• Romney
    As Americans nothing is totally private anymore, Romney refuses to disclose his tax records, if we have to because of college and other reason so should he ...Please sign my petition if you think NO politician is EXEMPT!!!!!!!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Wood
  • Mitt Romney,your not exempt.
    Disclose tax returns for the past 12 years
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by michelle
  • HVC job club
    In lieu of the attacks on the poorer people of Pennsylvania, alternative plans have been made to convince the Governor (Tom Corbett) to reconsider the manner in which he has been introducing bills. Sign this petition to join in the collective efforts of the Harmonious Volunteer Center. Visit our website and become a member of a movement to create Jobs.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Irvin B Shannon
  • Gov. Romney, Release your tax returns
    Gov. Romney should release his tax returns. His failure to do so only furthers the belief that he feels he is above everyone else
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Williams
  • Bring back the WPA
    A large number of families are living on welfare. Take the money they get paid, and have them rebuild the infrastructure of our nation to earn it.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James
  • Foreclosure Elimination Fund
    Creating a foreclosure elimination fund to help homeowners keep their home, or pay down their mortgage substantially. I have seen my neighbor lose his home to foreclosure. The property is currently for sale.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Osbourne
  • Bain Capital: Save American Jobs
    Bain Capital owns Sensata Technologies, which bought the plant where I work in Freeport, Illinois two years ago. Now, Sensata plans to ship our jobs to China. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose my job, and I'm not alone. 165 American workers are set to be laid off from the Freeport plant. Mitt Romney's friends at Bain Capital have the power to stop these 165 jobs from being shipped to China. All they have to do is pick up the phone.
    35,602 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Randecker
    Housing drives the U.S. economy. That is not happening now, and will not happen as long as the foreclosure crisis is permitted to continue. Milions of Americans have lost their homes through foreclosure; a substantial number of which were fraudulent. Millions more face the same fate this year and beyond. Millions of foreclosed upon homes have been dumped on the market (by the banks) resulting in a depressed real estate market and billions of dollars in lost equity by home owners who are current on their loans. What is lost midst all the statistics and issues are the children; thousands of innocent children who are now homeless and frightened. It is a national disgrace. Banks and other lenders destroyed our economy and caused the housing crisis; they will not fix it. Every American homeowner is affected and needs relief from this disasterous situation. Please support this movement to end the crisis. Please sign this petition urging President Obama to declare a three year nation-wide moratorium on foreclosures and on the re-sale of foreclosed upon homes. The moratorium will force lenders to resolve the issues with homeowners on a case-by-case basis.The moratorium will have an immediate effect on the economy by replacing the current atmosphere of fear and anxiety with one of hope and optimism. Please support this effort; we need 10,000 signatures by July 31st. Please forward this message to everyone you know. Please sign this petition to President Barack Obama
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James C. Landis
  • lower taxes
    reduce the tax rate. cut unnesessary spending.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Spasoje
  • Cap Interest Rates Now
    We have to put pressure on the auto finance industry as well as credit card companies to cap their interest rates for products and services to the middle class. The middle class uses credit cards and we are the largest group of outstanding auto loans and debt carriers. These auto loans for those without a credit score of 750 or above can go as high as 25%. I myself have been paying 21% on my auto. That said I have paid for my car twice. Credit card companies will offer an initial low interest rate until one payment is late or your credit score is below their standard and then it can skyrocket to as high as 35%. Because of this I have not had a credit card in 6 years. These companies make money from our purchases as well as our credit score. We, the middle class, make the economy; not the 1% of those that hold all the wealth in this country. What do these companies do with our money? Why have I had to pay for my car twice the amount of the selling price? Very often these companies ship their jobs, call center jobs, etc. over seas thus saving them money and making a large profit from the interest imposed. Perhaps some are investing in political campaign funding. The Middle Class is the backbone of this country and finance interest rates are at an all time high, giving these finance companies a huge profit while the middle class dwindle financially and is unable to spend in order to revive the economy. Put the pressure on to Cap Interest rates now!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordanna Preer
  • No Growth Economic/Social Model
    The Earth has finite resources. It cannot support endless growth of any kind. A completely new, sustainable path for humans must be followed or economic, social, and population crashes are inevitable.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Paul W. Palm
  • Tax Reform to Save our Middle Class
    Replace the current inequitable tax code with Fishman's Framework for Tax Reform
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Fishman