• Give the Little person a Chance: Equalize Taxation
    When wealthy persons pay their taxes, they often have multiple deductions amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars and saving them from paying taxes. Lower income persons who have few deductions often end up paying a higher percentage of their meager incomes than the very wealthy, (regressive taxation). Lets make it even: No taxes at all on the first $22,000 of income for everyone, and then no other deductions allowed. Period. In one stroke the little guy gets a chance to save without having extra dollars taxed away, and the wealthy get equal treatment before the law.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Rice
    Our couintry has trusted the financial indrustry to be good stewards with the infrastructure of "how" our commerce is administered. However, it has been an oversight of all of our regulating agencies that those same financial leaders are ruining the lives of many. Most people cannot find safe options to save for retirement or college. All banking institutions do not provide adequate returns, even though their profits are greater than any other time in history. Since we cannot force banks to increase their paultry APR, our government needs to recognize that Americans deserve to save for themselves without the banks control. Why can't we have a chance to control our own lives? SS is being depleted everyday. Stocks are over valued and reeks of ponzinysm. Banks are surely playing hardball - look at the profit margins. It is even illegal to have a bonus or profit sharing options while being regulated as a federal institution. Who are supposed to enforcement these laws? If we can establish an option for people who simply can't afford to play games with their money, that would help fix the economy, probably faster than any tax break. Say 5-6 % APR. Let us SAVE OURSELVES.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ann henry
  • Petition to finance the world's best infrastructure with 100-year, zero percent Treasury bonds.
    To spend more than tax revenue provides, the Fed sells T-bills on the open market and pays interest on the bonds, creating a serious annual debt interest expense and adding to the national debt. This restricts spending on infrastructure necessary for competing in a world market. During World War II, the Fed bought Treasury bonds "at any price and in any quantity" to finance the war. The price was very low and the quantity was very high. The money paid salaries which, after the war, turned old farms into new suburbs, starting our golden age.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marvin Sussman
  • Jobs & Healthcare Coverage for all Americans
    Jobs.... The number of family members and friends that are unemployed due to lack of funds to operate businesses. These are persons that don't want hand out but the fishing rod so that they can fish for themselves.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Olga Del Toro
  • President Obama: Bring Home Troops; Put Them to Work Building Bridges in USA.
    Lets bring our brave men home and create jobs here in the USA building bridges, roads, schools, dams etc. Move all of these fighting men into the ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. We already are paying these military salaries in a war project, now continue to pay them salaries in a PEACE project. This would not add to the defecit and these Army Corps of Engineer projects would spin off thousands of other civilian jobs in communities all across the USA.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Frost
    Democrats in congress must show all their supporters that they have a spine and decide that they are ready to go "Off the Cliff". The cliff comes into place on December 31, 2012 when the Bush budget tax cuts are set to expire and the Defense budget is automatically set to be reduced by $500 billion. As I watched Lawrence O'donnel yesterday carefully explain why Democrats in Congress and Senate must call the Republican bluff by allowing the Bush Tax cuts to expire and the Defense budget cut to take effect, I was reminded that these are critical areas of interest to Republicans. Where these actions to take effect Republicans they will find themselves in a bind. As Republicans have always claimed, by allowing the Bush Tax cuts to expire, Congress will in effect be allowing a tax increase on all Americans because tax rates will go back to what the rates during President Clinton's presidency. And we know how resolute the Republicans are regarding any tax increase. Secondly, The Department of Defense Budget has always been a sneaky way for Republicans to direct government spending to their friends and allies in the military industrial complex. By allowing the Defense budget cut to take effect, Republicans will come under from their allies. President Obama has presented a tax bill to maintain the Bush tax cuts for all Americans except those 2% of Americans making in excess of $250,000 a year. But the Republicans have indicated that they will not allow tax cuts for 98% of Americans unless Millionaires also get the tax cut. The strategy outlined by some Democrats in the Senate to counter the Republican bluff is for Democrats to do nothing and just sit on their hands and allow the Bush Tax cut to expire and the Defense budget cut to take effect as of January 2013. After that they can represent the President's tax bill once again and challenge the Republicans to vote against tax cut for 98% of Americans. As much as this is a brilliant strategy, my fear is that some democrats in the Senate will play chicken and not stick with their other colleagues to call the Republican bluff. Please send the following simple message to all Democratic elected officials to let them know that we are taking a pledge that is even stronger than the pledge that their Republicans colleagues made to Grover Norquist: " Democrats all over the country will be watching and keeping a score of the actions of Democratic Representatives in Congress. Anyone of them who refuses, or bows to pressure against the President or the Democratic strategy to combat the Republicans in this latest Strategy to "go over the cliff", will find themselves a target for a brutal attack and determined opposition to their reelection". It is about time that Senate Democrats grow a spine and stick together.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SAM BUMA
  • Free Humanity
    Take the power from the global elite.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Bacon
  • USA Flags Must be Manufactured in the USA
    My petition is about the Flag of the United States of America. Our military personnel fight for our country using the stars and stripes of the USA flag as their banner for freedom and liberty for all. Citizens of the USA pledge their allegiance to the flag. Don't you think that Flag should say "made in the United States of America"? It is time to take back our outsourced manufacturing jobs and our USA Flag should be our number one priority.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Davenport
  • Raise the value of People
    We need to repeal the capital gains exemption in the federal tax code. The capital gains exemption reduces the tax rate of income from capital gains. This raises the value of money and reduces the value of people's labor. This tax exemption distorts values by inflating the value of capital items and diminishing the value of labor.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Adamski
  • Off the Cliff Campaign
    See Lawrence O'Donnell's "Last Word" segment that aired last night (July 18). Get ready to support the "Off the Cliff" Campaign. It has growing support from even the veteran Repubs! Can you believe it? Finally COMPROMISE! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45755883/vp/48235591#48235591 Contact your Democratic congressperson and senator now. Let them know that you support this initiative and willing to take their hand and GO "OFF THE CLIFF" WITH THEM!!!
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MzGloJean
  • Let the Bush tax cut expire.
    If we let the Bush tax cuts expire, congress can reinstate the middle class cuts with out the Republicans having to worry about the pledge to Grover Norquist.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Axtell
  • Shrink Wall Street speculation
    It is time for the U. S. Congress to pass a Wall Street speculation tax, both to shrink the amount of speculation and to raise funds to offset the downside of their risky behavior. A .03 per cent tax on all trades as proposed by Iowa Senator Harkin and Oregon Representative DeFazio would generate $350 billion in the first nine years. It is time for Wall Street to be responsible for itself and its effect on the country.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Advocate