve their situations. I have a neighbor who only receives about $800 a month in SS benefits only because she was a housewife and mother most of her life and didn't have much of an employment history. She suffers monthly trying to figure out how she's going to survive and is not even eligible for food stamps because a portion of her income comes from the state supplement to her SS. Let's level the playing field and help those who really need it.
    564 of 600 Signatures
    Created by John P Sholly
  • You do not have permission to take our money
    Sign this petition against the cutting of Social Security!!!
    321 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Angela M Johnson
  • leave our money alone !
    we put into ss for our later years & you just give it to anyone ,even thro they haven't work a day in there life. This is NOT WELFARE & they shouldn't get any of it. There are so many getting it that there's no one left to put into it. GET AMERICA WORKING NOT SITTING ON THE SYSTEM. It's easy donig nothing & get a check every month.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by judy parisi