• One set of offices
    The state of Illinois has a state capital in Springfield. The state is trying to save money by cutting serves that are badly needed for people in Illinois such Murray Center, The Animal Disease Lab, Tamms Prison, and many more. However, they are still moving government offices to Chicago. Why are we paying rent in Chicago where rent is very high while our capital is in Springfield which is in the center of the state and where things are at lot lower cost?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Hawkins
  • Tax Churches
    Churches receive tax exempt status because it is assumed that they provide social services to the community. This is wrong and illogical for three reasons at least. One: church assistance does not relieve any taxpayer burden. No one goes off medicare or medicaid because the church is paying the bill. No one stops receiving food stamps because they've gotten enough food boxes from the local parish. Taxpayers still provide social services in the billions. Two: If churches have the right to make political contributions to further their agenda, they should contribute to the public process by which they gain that agenda, just like we all do. Three: Freedom isn't free. It costs all of us to keep freedom of religion a solid cornerstone of the meaning of our country, just like all our other freedoms. Those benefitting from that protection should pay for it too.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Welter
  • non violent cannibus offender jobs program
    One easy way for state and local governments to save money is by releasing non violent offenders. In order to keep them accountable and increase tax revenues such release would depend on them getting a Job. Non violent offenders should have access to career builders, and if employed they should be released as long as they stay employed.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard
  • Censure the 112th U.S. House of Representatives for unconstitutional loss of AAA Credit Rating.
    Because the 112th session of the U.S. House of Representatives failed to take appropriate action the United States of America lost it's AAA credit rating for the first time in history and threatened our nation with default.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrean Beecher
  • Pass the President's Job Bill
    Creating jobs in the state of Arizona . Our state legislature is busy passing contraceptive, abortion rights and a 1070 bills that don't create jobs. The sheriff is busy researching the President's Birth Certificate. Our Senators are being obstructionist. We need JOBS.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Willie Mae
  • Pass the President's Job Bill
    Creating jobs in the state of Arizona . Our state legislature is busy passing contraceptive, abortion rights and a 1070 bills that don't create jobs. The sheriff is busy researching the Presidents Birth Certificate. Our Senators are being obstructionist. We need JOBS.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Willie Mae
  • Tell WellPoint Inc Ins Do Not Send Medical Jobs Over Seas
    WellPoint Inc owner of Anthem Blue Cross of Ca is planing to out source medical staff- to shift clinical service and decision-making on medical care over seas, primarily to India and the Philippians. Already insurance companies have been out sourcing data processing, accounting and other jobs. This is contributing to our national economic and jobless situation.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Brown
  • JUBILEE PROGRAM for Economic Recovery
    I want to see our American economic make a turnaround
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Young
  • It's time to adopt the Progressive Self-Adjusting Flat Tax
    The Progressive Self-Adjusting Flat (SAFT) is fair, lowers taxes for everyone, eliminates budget deficits and eliminates the National Debt within a predetermined period (around 15 years or less). If adopted, SAFT will bring confidence in the American economy back to Americans as well as to the rest of the world, which is so dependent on America's economic health. Please see the video presentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82b7cTX53mk. SAFT uses an EXCEL spreadsheet (Tax Calculator) based on the IRS's own spreadsheets to achieve its ultimate goal of a "Revenue-Neutral" budget after the National Debt is eliminated. SAFT sets permanent Tax rates of which the lowest is 5% for incomes between $15,000 and $50,000 and the highest is 20% for incomes over $10,000,000. With "full" employment, once the National Debt is paid off, the SAFT permanent tax rates might even have to be set lower to maintain a Revenue-Neutral State.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Winston Negron
  • Fast affordable internet for all America
    America and Americans need fast cheap internet service to be informed and globally competitive. Other countries have better, cheaper service and universal coverage. As part of rebuilding America to revitalize the economy, we should extend the internet and possibly make it a regulated utility. Internet connectivity is too important to be left to the indifference, poor coverage and exploitation of the telco and cable companies' effective monopolies. It's as important as electricity: broadband for all.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Stewart Dean
  • Adirondack Railroad: Lake Placid to Utica!
    We have the rails. We have the natural beauty of our area. Unfortunately, we have few roads, and those that we do have can't be widened to accommodate more cars. Running the railroad from Lake Placid, through Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake, to Utica, there to connect to Amtrak, would bring enormous benefits.
    1,787 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Emmett Hoops
  • US Representative Yoder, support the bill to cut taxes for middle class, not for upper class
    Since the 70s, the upper 5%ers have done very well, while the middle and lower class have not. The Government and the middle/lower class do NOT have the resources to stimulate this economy.....the 5%ers do. Anyone earning over $250K a year can afford to take on about 3% more in taxes while allowing the middle class more money in their pockets from tax cuts before December 31, 2011 to buy the products of the upper class!! Sounds fair to both sides to me!
    996 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Al Frisby