• Repeal the new wolf hunting and trapping regulations
    The wolves of Minnesota are being threatened by an ill-conceived and possibly illegal hunting season.
    5,856 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Gail Matthews
  • Do not allow the renewal of Capt. John Cota's pilot's license!
    Capt. John Cota has been blamed for causing the worst oil spill in San Francisco Bay in two decades when he crashed the cargo ship Cosco Busan into a tower of the Bay Bridge in 2007. He has sued the U.S. Coast Guard in an effort to regain his mariner's license so he can sail again. He should not be allowed back on the water because of the damage he has done to this ecosystem.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julianna
    The Governor is still considering whether or not to allow big gas to destroy our beautiful state for money by FRACKING for natural gas. I want to make sure he gets the message that New Yorkers don't want that to happen. FRACKING has already destroyed water sheds and ground water supplies and people's lives where ever it has been allowed. There is NO SAFE WAY TO FRACK. No regulations will protect the people or the environment from the horrors that FRACKING creates. Let's get this message to him in time. Please sign my petition. You don't have to be a NY citizen either. Tourists don't want to come to a place that looks like a war zone after the war. Please everyone join me by signing and sharing this.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Roberts
  • Maintain strong Wisconsin environmental protections
    Re-writing Wisconsin's state mining regulations threatens the environment of Northern Wisconsin. Changes to state regulations may pave the way for the assault on the delicate ecological balance of the Lake Superior region. Economic development should proceed in favor of and not against the environment that sustains it!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Halvard Midelfort
  • Stop the water give away
    Nestles was stopped from putting a bottling plant in Oregon 3 years ago and now they are back. It seems that Oregon Fish and Game isn't hearing the peoples voice and are determined to allow Nestle to place a plant near the gorge to pump out water from the Columbia River. The issues are threefold: We have no idea how climate change will impact the country's drought and thus food chain. Secondly, Nestle's has an awful stewardship around the world and for adhering to the quantities negotiated for bottling. Finally using their corporate might and monies tying up states and countries in court, often coming close to bankrupting those states. See historical data of Florida and Michigan. Bottling water is environmentally irresponsible and it is questionable whether it is the states right to sell the people's water.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Bodman
  • Ban Fracking Now
    There are more than 27,000 wells in the US and each well uses 1-8 million gallons of water and 80-300 tons of chemicals each time it's fracked (wells can be fracked up to 8 times). The fracking industry remains exempt from Clean Water, Safe Drinking Water and Clean Air Acts, hazardous waste disposal and other federal regulations. This is absurd! Please help keep our water safe!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Moody
  • Frack Off
    Hydraulic Fracturing is a dangerous thing Think of all the dangers it brings Gas drillers make money and if we frack New York our water will be ruined.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Rosen
  • create gmo free zones in the US
    According to a study conducted by a consortium or nations, studying the claims made by Monsanto that genetically engineered seeds will be drought resistant, will creater higher yields, as well as pest and weed control. These ge seeds underperformed in yield and pests and weeds appear to be have better adaptive properties than the genetically engineered crops.www.centerforfoodsafety.org. GMO-Emperor-final-10-11.pdf
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Dobben
  • Stop all tax payer's, Federal and State, money going to environmentalist groups.
    Our tax dollar money being given to environmentalist groups which in turn they use to sue the Federal Government, groups, and individuals.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Esch
  • Obama Executive Action: Assemble Commission on Climate Change
    So many lives have been taken by the effects of climate change. The consequence of our insufficient action is a threat to all of us worldwide.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Baumgarten
  • San Miguel County Commissioners: Extend Moratorium until 2014
    The current moratorium on oil and gas exploration, drilling and extraction within San Miguel County will expire on February 13, 2013 (UPDATE: The vote was pushed to March 12). The moratorium must be extended until the fall of 2014. In 2011 Congress has tasked the EPA to conduct a study of the potential impacts of hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") on drinking water resources. This study is scheduled to be completed and available during the first half of 2014. Given the drought conditions in San Miguel County and New Mexico in general and the potential risks from fracking to our limited sources of fresh water that are vital for residential and agricultural use, the current moratorium on oil and gas exploration, drilling and extraction within San Miguel County must be extended until the fall of 2014.
    1,152 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Bernard Schaer
  • Ban GMOs in Oregon
    Oregon Department of Agriculture has approved 2,500 acres of GMO canola in the Willamette Valley. Many Oregonian are upset and want their voice to be heard on the subject. That is why I created this petition, as simple reminder for all our elected officials that Oregonians want to ban GMOs.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Mason