• Regional Transportation
    Regional transportation in Michigan has been an long standing issue. In the twenty-first century, a metropolitan area like southeastern Michigan cannot survive without it. We have talked about, haggled and wished on a star for more than twenty years about this subject to no avail.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dana Thornton
    Boon-Ja-Ba says bring entrepreneurship and manufacturing to inner cities under the ownership and control of Black Americans and we will create our own jobs and a collecative financial base.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melvyna Gaynor
    My name is Cienna Powers and I am 9 years old. I go to school at Mary E. Silviera. My petition is about saving the ocean creatures especially sharks and whales. I thought about writing this petition after writing and drawing a poster with my friends in school. I was riding home with my dad and in the car I was thinking about harmed species and their effect on the planet. My main complaint was was about the sharks and whales, and what are the reasons they use them for. For example, whales are used for their blubber for vane women that have to look younger. Why can't they use something else like coconut milk that makes a fine oil for skin and beauty. Why kill the whales. How would you feel if you got harpooned and your skin got scraped off just for your fat. I would feel violated and I think you would too. Also people kill the sharks for their fins to put in soup and just throw the rest back to sea as food for other fish.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cienna Powers
  • the 1%
    But for those making more than $1 million — there were 236,883 such households in 2009 — I would raise rates immediately on taxable income in excess of $1 million, including, of course, dividends and capital gains. And for those who make $10 million or more — there were 8,274 in 2009 — I would suggest an additional increase in rate. My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BOB FRANK
  • Muse for Maryland
    Commit to vote on April 3, 2012 for C. Anthony Muse. It is time for a change in Maryland politics. Politics are local and we need someone who is in touch with all of Maryland. We need a voice for the voiceless. There needs to representation for all communities.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LARIAN FINNEY
  • lower gasoline prices!
    Please ask Congress to help lower gasoline prices so that us regular people can afford to live. With gas so high everything else is going up except our salaries! How can we continue to afford to drive to work?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly
  • The need to develop human capital in the US
    My daughter currently owes $150,000 because she went to architecture school. Her skills are immensely valuable to the nation - she should not have to bear the entire burden of paying for her specialized educationl. All the structures in this country have to be converted to green, self-sufficient energy in the coming decades if we are to survive the energy crisis and architects are, therefore, needed for national security for the US.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john wood
  • Cap Fuel prices
    Bill to put a cap price on fuel in the US.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam
  • Say NO to H.R. 4170.
    Representative Hansen Clarke of Michigan has just introduced H.R. 4170, the Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012, in the House of Representatives - legislation designed to ... basically act as a bailout for students with more debt than they can handle... sound familiar Wall Street? For a brief summary of H.R. 4170's main provisions, please copy & paste this URL into your browser: http://tinyurl.com/7akydbk I know that many students out there are happy to sign a petition that might give them some relief from their financial obligations, but who wouldn't? But Congress isn't just there to listen to its constituents who want a handout, it has a responsibility to consider the effects of its decisions on all constituents and their future. I myself have student loans, and I have worked in the student loan industry and seen the problem. But let's consider the REAL problem. Rising tution and rising unemployment. Why is this happening while there is also a TALENT CRISIS? That's right! Companies all over the country are searching the GLOBE for more skilled workers, meanwhile 9% of America is unemployed. Let's nip this in the bud. We need corporations, universities and government policy working together to promote job training in the sectors that NEED for employees. So, sign this petition to let congress know you don't want them to sign H.R. 4170, and that you want them to focus on policies that will bring down tuition and increase opportunities for job training and education in fields that are in demand. I'd rather see that money go to re-educate people and GARAUNTEE them a job. That will boost the economy far more than a hand-out for the 9% of the population fighting for jobs that don't exist. Let's get our corporations investing back in America too. Companies need to help educate America and fill their workforce too. Let's start encouraging this, instead of bailing out America for promising its children great jobs while America puts itself in more debt training for the wrong jobs. There might be 375,000 people who want their student loans forgiven, but I hope there are 375,000 people who want a better solution to our economy's struggles. The solution is out there, but it isn't H.R. 4170. DO NOT PASS H.R. 4170!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Gast
  • An Easier Economy
    This petition is for a national plan to lower domestic energy consumption through strict conservation, increase fossil and nuclear production, and then export that energy for money. Using the taxes from those sales, we would pay down America's debt, bring affordable water and energy back to our people, and then have an ongoing export surpluses in energy for the next 50-100 years.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Todd Bandrowsky
  • Save Washington State Classified Employees from 3% Temporary Salary Reduction (TSR)
    The Governor of the State of Washington has mandated a 3% salary reduction for classified employees effective July 1, 2012 in order to close the gap on the budget deficit in Washington state. The Governor is in a position to reverse her decision to implement these cuts in the upcoming budget. We are calling on her to stand up on behalf of Classified employees who are already underpaid and stop the 3% Salary Reduction. Please note that with the lack of classified employees not receiving the cost of living raise (COLA) for the past 4 years plus no salary wage increase along with reducing their salaries another 3%, if you combined those together this will give you a better picture as to what is happening to this underpaid and underrepresented group of employees.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Heard
  • Allow apprenticeships/mentorships for unemployed persons over 40 years old
    There are hundreds of thousands of unfilled jobs in the United States due to a shortage of skilled workers.There are millions of unemployed older workers who want to learn these new career skills. This program would facilitate the rapid deployment of new career mentorships/apprenticeships without offering workers compensation for a short period of time. Under most of today's state and federal laws this is impossible.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby Edelman