• tell the seattle and king county councils to approve the nba/nhl arena!!!!!!!!!!
    Currently there are on going talks between an investor group(involving chris hansen, steve ballmer and the nordstroms) and the city of seattle as well as king county councils, to bring a new state of the art arena into seattle in order to have an nba team and an nhl team play in seattle. Mr Hansen and his group has a memoranda of understanding between the city of seattles mayor(mcginn), and his investor group on the proposal to build a new arena. Mr Hansen and his group are asking for $200 million in public bonding to aid in the construction of this new arena, and have agreed to pay all other costs of construction, a new nba team and any cost overruns or shortfalls throughout a 30 year binding lease. The bonds would be paid back via any taxes collected on use of the building. If you don't go to games, or set foot in the building you would never have to worry about being charged for it. If approved this deal would create 1000's of jobs and bring in billions of dollars into the economy in king county and seattle!This deal is about as good as it gets, yet the councils are dragging their collective feet and appear to be looking for reasons to reject it. Tell them you want it! Say yes! Bring back our sonics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by casey enfield
  • Congress must keep their promise.
    What happens when you don't pay your mortgage? When do we start paying down our debts? Your part of our national debt is growing every minute. Oh, Congress didn't tell you that to spend more money now they have decided to mortgage our future and the future of our children? Too bad. Now is time for you to act.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Lynch
  • Fair taxes for everyone!
    I would like to encourage every tax payer to read a book called the Fair Tax Plan, and then contact their congress men and women to create legislation to enact this plan. This is not a new idea and I have been a big fan for years, but every day it becomes more and more relevant due to the class warfare and the economy in this Country.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Bernhard
  • Jobs Squared
    Multiplying the jobs initiative of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom O'Neill
  • Mitt Romney's Offshore Accounts
    Asking Mitt Romney to come clean about his finances.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Ito
  • Stop Texans from Paying Governor Perry's Security Expenses from his presidential Campaign
    Texas Taxpayers should not have to pay for Governor Perry's Career ambitions but Texans have been billed $2.2 million in out-of-state travel expenses for Gov. Rick Perry's security detail since his November 2010 re-election, including his failed presidential bid and other trips ranging from vacations to state business and political gatherings, according to updated figures released Friday.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C.M. Marshall
  • Jobs not war
    Stop this crazy fear talk and bring back jobs instead of financing corporations that are not humans. Save the American human race from becoming a third world country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Olga Del Toro
  • Congress: Do your job, NOW!
    Americans are disgusted with the lack of action by Congress. They must pass legislation for tax reform, raising the debt ceiling to avoid another lowering of the U.S. credit rating and pass the President's jobs bill to get more Americans back to work right away. We must not accept Congress waiting until after the election to pass these bills and do their jobs.
    432 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Gerard Greiner
  • Say "No" to SA home tax increase!
    Mayor Castro wants to raise San Antonio Homeowner taxes by nearly 30 million dollars to start redundant teacher training programs. This effort comes at a time when there is already a surplus of qualified and certified pre k teachers. Also, half day funding for pre k already exists.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Citizens Against DuplicateTaxes
  • Governor Tom Corbett Help the Poor, Give Back the Auto Allowance to those Who Want to Work!
    As of May 2012, Governor Tom Corbett has taken away any car allowance to help low income people get a vehicle or get vehicle repairs to get them to school or to work. This is unacceptable! We want the allowance put back into affect immediately! You have a leased vehicle that costs taxpayers over $600 per month. Do your job and help the poor get back on their feet.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Fabri
  • Romney Business Credentials
    Mitt is running on one platform; to defeat President Obama. He has stated that his most important credential to do this is in creating jobs during his career, specifically at Bain Capital. Indications are that jobs were outsourced. Also, his assets are hidden in accounts outside the U.S. Voters of all stripes need to know the details of his business dealings in order to assess how Mitt's business practices will support his contention that he has, and will, create jobs. The most efficient and effective way to do this is to release a decade's worth of tax returns, as his father did a generation ago. This is especially important in light of the fact that the McCain ticket would not consider Romney as a running mate based on this information. Why should WE consider him. In four years, not much will have changed. VOTERS ARE ENTITLED TO THIS INFORMATION in order to make an informed decision in November.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James A Harrison
  • End Wall Street Speculation on Oil
    The price of oil is set by the Futures Market, not by some non-partisan entity that calculates the supply and demand of that commodity. It is estimated that 1/3 the price of gas and diesel is due to speculation on Wall Street, and the hoarding of oil by large pension and hedge funds in storage facilities, tankers and containers. This must end, as the consumer pays this extortion rate through every gallon of gas he spends that is syphoned off through this speculative process.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Bray