• Parents Agaisnt Drugs. Keep our children safe !
    Increase of use of controlled substances by teachers in publis schools in a Tri-State area which is a direct endangerment of children's lives .
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Ratmansky
  • Support WNY schools! Stop the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA).
    Western New York Schools have lost millions of dollars because of a NYS government policy called the Gap Elimination Adjustment. The policy is crushing school budgets, causing major program and staff cuts. Most local school districts are facing another year of budget shortfalls and will be forced to make additional staffing cuts to their remaining faculty and support staff. Our children and students deserve better.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonnie Benoit
  • Clearing the Mental Fog
    All students deserve an equal learning opportunity.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anais Rachel
  • Comprehensive Sexual Education in Public High Schools
    Currently, in Shelby County High Schools, there is no comprehensive sexual education. This is a problem, because the teen pregnancy rate among girls 15-17 in Shelby County is 36.7/1000 and that hurts graduation rates.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Savannah Roder
  • Hey, OCC don't discriminate against me: Tuition Equality
    I work in immigration reform and I see a lot of good people being hurt by local and federal policies whose sole aim is to hurt people. In the late 1890s, Michigan's population was more than 50% foreign born, Michigan was made by DREAMERs and this @OCCollege policy does not reflect the spirit of Michigan.
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Raquel Garcia Andersen
  • CPS: Cease & Desist
    CPS is at it once again! They are coming after our neighborhood schools... our kids' place of learning and handing it over to a private charter school operation. CPS calls the process "turnaround." It is anything but that. It is simply another word for closing our schools. A University of Chicago study showed turnarounds and other dramatic school transformations result in a younger, whiter teaching force. This happens just a few days after parents, teachers, and students stood up to CPS by opting out of the meaningless ISAT. Gresham Elementary in the Auburn-Gresham community, Dvorak Technology Academy in North Lawndale and McNair Elementary in Austin will be turned over to the privately run Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL), which CPS Board President David Vitale once headed. Tell CPS that we have had enough of closures, turnarounds, charters, military academies, and underfunded and overcrowded schools.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Zerlina Smith
  • Keep Adult Education in Wiscasset!
    While the school board recognizes the high quality of programs at Wiscasset Adult & Community Education, they are not interested in continuing to support it as is in the new Wiscasset School District. What does this mean? Over 100 enrichment courses available each year GONE Office Assistant, Medical Secretary, Accounting Clerk, Dental Assitant, Clinical Medical Assistant, Microsoft Office Specialist, and many other certificate programs GONE Career Pathways services available at no charge, such as assessments, career decision making, advising, individual learning plans, etc. GONE 45 college students who take their classes through ITV in Wiscasset will now have to drive to campus in Augusta or Brunswick 30 adults who would have earned a high school diploma will have to find someplace else to do this, along with the 75 other students who are working towards earning their high school credential In total, over 1,500 course enrollments that would happen at Wiscasset Adult & Community Education from midcoast residents will be lost. With a town population of about 3,000 people, this program has a wide impact throughout the midcoast. If you live in the region, but are not a Wiscasset resident, these lost opportunities will affect you or someone you know. What can you do? Voice your support for adult education in Wiscasset online at MoveOn.org or Causes.org. You don't need to be a resident to do this. Tell us why adult education is important to you! In addition, if you are a Wiscasset resident, speak to a school board member directly about your support for adult learning opportunities. Tell them how you want your tax dollars spent. Contact: Glen Craig, Chair Steven Smith, Vice Chair Eugene Stover Colleen Bennett Sharon Nichols As always, please don't hesitate to contact us with questions or comments. Call (207) 882-9710 or email [email protected]. Thank you for your support! UPDATED FIGURES Wiscasset Adult & Community Education is requesting $65,599 (down from original request of $90,000) in local taxes to support a $292,000 program. Without adult education, the district will also lose more than $90,000 in state subsidy that directly supports the k-12 schools.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Anne Fensie
  • Bring Yoga to public schools
    More and more children have trouble focusing in school and are prone to stress, hectic schedules, and obligations at a young age. Creating a world of healthy, more peaceful, and well adjusted children should be our top priority so kids can accomplish whatever their goals are! Healthy minds and bodies go hand in hand!
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Hawks
  • PPS Keep Your Promise: Engage the Community On HS Schedules
    After a long contract fight, PPS is making major schedule changes for high schools without any collaboration or input. As parents, students and teachers we are impacted by these decisions and we demand meaningful dialogue and a productive and equitable decision-making process. This is the only path to the the schools Portland deserves.
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan Burke
  • Preserve, Support and Maintain Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
    Cheyney University was founded 177 years ago and is the first institution established to educate persons of African heritage who had been held in bondage in the United States. Cheyney University has been the institution where marginalized students could develop their potential and acquire the knowledge and skills to strengthen Pennsylvania. Graduates are educators, legislators, diplomats, doctors, lawyers, chefs, and the list goes on. Many of these highly successful alumni might not have attended university had Cheyney University not been available to them. Cheyney University provides an irreplaceable resource to Pennsylvania. It is a state and national historic treasure. For years, Pennsylvania has failed to fund Cheyney equitably. The school has not received the support provided for the other thirteen Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education schools. In 1999 an agreement between the Commonwealth and the Office for Civil Rights was reached wherein Pennsylvania promised to equitably equip this University. The state has yet to fulfill the 1999 agreement and the draconian budget cuts to higher education under the current administration has created an extremely debilitating financial situation for this school. At a time when all of Pennsylvania’s youth must pursue some manner of continued or higher education, law makers must maintain our university system. Pennsylvania’s public funds are used to support 40 prisons at twice the cost of supporting higher education. This is wrong for the future of the commonwealth. Do the right thing for Pennsylvania, for our young people, and for persons who might otherwise not seek to change their relationship with society by attending college. Meet the standards set forth in the 1999 civil rights agreement. Preserve, support and maintain Cheyney University.
    661 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Erica Irving
    The new general manager of Sunset empire park recreation district Justin cutler has fired the most beloved and the most awesome preschool teacher Vicki Yarbrough who has been teaching preschool at Sunset Park Recreation District for 33 years. All of the parents and children who she has taught love her she has dedicated her life to these kids and the people in the community. Please sign the petition to support Vicki Yarbrough and demand that Sunset Park recreation District hire her back and tell Justin Cutler the general manager that SEPRD is not all about making money its about the whole community of those in seaside. We want Vicki back where she belongs teaching those kids. It takes a village to help raise and teach kids and Vicki is that village and has been a mentor to the kids and adults in the community she is like a surrogate grandma she has deeply touched all of the lives of the people she has met and the kids she has taught for 3 decades and 3 years. Ms Vicki is a priceless asset to the SEPRD preschool program and its a shame that Mr Cutler cant see that it was wrong and a injustice for him to fire her especially since she has done nothing wrong and is a excellent employee and always has been.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kindwyn R Hoge
  • Stop Renovations at Colfax
    The Allegheny Valley School District is considering starting renovations at Colfax upper elementary that will cost an estimated $6.4 million. The other solution is to renovate the other two existing schools to compensate for the students at Colfax, which will cost half of what it costs to renovate Colfax. The means for funding these renovations include increasing taxes, obtaining bonds, and taking from various school funds (including technology). It is the purpose of this petition to demonstrate the public opposition to renovating Colfax, and to highlight the need for a definite plan of action before committing to a decision that will affect everybody from student to community member.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Gaschler