• Retired Workers Need Their FULL Social Security Benefits
    Retired workers are on limited income, social security is the largest part for a vast majority of them. These people paid for and were promised these benefits long ago. They need these benefits to survive. Social Security does NOT make anyone well off, they barely get by now. These cuts must be stopped and the constant usage of this money by our government for other purposes must be stopped now.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Harris
  • Fiscal Cliff: No Cuts to the Poor or Elderly
    President Obama we elected you to save America not to compromise with big corporations and over-lobbied Republicans. Keep the promises that got you elected, it is a sacred trust not an arbitrary action to be diluted by compromises to the wealthiest sector.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Bidleman
  • Social Security Is Not The Problem
    Social Security benefits have been reduced by 40% over the past 30 years. Every President has falsely claimed that it needs saving or it will go broke. Let's stop the lies right now. Social Security for people should be funded just like destructive wars, from the General Funds Account of the Treasury.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Bostick
  • Cuts to Social Security
    Those on Social Security certainly do not need a cut in benefits. Many now have to make a choice between food and medication. Why do we take from the poor and elderly in our society and not tax the wealthy appropriately. This should not even be up for discussion and should be off the table for any type of discussion.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by F. Toohey
  • Opposition To Cuts In Social Security
    I oppose any cuts to Social Security. My family totally relies on this income that I have paid into for years. I am sixty four years old and cannot affort any cuts whatsoever.
    454 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Silberberg
    As a Senior Citizen on fixed income, I cannot afford to have Social Security and/or Medicare funds cut. Our schools need necessary funding in order to prepare our children for the future... These cuts will serously affect the children and the elderly. STOP THESE CUTS!
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn E. Torain
  • Save Social Security
    For many retirees this would mean critical cuts to benefits that cover medicine, food, and other daily necessities.
    890 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ray Madeline
  • Oppose cuts in social security
    Senior citizens have suffered enough in trying to fix the economy.
    360 of 400 Signatures
    Created by George Adam
  • Don't cut Medicare or Social Security
    Social Security is the sole source of income for me as wall as many others. Please don't allow congress to put SS and Medicare on the chopping block. I have worked for a living since I was 15 years old and have paid into Medicare and SS as long as they have been there. I can no longer work. SS is my sole source of income. I worked for it, paid into it and need it and I need it to not be compromised. I have been without healthcare insurance for almost 10 years. I know the rich folks and the big corporations can afford more taxes. We in the middle class can not. Please don't compromise us in the middle class.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Piatt
  • Mr. President, don't sell out the middle class!
    Ask the President not to cut social security benefits, and not to agree to keep some of the Bush tax benefits for the wealthy.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alexia Baca-Morgan
  • Stopping Social Security Cuts
    These Social Security cuts will affect myself and so many other people like me and I am asking the President and Congress to oppose this movement on the broad side forever. People work their whole life and if they get to receive their Social Security benefits after 30 or more years of hard work. This is such a heart breaking feeling to many of us in this situation because benefits for Congressional folks is a no brainer. They are able to retire almost at a bat of an eye and God only knows what else are the benefits they get that is not mentioned or said. It is really sad that no one really cares about other people today and especially the ones that made it to the top. Well, we all can not make it to the top some one has to be at the bottom. Please make it better for us as a whole. Politicals already have their money in place and have nothing to worry about as far as income, but on the other hand we do. I hope someone cares. Please try to be good to other people, even if you don't know them. We get stuck sometimes on people we know and the people you don't know we have a good heart too. Merry Christmas to All!!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Hardy
  • Stop Proposed Social Security Cuts
    Social Security is not the place to take money to make up for the Fiscal Cliff or the deficit.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Wagar