Repeal RYO section of "Highway Bill"10,000 jobs in the United States and 2,000 small businesses will vanish after July 6th, 2012. If President Obama does not issue a signing statement stating he will not enforce the provision of RYO (Roll Your Own) cigarette machines in the "Highway Bill" I and 6 direct family members will be out of a job. 95% of this bill has nothing to do with RYO machines.291 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Megan Stewart
STOP WASTING BILLIONS ON WAR[S]The only way to restore a balanced budget; bring home the troops and end the useless killings--stop funding G.W. Bush's mistakes.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Jacobs
A living wageRaising the minimum wage/1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathleen Spaine
Austerity ---wrong timingAusterity measures being pushed by Republicans and many Democrats in Congress are designed to kill jobs and punish the poor and middle class who have already been the ones to suffer under this recession. Austerity measures taken in Europe are proving that their economies are declining instead of thriving -- we should learn from them. Growing economies means growing jobs which means job creation bills.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol J Lapetino
Tax Equality ReformEnd the Bush tax cuts! The Bush tax cuts cost the majority of Americans millions. The true benficiaries are those that are not paying their fair share. Revive the middle class by allowing the Bush cuts to expire.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie McLaughlin
Oppose HR 4170 - The Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012The student loan forgiveness act seeks to "Rescue" students from "crushing" Student Loan Debt. In actuality, it would create a Socialist system where One goes to college and All foot the bill.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Kaine
Re-Open the Job Market=Force Banks to Really Modify Home LoansThere are some home owners who have been trying to get loan modifications for the last five to seven years. The Banks need to clean the slate, really reduce interest rates, reduce the debt on the home to accommodate the current owner, especially when the banks are willing to sell it at a loss. They are turning us into a nation of renters owned by a few. Landlords do not spend money on improvements and upgrades, homeowners do thus demand for landscaping, painting, siding, garden supplies, add-ones, hot tubs, upgrades, appliances, garage doors with openers, and pride of ownership. These are real jobs that pay with real money.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Shepard
Reviving Our EconomyThe economy needs a stimulus. We need to enable the retirement of older workers to free up more jobs. We need to give our American workers an even chance to compete with foreign workers. We need to relieve the debt on our young people so they can buy homes. We need to relieve the tax and healthcare burden on companies wanting to hire American employees.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry Melton
Offshoring Romney-stylee are still in the dark about Romney's taxes and off-shore accounts. What is he hiding and why. How can he hope to be president of the United States while shelteing his money overseas to avoid paying taxes? Shameful!!!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sylvia de la Rua
Disallow employers to run credit reports on employees for job placementThis petition is to stop employers from running credit checks on employees for future employment. This is important because so many people have been out of employment and had no means of keeping up with some accounts. With employment, people are able to work on their credit and clean up negativity on credit reports.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maria Graves
New Stimulus: Metric System ConversionSo many studies show that a government backed stimulus is an effective solution to a slow economy. Converting the US to the metric system would be a massive undertaking and would create jobs in all sectors.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mister Decent
Make the oil companies public utilities.Since it takes about $20 a barrel to get oil in America and most of it is gotten now on public land, which means it's America's oil !!! Then it's sold on the open market for over a hundred dollars a barrel and obscene profits. I purpose we make the oil companies a public utility. Then when we can sell American oil here in America at say, $25-$30 a barrel and it'll help balance the cost of Opec oil. Over the course of years, we'll buy all the stock back at it's current price, so no one will lose any money. THAT WILL stimulate the economy and create jobs. For those that say the government can't run things effectively, look at Social Security: "...is an extremely efficient program, with administrative costs equaling only 0.6 percent of retirement and survivors benefits." Now you show me any company, in any field, that can run it's business that lean. Government can be an effective force for the good of its people, and the benefits of the oil industry should be put to that purpose and not the few fat cats profiteers obscene profits. Remember, it's America's oil on public lands.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David A Bartlett