• The L Aaron Petition Against the Pacific Rim Trade Bill
    We believe that the Agreement prepared in secrecy and made ready for approval by the participating Nations--and designed to provide them with an unfair advantage in manufacturing and jobs and the benefits of trade-- should be revoked for the following reasons. It was done in total secrecy; the only ones told about it were the participating nations and certain American businessmen who stood to gain; not the citizenry, mind you.. It smacks of NAFTA. It would shift more jobs off-shore. And make disputes subject to settlement by private businessmen who's decision is final. Cases pending or resolved under NAFTA did not work out for this country; and they involved major fines paid for by US taxpayer funds without the option of defending ourselves or our positions in the law suits. We've seen what happens when Democracy is short changed in this way and the American people do not have a voice in policy; moreover, the economic benefits will serve the big, successful companies, they will not benefit the poor, or the middle class.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Les Aaron
  • Reinstate Glass-Steagall
    My petition is about reinstating a law passed in 1933 that prevented investment banks and commercial banks from merging. When this law was in place from 1933 to 1999 our country had many years of economic growth and prosperity.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ceezar X. Martinson
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin F.
  • Rate increases for Idaho Power
    I am concerned that if this rate increase proposal is approved, many more families in Idaho, on a fixed income, or a limited income, will not be able to pay their utility bills. As it is MY family struggles to keep on top of our bill. In fact, this past winter, my husband wasn't working, and our bill got up to over $700, and we had to seek assistance from charities, and other organizations, to avoid being turned off!
    458 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Heather Robinson
  • The working poor
    Raising the mininum wage to $8.50
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by [email protected]
  • Bain Capital is shipping my job to China
    Bain Capital owns Sensata Technologies, which bought the plant where I work in Freeport, Illinois two years ago. Now, Bain is shipping our jobs to China. Mitt Romney was at the helm of Bain Capital while it owned companies that, according to the Washington Post, "were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States." Mitt Romney bears responsibility for starting the practice and should now play a role in helping to end it. I didn’t find out that Sensata was owned by Bain until recently, right before Mitt Romney came through our area on the “Every Town Counts” bus tour promising to create new jobs. We don’t need new jobs, we just need Romney to keep our jobs here in the U.S. I tried to tell him that while he was campaigning in Janesville, Wisconsin—just 55 miles away. But unfortunately, he didn’t want to listen. So now we need your help to get his attention. Please sign our petition to tell Mitt Romney that he needs to stop talking about creating jobs and actually do something to save ours. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose my job. My company used to offer a full year of severance pay, but that was cut to six months. It’s all about money for Bain and Romney, but for us, it’s about how we make a living and feed our families. What I do know is that I’m not alone. There’s 165 of us getting laid off just in my plant. And millions of other workers who have been laid off—or will be laid off—unless Romney and other businessmen stop shipping jobs overseas and start creating jobs in America. It’s us now, and it might be you or your family next. So please sign this petition for us, for yourself, and for and all the hardworking people you love and care about. It’s time that Romney stopped making empty promises about creating jobs and started saving jobs that are being shipped outside the country.
    2,350 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Randecker
  • NO more pennys, nickles, and perhaps dimes
    Why do we continue to use change which has no value. Who wants to carry pennys in their pockets? Lets get rid of pennys and nickles, at least. Would probably save a ton of govt. money, and perhaps make dollar coins more popular?
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Engdahl
  • Mishandled funds and taxes and corporations as people
    On 9/11, all 4 planes were bound for California. Afterwards, California fabricated special vehicle tags say "We will never forget." The funds were supposed to be used for scholarships for children and spouses of those who died in the tragedy. Seems like California forgot to tell everyone and even denied some who appeared to qualify. Instead, they used the money to plug holes in their budget. If our government tells us they are taxing us or raising funds for a specific purpose, then that money should be used for no other purpose. Social Security is another example. Congress views it as just another tax to be used to satisfy their latest whim. And as far as political contributions, corporations are treated as people. Sorry, a corporation is not a person and being treated as such means they can buy the legislation they want. Now is the time for change.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lewis Upchurch
  • Whose spending our money?
    All this talk of Obama spending obscures the fact that Congress taxes and Congress spends The President can not tax and he can spend only what is authorized by Congress. So if anyone is taxing and spending it is Congress, not the President!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Lewis
  • Whose spending our money
    All this talk of Obama spending obscures the fact that Congress taxes and Congress spends The President can not tax and he can spend only what is authorized by Congress. So if anyone is taxing and spending it is Congress, not the President!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Lewis
  • 21st Century Postal Reform
    Postal reform is necessary to ensure the survival of the Postal Service. The Postal Service's mandate is to provide universal service at a universal cost. The finanical problem the Postal Service is facing at this time was caused by Congress and can only be corrected by Congress.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Millard E. Hollenbeck
  • Sick of the Republicans with their hurting the country and the poor
    It is obvious to me that the republican party have no problem with harming the poor and looking out for the rich. The republicans hate the president so much until they will harm the entire country just to get him out of office. I am so sick and tired of the mostly old white men who have been in office for in my judgement to long. The republicans have gone off the cliff and they are the party who started all the harm.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria