• Vote Against The Norquist Pledge
    All voters in the upcoming November elections, should hereby agree to NOT vote for any politician that takes the Norquist pledge.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Book
  • Apple: Start Making Devices In The USA
    After admitting that the foreign manufacturers and assemblers contracted to make its devices engage in inhumane labor practices, Apple has done little to definitively address the problem. Granted, such inaction may have to do with the limited influence Apple has over the labor policies of its contractors and the regulatory regimes of foreign countries. However, this is no excuse for Apple's continued use of what effectively amounts to slave labor to make iPhones, iPads and other gadgets, especially as millions remain jobless in the United States, whose consumer market is largely responsible for making Apple so successful. We are calling upon CEO Tim Cook to make good on his promise to address Apple's labor problems - and reinvest in the consumers of its products - by bringing those jobs back the United States, where labor protections and industry regulations will prevent the ongoing abuse that is rampant in overseas labor markets.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Stanford
  • Control the price of Crude Oil, Gasoline and Diesel Fuels
    Commodity market speculation is driving the price of fuel through the roof. We are paying the highest sustained price for gasoline and diesel fuel in history. These prices are killing the economy and are, for all practical purposes, a tax being paid to Big Oil, primarily by the poor and middle class, two groups who can least afford it during these hard times. Commodity market speculation is a major component of these sky high prices that can and should be regulated!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tommy Nefcy
  • Urge President Obama to sove the unemployment by moving forward into a Hightech Economy.
    The unemployment percentage will not be solved under the Industrial Revolution Economy..We must move to the High Technology Economy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucien B.Padawer
    Our nation is in desperate need of infrastructure repairs, upgrades, and modernization to move our economy into this new century. Our economy, for both the long-term and to kick-start growth now, depends on our leaders putting America before politics.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Sikes
    Our nation is in desperate need of infrastructure repairs, upgrades, and modernization to move our economy into this new century. Our economy, for both the long-term and to kick-start growth now, depends on our leaders' putting America before politics.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Sikes
  • IRA Taxes
    Seniors numbering in tens of millions have saved in IRA retirement accounts all their lives. Now I find that when I withdraw from an IRA account it is added to my social security income and I pay tax on both. I would not pay on social security otherwise. This was never the intent of an IRA account. Lets stimulate the economy and allow seniors to have a tax holiday from double taxation.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by larry johnson
  • There are non-profits and then there are non-profits.
    I believe we need to tax certain "non-profits" -those that benefit the wealthy and those that provide services to those that can afford the service. Tax exemptions and deductions should be reserved only for non-profits that serve the poor.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Garrett
  • Outlaw Confidentiality in Professional References
    To avoid abuses like vindictiveness, framing of co-workers, or preventing underpaid employees from moving on, it is vital to have transparency in all job references. Job seekers should always be able to learn what their references are saying about them, so they can know what is going on. Honest job references should not have to shun the light of day.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diegote
  • national harbor ballot referendum
    a ballot referendum to let the citizens of MD decide to expand gaming, to increase state revenues and provide employment.This is the largest privately funded construction project in the U.S. to be built @ National Harbor in Prince Georges county, MD. Gov. O'Malley needs to call a special of the legislature and to get the referendum passed.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jeffry guido
  • Know Before You Buy!
    Buying American-made products.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John D Wooding
  • Let Us Grow Hemp
    My neighbors are farmers in Arkansas, and like farmers all over the country, their hands are bound by a bad law left over from the 1930s that prevents the cultivation of industrial hemp. Growing hemp has too many advantages: -- its fiber: for the construction of cars and homes -- its cultivation and processing: jobs and more jobs for American farms and factories -- its oil: fueling cars, planes, and manufacturing all sorts of plastics -- it’s a substitute for trees! A single unit of land dedicated to hemp can make 4 times as much paper as trees, and they grow in just one year! Why import billions from Canada when we can grow it here at home?
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Coger