• U.S. Olympic Team's Uniforms should be "Made In America."
    The Summer Olympics held in London, England begin Friday, July 27, 2012, and end Sunday, August 12, 2012. Team U.S.A. will be wearing Uniforms that were Made In China. With so many Americans unemployed, tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas and China's unfair trade policies. This is unacceptable and needs to be changed. Mitt Romney will be attending and he should speak out on this issue.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Ferdinand
  • Democrats in Congress: Push President Obama's Job Bill
    The President has called upon Congress many times to pass the Jobs Bill. They won't. Instead they make over 30 attempts to repeal Health Care Reform, and Romney blames the president for not creating jobs. Democrats should agitate in the same way with The Jobs Bill. We call upon Democrats in Congress to PUSH President Obama's job bill and get it passed.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Carmichael
  • Help Americans get “Back to Life” not just to a “Job”
    It is documented by clinical psychologists that anyone experiencing job lost for more than 6 weeks starts to foster feelings of despair, bitterness, anger and resentment. To date, the average length of unemployment is currently between 37-39 weeks coupled with the fact that the 21st Century Job Seeker(s) and employee(s) have lost either homes, families, savings, identities and trust in leadership, makes for a highly unstable workforce and reasonably so. Let’s send a message of solidarity, hope, support and unity to every worker and job seeker within the 21st Century workforce. In a time where leadership has not only been questioned but desolately absent, it is OUR responsibility to step up and help restore trust amongst our families, friends, neighbors, students and returning veterans who are still struggling to secure balance within this workforce.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Watson
  • You call yourself a patriot?!
    Romney MADE his money in the U.S., but he hides it in overseas accounts to avert U.S. taxes. And you're running for PRESIDENT?! How do you square your behavior with calling yourself a "patriotic American?" Your father opened his tax returns TWELVE times. Seems like HE'S the patriotic American in the family.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen
  • Congress: We want accountability!
    The Republican members of the House of Representatives pushed another vote to repeal the ACA aka Obamacare for the 33rd time instead of pushing bills to help with the current economy and create jobs. They continuously blame President Obama on these same issues when they are just as responsible for starting the process of creating these bills. We need accountability in Congress to get the job done.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Nathan
  • Reinstate Ohio's Estate Tax
    Ohio's Estate Tax will expire at the end of 2012. It applies only to estates above $338,300. Currently, 80 percent of this revenue goes to local governments that use it for special projects or to supplement their budgets. This loss of substantial revenues will affect all taxpayers because, to make up this shortfall local governments will have to cut needed services or convince voters to pass new tax levies.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Balazs
  • Keep Crowdfunding-For-Equity On Track
    Thanks to the JOBS Act, signed into law by President Obama on April 5th, 2012, startups and small businesses will soon have a new way to raise capital—crowdfunding for equity. This will enable entrepreneurs to turn to the people who know them best (friends, family, and neighbors) and invite them to invest in businesses that they may use such as a local bakery, new technology for bicycle wheels, an afterschool (sports/homework) facility for kids with ADD, etc. As an entrepreneur and founder of CareerFuel.net, I know firsthand how difficult it is to raise capital and why this new alternative source of funding for small businesses and startups is so important. The SEC must write the regulations before this new job growth engine can be launched. Given the enormity of the job, it was not surprising—but nonetheless worrisome—when SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro testified before Congress that the first deadline (July, 2012) for regulatory structuring will not be met. Let’s join forces as Americans to let the SEC know that empowering small businesses and entrepreneurs is vital to our communities and country. Tell the SEC that you are counting on them to do what it takes to meet the December 31, 2012 deadline and to create sensible and workable regulations to help fuel job growth in America! Please copy and paste the following URL into your browser in order to read the crowdfunding part of the JOBS Act: http://careerfuel.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/TITLE-III.pdf Please copy and paste the following URL into your browser in order to read the JOBS Act, in full: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr3606enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr3606enr.pdf Please read below for an outline of the legislation to be implemented: *Entrepreneurs will be able to offer equity in exchange for investments in their startup or small business. At present, startups can raise an unlimited amount of money using crowdfunding, but they cannot offer equity. *The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has until December 31, 2012 to create regulations for how crowdfunding will be executed. *Money can only be raised through a Broker or Internet “funding portal” registered with the government and in compliance with Section 4A(a). *Monies raised are dispersed if they achieve their stated goal. *Entrepreneurs can raise $1M every 12 months until they reach $10M in total assets. *The entrepreneur can decide how much equity is being offered in exchange for the total investment being raised. *The SEC will need to rule on whether any or all crowdfunding investors will count toward the 2,000-investor limit that triggers the requirement for a company to register its common stock and become a publicly reporting company. *Any person who owns 20% or more of the company stock will be required to go through a background check, the details of which will be made public on the crowdfunding site (e.g., credit history, tax liens, etc.). *Money raised through family and friends prior to the first crowdfunding round will need to be disclosed. *Investors will be limited to a total annual investment based on their net worth. For those with annual income of less than $100,000 or equivalent net worth, investments are limited to the greater of $2,000 or 5% of their income/net worth. For those whose annual income/net worth exceeds $100,000, they can invest 10% or up to $100,000. *Regulations will require platforms to use a pop-up box, where investors will read disclaimers and take a quiz ensuring that they understand the high risk associated with such an investment. *Entrepreneurs will be limited to solicitation via existing social media contacts (e.g. email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest). After the initial communication announcing a crowdfunding campaign, all messaging with social contacts will be conducted and catalogued on the campaign site. *Investments will be tracked by affinity circles (i.e., 1st degree is someone from the entrepreneur’s LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. connections, a 2nd degree affinity is someone from a 1st degree connection and 3rd degree affinity is someone completely unknown to the entrepreneur but who came to the crowdfunding site).
    380 of 400 Signatures
    Created by AnnMarie McIlwain
  • jobs/economy/taxes/immigration
    no, but we only need jobs for America
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by louise payen
  • unemployment/family stress
    Most families are stressed due to overwork for people that have jobs. Stressed due to lack of job opportunities, and overburdened due to the lack of time available to be with their families. A shorter work week would solve many of these problems. Allowing parents to share child care and spend more quality time with each other. As a single parent, a shorter work week (with the same pay of course) would have gone a long way to reducing stress and improving family interactions. In addition, a shorter work week would help solve the unemployment problem. It is time that the American Government make an investment in the American People.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Farrelly
  • Romney - Release the Tax Returns!
    Mitt Romney is running for President but being secretive about his finances. This is nothing new for him because he destroyed documents and computer hard drives when he left as Governor of Massachusetts. The American people want to know what he's hiding before they vote for him.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gene Wolf
    Support our country and buy locally (made in USA) whenever possible. Submit your choices of made in the USA products.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frances Porgal
    EVERY RESIDENT OF CALIFORNIA is being cheated by the Thief Corporate Rich, NOT native to California, WHO PAY NO STATER TAXES. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions have REPEATEDLY allowed such taxation as an exception to general principles of INTERSTATE COMMERCE TAXATION PRINCIPALS. Republicans have hood-wink virtually ALL Citizens into believing such taxation is UNCONSTITUTONAL " under Interstate Commerce Clause." LIES in this are matches Republican LIES in ALL areas
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hugh Jarvis Pattty, MA/JD