Capitalism needs-. healthcare and taxes on rich.Support Obama by all meansRep don't understand capitalistic society at all. We have capitalistic means of production, but society is human capital and this is crucial to value of the dollar to EURO ,yen etc.Healthly society, with strong middle class , without waste, excessive pays.Money belongs to People -taxpayers, not to banks.We have to correct money flow -credits to save capitalism , not to destroys the way Republican are thinking - auto-destruction. No gold standard, wealth is relative to society capital.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arthur Guziel
National Land Value Tax (LVT Petition)This is a petition that law be written to enact a national land value tax on behalf of the poor, the environment and the preservation of our country as the great bastion and vanguard of liberty and light in the world, the inspiration for peace. Land value taxation discourages land price speculation, the profitability of which raises the cost of living to the maximum amount society can bear, but produces zero goods or services, causing the increasing wealth and income disparities plaguing our country and the unnecessary destruction of our environment.73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Jon Monroe, Jr.
Retired Workers Stimulus and Tax Relief BillEncourage jobs and increased earnings for Americans by rescinding the tax collected on SSI benefits, paid to retirees who return to work and earn more than $13,000/yr. in new wages.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Glass
Rep. Bill Young: I have a job, but it doesn't pay enough to get by on. Do you have an apology?My name's Pepe and I make $8.50 per hour -- barely enough to get by on in South Florida. On July 4th, I had the opportunity to ask Bill Young, the man who represents me in Congress, if he might support raising the minimum wage. His response, before walking away: "GET A JOB." Bill Young is out of touch and doesn't understand how the minimum wage impacts my life. Yet he doesn't have any problem increasing his own wage on the backs of taxpayers. I recently found out that he voted to increase his own salary to nearly $175,000! Join me in asking Congressman Young for an apology and a real answer about why he doesn't support raising the minimum wage.605 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Pepe Kovanis
Social Security should be fairly taxed whether someone makes $24,000/Year or $1,000,000/YearThere is a discrimination in how social security is taxed for the rich and average people. It should be taxed at the same rate irrespective of how much one makes. Someone making $110K per year in taxable income pays approx $8400 in social security/disability taxes and someone making a million dollar in taxable income also pays approx. $8400 in social security taxes. This is very unfair taxation. Not only tax payers are unfairly treated but even the social security is loosing billions of dollars in funds every year. A person making $1M/year should be paying the same percentage on all of their taxable income.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harish Kumar
Stand with President Obama on the EconomyPresident Obama has done a good job of guiding us through these tough economic times. Unfortunately, Republicans are trying to spin-doctor the economic story to blame him -- even as they offer NO ideas themselves. Let Congress know you stand with him on the economy!55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Eberhart
employee protection from False reference checksAs the job market is tight, a manager with a grudge could hurt your career and live, not due to being bad employee, just because of a manager with no ethical standards. This petition is for both employees and employers, as employers get blame for unethical acts that they did not conduct. The proposal is to have a law that we a reference is giving by a company the reference statements are documented and a copy sent to the employee. If there is an issue with the employee a third party could be used. This will allow the employees and employer’s freedoms have to worry of their checks for potential employment and career.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank Evans
Voting with your taxesI want t a bill that changes our income taxes to include how we want our taxes to be spent by the government. If i don't want my taxes used for war, I think I should have the right to direct the money I give toward what I want: education, environment, infrastructure, medical or scientific research, support of research on eliminating famine, etc etc etc. I respect the right of others to direct their taxes toward the FDA or the CIA or the FBI if they want to. This would be democracy at its best. A demand for transparency on how the government then sends our money.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Luc Watelet
fight bank of americaI am stuck with a 6 3/4% interest only mortgage rate that B of A currently services and will not reduce. I am not delinquent, have a high fico score - however the value of my house is underwater and my loan is privately owned. Wells Fargo and Chase have already lowered many of their mortgage rates without any fees or documented income. Why can't B of A do the same?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by candace blankenship
