• Made in America. NOT.
    Hundreds of Olympians from the United States will be competing in the Summer Olympics in London at the end of this month. These athletes represent values that make America great: hard work, determination, pride in our country and the things we can accomplish as a nation. Unfortunately, the U.S. Olympic Committee seems to have forgotten some of those values. Instead of making sure the uniforms Olympians will be wearing during the opening ceremony are made here in America, the U.S. Olympic Committee decided to outfit them in Ralph Lauren uniforms made in China. More than 2.8 million jobs have been shipped to China since 2001. We have lost 6 million manufacturing jobs in the past decade. The failed policies that have encouraged companies like Ralph Lauren to create jobs overseas, not in America, have hurt working families and our communities. A number of well-known American clothing companies—from Brooks Brothers to Jones New York—can easily manufacture new uniforms in America, right now, in time for the Olympic games. As Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently said, “I think the Olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. I think they should be embarrassed. I think they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them and start all over again.” If enough of us speak out, the U.S. Olympic committee will be forced start over and find a supplier to make our athletes' uniforms in America. But time’s running out.
    43,186 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Richards
  • Rlease your Tax Rcords
    How can we trust presidential candidate that says he favor tax breaks for the rich and doesnt show up his tax records.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Izquierdo
  • Legalize Production of Industrial Hemp
    There are over 50,000 documented uses for industrial hemp from efficiently providing fiber to make paper products and textiles to plastics that can be made into car bodies almost impervious to sledge hammers. Currently, U.S. farmers are forbidden by law to compete with Canadian and other countries' farmers to produce hemp for the U.S. market and the U.S. is forced to import. It's time to recognize that the real "reefer madness" is the madness by which government has denied Americans access to so many crucial hemp-based solutions to myriad problems from deforestation to malnutrition and so many others. End the insane war-on-drugs policies that put America behind the rest of the world in taking advantage of hemp-based innovations.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Truther
  • No U.S. Debt Default
    Every member of Congress must sign a pledge to guarantee the U.S. does not default on the national debt. Congress authorizes all government spending. Congress authorizes the government to borrow money to pay for that spending. Every member of Congress must promise to support all legislation that will prevent the U.S. from defaulting on the national debt.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Kontrabecki
  • Federal Taxes: The 3% Solution
    Federal Taxes are unfair. We all know that the percentage of payment by the working class is a higher percentage than the super rich one percent and above of this country because of their deductions and designations of investment income. We all know that the working class does not enjoy the deductions of the very rich. The working class are hurt by their unfair tax burden which does not allow them to live a productive and fruitful life. But more importantly, in these financially troubled times, it does not allow them to be consumers. And, consumers are what makes this economy work. We all know that the rich are not "job creators" no matter how many times the Republicans lie about it. Consumers make the economy grow by buying products and services that create the demand for business to make more products and services. This creates the need for business to grow, prosper, and yes, create more jobs to meet those needs. It's something any child can figure out. This is the problem. However, there is a very simple solution that will not only create a fair tax structure but will also raise more taxes and save billions in the process by making taxes so simple the paperwork can be done on an index card. It will also eliminating millions of dollars in expenses by drastically by shrinking the work of the IRS; It is The 3% Solution.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angelo Grillo
  • Obamacare or the country
    why are you wasting time appealing and arguing over Obamacare 33 times? your focus as members of congress should be this country and what it needs. I realize Obamacare has its faults but it's not the focus point. The focus point you should be working on is how to create more jobs and jump start the economy again. Under former president Clinton this economy was the closest its been to the positive. that is what we need not arguing over a law that was passed through congress and signed by president Obama over 2 years ago. We the people of the United States of America want jobs and economic growth not bickering in congress.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kyle Eisenhauer
  • Save the Emergency Services
    My name is Maeve Semo. I am a volunteer firefighter. Recently there have been many cuts in emergency services all over the country. For example, in Pennsylvania all firefighters are now making minimum wage. These are the brave and women who risk their lives every day they go to work to save us. They are not being treated with the respect they deserve. When they leave their jobs because they can't afford to stay there who will be left to save us?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maeve Semo
  • Stop Wealthy American Citizens, Banks and Corporations from abusing foreign tax shelters
    Various investigations have reported that some wealthy American citizens, banks, corporations, and other entities have been abusing our income tax structure for many years, avoiding by not paying their fair share of tax revenues, making use of off-shore foreign tax havens to do so. Consequently, their tax burden is lifted from their shoulders and placed on those of us who have chosen not to abuse the tax system.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Stanton
  • FIX Social Security!!!
    Since Greenspan realigned Social Security in 1983, some major changes have been made by corporations to reduce their tax burden... and it includes creating income disparity as high as before the Great Depression. Greenspan set the contribution max level to hit 90% of income to employees with an increasing cap that is now $110K. But corporations began limiting salary increases to line employees and giving the boosts to those making MORE than the cap... so they no longer had to match the tax outlay but were not cutting total payroll, so it did not appear to be a down sized work force... but in fact, their pay was downsized to the point that they didn't keep up with inflation... moreover, the corporations didn't have to pay as much for Social Security contributions. So how do we fix it? We adjust the cap yearly so that it represents 90% of the payroll income in the US. That means more will be paid by corporations and there will be no more tax reasons to pile on disparate income levels at the upper echelons of the company. It MIGHT revise the way companies pay their people... Because it was in mid 1990s that Harvard put out a study that recommended that corporate salaries and perquisites be analyzed by the board of directors and that they should decide how much the top management should get and how to structure their performance bonuses... Problem is that many boards made the $ decision, but left out the performance requirements so we see corporate management taking home millions every year and even in bad years they get to take home far too much of the corporate bankroll. This is a decision that needs to be affected by instituting a tax on corporations equal to the difference between change in profit and the change in corporate management salaries. A negative change to profit should create a larger tax if they don't reduce the management salaries. IT CAN BE ARRANGED so that we no longer have to watch disparate income levels create millionaires of incompetent or so..so management. And that means we no longer have to worry as much about not having middle income oomph to keep our sales high enough that the economy continues to grow instead of falling... and taking down our ability to pay the debt now at $16Trillion dollars. It is merely an incentive to keep the economy running well rather than faltering for lack of middle class income to buy our products.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Mayer
  • Tax on Wall Street Transactions
    In order to pay for the past and future bailouts of our financial system, investors should pay a small tax to the government for every transaction that is made.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Bergman
  • Call the GOP bluff; Let ALL of the tax cuts expire!!!!!
    If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire, the GOP will lose their biggest bargaining chip in the upcoming deficit battle. The American middle class needs to stand up and just say NO MORE!!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Emerich
  • Forgiveness Act 4 Homeowner's Who Lost Their Homes
    The Forgiveness Act 4 Homeowner's Who Lost Their Homes during the Economic Crisis will have their discharge from either a Short Sale, Foreclosure or Bankrupcy during 2004-2012 "forgiven" this opens up 2-3 Million home buyer's who will jump start the housing market and get them and their families back into home ownership. These Home Buyer's need to qualify on all other levels, debt to ratio, downpayment, income qualify. Simply put, this will stablize the housing market, absorp inventory and it supports related housing markets of: Mover's, Insurance, Title Companies, Appraiser's, Lawyer's, REALTOR's, Home Improvement, etc.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Ann Michaels