The Job of CongressLeadership is about statesmanship and listening to all sides and making decisions BASED ON WHAT IS BEST FOR THE COUNTRY. Right now, we need to create jobs and put Americans to work. Only Congress can do this. Congress passes laws and controls the purse strings. All the president does is suggest laws and send things to Congress for legislation. Many Republicans in this Congress have signed onto a petition prior to taking office not to pass any bills that require spending and rather than caring about our nation, they are bringing it to the brink of financial disaster. They are sworn to a party ideal rather than to give any credence to anything from this president. This kind of action lacks statesmanship, good judgement and fair mindedness. Some Republican members of Congress are using their offices for nothing but personal and political gain; not to govern fairly. This is shameful and they should be impeached.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcia Twilde
Congress make a law that will give working Americans a pay raiseAmericans work daily only to not make ends meet financially. We Americans need a pay raise.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ruben triste
Tax "religious" propertiesReal properties owned by religious institutions are tax-exempt. A tax on those properties is not only needed to help pay the cost of government but also to fairly distribute the cost to preserve freedoms. This tax should be levied at both the federal and state level.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Green
Mr. Romney Bring Your Money HomeI recommend that Romney bring all of his offshore money home.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel l. Gardner
The One Percent Should Make JobsIf the one percent spent as much money on the economy and making jobs instead of trying to manipulate the presidential election, our democracy and economy would be better off.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joanne Farrar
Orders, Orders, OrdersBoth sides of the political aisle seems to think that businesses need tax incentives to create jobs. They're both wrong. Businesses don't need tax incentives OR relaxed credit...they need enough orders to warrant hiring more people.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jackie Britton Lopatin
Jobs for AmericansI am 63 and have been challenged and affected by recessions a few times in my life, my husband too. Now that we are passed that stage doesn't mean we don't care. We want good jobs for all Americans and especially for the young people coming up so that they can finish school, get married, start families if they wish. This truly is about the middle class choosing a good life over despair. Please stand together and ask Congress and the Senate to pass the American Jobs Act that President Obama sent to them 10 months ago.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert&Mary
10% flat Tax - no loop holesThe Tax Code is too complicated to understand. Corporations have an advantage over middle class America because they maintain a staff of lawyers and certified public accountants to avoid paying taxes.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by D Moseley
At Will EmploymentIn the city of Gary, where jobs are seriously scarce and hard to find, people are losing their jobs for absolutely nothing. Majority of these businesses don't even follow the policies they have set for themselves. The cost of living and the amount of people either on welfare or unemployed is enormous in this city. I just want the people to have a fair chance at keeping their jobs.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charletta Jones
Mandatory for ALL politicians to work for min wage.Any new people considering running for public office MUST work full time at minimum wage for ONE YEAR of their life. Not as a kid living with their family, but as an adult. No supplements or help from friends or family. Too long we've been electing people who are from rich families and far removed from the reality most Americans have to face at one time or another. If they wish to represent us, they must live as most of us.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wendy Moran
Mitt Romney: Release Your Financial Information!Many Americans are out of work and suffering financially, and Republican Mitt Romney claims to have solutions for the nation's economic problems. However, he says he will not release his tax return until after the presidential election, and he has put millions of dollars in secret off-shore accounts to avoid paying federal taxes. Any person seeking to become President of the United States should be totally ethical and transparent in their financial dealings and pay their fair share of taxes to contribute to the common good. Mitt Romney needs to release his complete financial information so that Americans can judge for themselves whether he is trustworthy, has the nation's best interests at heart, and is playing by the same rules as the rest of us. "For where your teasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21)14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Soleil Gregg
Make them accountable for our votesCongress' reelection promised more jobs for the American people but in all actuality, their main focus has been to stop the President from passing any kind of job's bill. They should be held accountable for stalling legislation to put Americans back to work.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by rmgforabettereconomy