Repeal the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act of 2011When the Michigan Legislature passed and Governor Snyder signed the Fireworks Safety Act of 2011, their goal was to increase revenue to the state of Michigan and to encourage citizens to buy consumer fireworks in Michigan rather than in neighboring states. The result has been a drastic increase in the amount and violence of private fireworks displays all over the state of Michigan, thereby endangering people, pets and property. It is not worth the additional revenue. We want to return to the time before 2011 when these airborne fireworks were illegal to sell, purchase and use in the State of Michigan.43,428 of 45,000 SignaturesCreated by Brad Lang
Reduce high interest on federal taxes owed.I have been unable to pay down my federal tax debt because the interest added to it monthly is more than the amount I owed initially. I cannot afford to pay the back taxes owed so adding interest to it makes it worse and frustrating.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Terence Komtangi
Why Raising IEOSD Will Create Millions of Jobs.Low interest rates are helping only one group, the richest people in America, and the greedy, 1%. If the Austerity mongers gets all that it wishes; ending Collective Bargaining, cuts in pensions, Medicare, Social Security, laying-off millions of people, what will happen? The discretionary income of approximately 80 – 90 million people will be all but annihilated. The companies whom they support by buying goods and services will be diminished and those companies they were patronizing by buying goods and services will go bankrupt and added to the present 31 million out of work and underemployed will more than double making the depression of 1929 look like a lark in the park. Austerity is exactly the worst approach. See the success of Argentina, Brazil, and the Northern European nations like Sweden, Norway and Denmark, who used FDR’s processes. One does not pull back on marketing when business is dragging it increases and improves marketing. There is right now $7.77 trillions in savings in US banks at a near zero rate of IEOSD-(Interest Earned On Savings Deposits) yielding to depositors next to nothing. Instead of the depositors gaining the banks are keeping it and doing nothing with it. At a rate of 5% on IEOSD the $7.77 trillions would yield $385 billion dollars, which, if given at least that rate of 5% (IEOSD) as was the case before the attack on Iraq) estimates say the depositors would pump into the market place about 75% - 90% of that money. The 99% own about 50% ($192 Billions) of that cash. They would spend or invest it quickly and thus will create sales and jobs. The present rate of near zero IEOSD pumps NOTHING into the economy and Mr. Bernanke wants to keep it that way for almost three more years, while the banks are keeping the interest which depositors, should be receiving. I further suggest that Either by an Executive Order or a new Bill ad huge excise taxes on all currently outsourced jobs which bring outsourced goods to meet or exceed prices of similar goods made in one of the 50 states of the USA. The United States has had a public debt since it’s founding in 1791. Debt relative to GDP rose rapidly during the 1980s under president Ronald Reagan, whose economics policies increased military spending and lowered tax rates. Gross debt in nominal dollars quadrupled during the Reagan era as well as during the era the senior Bush presidencies between 1980 -1992. The net public debt quintupled in nominal terms. Debt held by the public had declined from 28% to 26% of GDP in the 1970s; by contrast, it rose to 41% of GDP by the end of the 1980s. But all of that money went to corporations who grew NO new jobs. You cannot spend money and lower taxes at the same time that is like quitting your job and buying a new house. “Economist Mike Kimel notes that the last five Democratic Presidents (Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon B. Johnson, John F. Kennedy, and Harry S. Truman) all reduced public debt as a share of GDP, while the last four Republican Presidents (George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford) all oversaw an increase in the country’s indebtedness. Economic historian J. Bradford DeLong, former Clinton Treasury Department official, noted that the contrast was not so much between Republicans and Democrats, but between Democrats and "old-style Republicans (Eisenhower and Nixon)" who on one hand (decreasing debt), and "new-style Republicans" on the other (increasing debt). D.Stockman, director of the OMB under President Reagan, in an op-ed in the New York Times, blamed the "ideological tax-cutters" of the Reagan administration for the increase of national debt during the 1980s." PART ONE: I suggest a petition to raise Interest Earned on Savings of Deposit to bring to Americans with savings in banks $385 billion dollars which would be pumped into the economy raising jobs. PART TWO: I further suggest that Either by an Executive Order or a new Bill ad huge excise taxes on all currently outsourced jobs which bring outsourced goods to meet or exceed prices of similar goods made in one of the 50 states of the USA.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Professor Peter Bagnolo