Overtime HoursGallo Wants to Change Procedure1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by UFCW Local Union
National solidarity needed for Michigan workersIn spring and early summer, hundreds of thousands of voters signed a petition supporting a ballot a measure to increase Michigan's minimum wage to $12 per hour and to phase out the subminimum tipped wage. On August 24, the Board of State Canvassers voted to certify the ballot initiative. Now, Republicans in the Michigan state legislature are trying to bypass the voters by adopting the ballot measure language with a plan to amend it later in November after their own elections are over. We, the undersigned people, demand that the Michigan state legislators respect the democratic process and let the people vote on the minimum wage initiative in November. People power put the initiative on the ballot, and if we don’t let the public decide what's best for our communities, this type of anti-worker attack will take place in our own local communities, too. All eyes on Michigan during the next week. Let's come together nationwide to support workers who need us now!5,728 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Jane Fonda and Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United
Donate Union Busting Charter Communication PAC money to the Local #3 Striker FundUnions have been on the front lines fighting to both preserve and progress the rights of the working class. It is only right that we stand behind our union brothers and sisters when oppressive corporations engage in deliberate union busting, especially in the great state of New York. Please sign this petition to ask all legislators who received PAC money from Charter Communications to donate it to the IBEW Local #3 Striker Fund!464 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Adam Baumel
Stop the Expanded Ban on Polystyrene Products in Albany CountyOn August 13th the Albany County Legislature will vote on Local Law L/Resolution #228, which will ban all Albany County food service establishments and restaurants from using foam take out containers, foam trays, foam cups and other polystyrene products. Help defeat the ban that will force all food service establishments to purchase alternatives at 2 - 4 times the cost, negatively impacting businesses and consumers. We urge all Albany County Legislators to vote against this proposal on Monday, August 13th at 6:30 p.m. at the Albany Legislative Chambers, located at the Albany County Court House, 16 Eagle St, 2nd FL. Albany, N.Y. 12207. This petition will be present at the hearing.116 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sian Du'Prey
Tax the Mercedes-Benz StadiumFulton County residential homeowners are facing skyrocketing property tax bills. That's why 2018 tax assessments resulted in 37,000 residential tax appeals. The Atlanta Falcons pay NO TAXES on their long term lease of the Mercedes-Benz Stadium thereby skirting $26 million per year in taxes at the expense of residential homeowners - short changing the public school system by 50% of that amount, $13 million per year. Call or send Fulton County Commission Chairman, Rob Pitts, an email. Call him at 404-612-8200 or email him at rob.pitts@fultoncountyga.gov.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Taxpayers for a Fair Deal
No Taxing of Social Security CheckMoney has already been taxed from paycheck, should not be taxed again in Social Security check. That's double taxation, which is illegal!!!!!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Danny Di Nicolantonio
Tell Impark: Stop Firing Immigrant Workers!Parking lot attendants at Impark in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania earn as little as $8.16 an hour and must pay for their health care out of their meager wages or go without. Nearly all of the parking attendants at Impark work two or more jobs and many immigrated from African countries to find the American Dream, only to be stuck working grueling jobs for poverty wages. At a time when immigrants are under unprecedented attack, African immigrant parking attendants are standing up for their rights and demanding better. Yet the more they raise their voices, the more Impark cracks down. Surafel, a husband and father of two young children came to the United States from Ethiopia for a better life. After encouraging his co-workers to sign a petition for the union, Sarafel was abruptly fired. Now Sarafel lost his job, and his ability to care for his family, simply for speaking up for his rights. Stand up for immigrant workers like Surafel. Tell Impark to respect the law and rehire the fired parking workers.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by 32BJ SEIU
No Church At 344 Main StreetTo prevent the Church from opening a worship service on the ground floor of 344 Main Street in Downtown Salinas. It is against the City code for a church to be on the ground floor of a retail building on Main Street and we want the City of Salinas to deny the application for a CUP (Conditional Use Permit) for a church on the ground floor, as it is detrimental to the other businesses in Downtown Salinas.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Trish Sullivan
Tell your Representative: Stop Trump’s NAFTA!Trump wants to use NAFTA 2.0 to lock in his rollback of essential environmental, public health, and consumer regulations. He also wants to block new safeguards related to the safety of food, chemicals, pesticides, and GMOs. Congress could stop this attack on critical protections for people and the planet. But we need your help to urge them to act!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Stocker
NJ - VETO and FIX the 5cent Bag Tax BillThe supporters of We are SURE, Single Use Reduction Effort believe we can do BETTER New Jersey! Our beautiful state deserves a better bill that changes behavior and takes single-use plastics out of our everyday lives. We are all connected we need to change our ways for the health and well being of our planet! This is a powerful start!343 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Borenius
Raise minimum wage to $13 per hrTo help eliminate the income incequality that is going on in the American community.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amal Belarbi
Tell the stakeholders of Steward Healthcare that Youngstown deserves world class, close-to-home h...We are union Nurses fighting in a union town for quality patient care. We are fighting for safe patient care. We are fighting to keep our voice at the table where patient care decisions are made, affecting patient outcomes. We are fighting hard to retain the experienced nurses and we’re fighting to recruit new nurses. Help us battle this large corporate boss from Boston who’s putting profits over Youngstown patients. Sign our petition and tell the stakeholders of Steward Healthcare, a for-profit healthcare conglomerate from Boston, that our community deserves world class, close-to-home healthcare provided by the nurses at Northside Medical Center.234 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Molly Homan