No Taxation Of E-Commerce In ColoradoThe taxing of e-commerce in Colorado, which is under intense debate in the legislature, is a job killer and is driving many large on-line companies to pull out of Colorado or refuse to base their operations or distribution centers here. Very few states attempt to tax e-commerce, knowing that to do so would stifle and restrict growth in an ever more critical area of the US economy.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher Savin
Require Trade Partners to Meet Labor, Safety, Environmental StandardsFree trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA have decimated the US manufacturing base in large part because many of our trade partners operate without the protections for workers rights, safety, or a decent wage. Many also aren't subject to environmental standards we respect, like the Clean Air Act. With a fair playing field, we can better compete and bring more manufacturing jobs back to the US, as well as improve environmental, labor and safety standards worldwide.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ron Sokol
End Corporate Tax Dodging via "Creative Accounting Practices"Tax laws and savvy accountants have allowed corporations to bend the rules, cheat the system and ultimately avoid paying their fair share to the U.S. economy. Its time to take a hard stance on these corporations and get them to pony up what they owe to the American people. For example, a recent New York Times article states that Apple has "found legal ways to allocate about 70 percent of its profits overseas, where tax rates are often much lower". This has deprived the U.S. economy of an estimated 2 BILLION dollars in tax revenue in 2011 alone. Folks, that's one corporation in the technology sector. Tax loopholes are exploited every year across all sectors of business. It's time to seal the cracks and rebuild America!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Nevala
Bring the House Farm Bill to the floorWhy has Speaker Bohnmer stopped the Farm Bill from coming to the floor for a vote?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fred Dameron
Elizabeth Esty: Stop the attacksEMILY's List just announced that they're going to attack Chris Donovan on behalf of Elizabeth Esty, and according to their own press release, they're relying on some of the worst right-wing framing to do it. When Donovan and Esty both served in Hartford, Donovan led Democrats in passing a budget that raised taxes on millionaires in order to protect education and health care funding. Esty led a renegade group that wrote a more conservative budget that made deep cuts in the programs progressives care about. Donovan has fought for fair wages, access to healthcare, funding for education, voting rights, and fair taxes. These are the very issues conscientious citizens see as priorities to building a fair and equitable society. But EMILY's List is attacking Donovan for his "record on taxes" and praising Esty for "returning taxpayer money." They call right-wing budget cuts "responsible budgeting." These attacks are based on code words that right-wingers use, and they don't belong in a Democratic primary.237 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Laura Jensen
RomneyAs Americans nothing is totally private anymore, Romney refuses to disclose his tax records, if we have to because of college and other reason so should he ...Please sign my petition if you think NO politician is EXEMPT!!!!!!!!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Wood
Mitt Romney,your not exempt.Disclose tax returns for the past 12 years4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by michelle
HVC job clubIn lieu of the attacks on the poorer people of Pennsylvania, alternative plans have been made to convince the Governor (Tom Corbett) to reconsider the manner in which he has been introducing bills. Sign this petition to join in the collective efforts of the Harmonious Volunteer Center. Visit our website and become a member of a movement to create Jobs.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Irvin B Shannon
Gov. Romney, Release your tax returnsGov. Romney should release his tax returns. His failure to do so only furthers the belief that he feels he is above everyone else1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Williams
Bring back the WPAA large number of families are living on welfare. Take the money they get paid, and have them rebuild the infrastructure of our nation to earn it.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James
Foreclosure Elimination FundCreating a foreclosure elimination fund to help homeowners keep their home, or pay down their mortgage substantially. I have seen my neighbor lose his home to foreclosure. The property is currently for sale.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Osbourne
Bain Capital: Save American JobsBain Capital owns Sensata Technologies, which bought the plant where I work in Freeport, Illinois two years ago. Now, Sensata plans to ship our jobs to China. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose my job, and I'm not alone. 165 American workers are set to be laid off from the Freeport plant. Mitt Romney's friends at Bain Capital have the power to stop these 165 jobs from being shipped to China. All they have to do is pick up the phone.35,604 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Randecker