stop the war on the poorthr gop has this war to keep the working poor and the poor down and keep them down.we must stop them3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kevinptr
HOME OWNER TAX REDUCTION FOR MILITARY SERVICEAt least 20 states have HO Tax reduction for all military service men/women who are serving presently and past service. Would like to see Arizona and all other states do the same rather then just a "pat on the back" for those who didn't die for their country.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by henry olsen
End PovertyGet the UN to Raise the World Minimum Wage to the equivalent of 10 USD. No one should struggle if they try.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ken
Audit RomneySince when can one hide money from the IRS? Imagine if We The People tried to pull what Mitt Romney is pulling? Is he scared of being jailed perhaps? Do the IRS not want to know if he owes THEM money? Either they Audit Romney or they are PART of the problem.249 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Goldston
Tax monies spent for political advertising and lobbyingCertain individuals and corporations seem to have unlimited funds to spend to push their agendas and buy influence. We need a Special Tax on those monies spent for political advertising and lobbying. Let the People share in the sale of their futures!!!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Clay VanHorn
MADE IN THE U.S.A.Make a law that says items must contain 80% of content made here in the United States of America1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by PAT COCHRAN
New Life Retirement at 60!Allowing laborers or anyone toiling at sixty who wishes to retire immediately without penalty would not only open up hundreds of thousands of jobs, but unleash spending sprees, traveling, changes of locale, and in general provide all the jobs we need but stir up the economy to boot. My guess is we'll come out ahead and make a whole lot of people very happy.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by molly cruz
Nepotism used in SC State House employmentSC Governor has hired her 14 year old daughter to work in the State House gift shop. The other potential job applicants were overlooked and a less qualified person was employed because of their relationship with the governor.1,619 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Fishman
Taxes on Corporate AmericaIf companies manufacture over twenty-five percent of their product overseas out side of the USA, then their tax breaks should start to deminish. If 90 percent of their company is produced in the United States then they are allowed to have tax breaks.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Weinberg
save american troop lives and create jobsgetting a machine deployed to save lives and create high tech high paying jobs in all fifty states3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ronald albritton
Deliver to President Obama and Congress this unique economic approach to reach full employment wi...This petition has two goals of roughly equal importance. There is a eco-political article posted at www.econostan.com that describes cause and effect of presently argued critical economic policies such as why company’s hire, does lowering income taxes reduce unemployment etc., written at a level that can easily be understood by the average person with absolutely no economic background. . It also contains a unique economic approach to jump start the economy and attain full employment within three years. Goal one is to get potential petition signers to read the article so that they’ll recognize when politicians are lying to them about the effects of these policies. Goal two is to get the President’s Council of Economic Advisors to read, evaluate, and hopefully use this approach to relieve unemployment. Hopefully signers will do so by August 15, 2012.51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stanley Sherman
Fair Tax IncreaseFor the congress to increase taxes to decrease the deficit on the American govenment financially. To bring jobs back to the American business and workers.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michele Kotula