New Mexico Civilian Restoration CorpsAs the awareness of our state's water crisis deepens in our state's legislators, some of us are working on a bill that would fund a New Mexico Civilian Restoration Corps. This would put our youth into a 2 year service program of restoration work on forests, watersheds, grasslands, riparian areas, cities, etc., during which time they would be trained in restoration skills, paid well, and earn college credits. It would focus totally on action, not words, with a focus on healthy soils, healthy waters.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Bacon
Right to Know, Label GMO's!Everything gets a label, right? Wrong! Genetically modified organisms are currently not required to be listed on the ingredient label of the foods we eat. As consumers we have the right to know what we are putting into our bodies! We aren’t asking for a ban, but for a label. If GMO's pose no risk to our health, why can't we be informed what they are in? Michelle Obama encourages a healthy lifestyle and organic gardening. GMO's are not organic. Does the president feed GMO's to their children? Give us the opportunity to choose whether or not we want to consume GMO’s. Let’s follow the example of most other developed nations and label GMO’s! GMO’s have been linked to allergies and other much more serious health problems.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Crawford
SAVE OUR COUNTRY: SUPPORT A CARBON TAXOur national debt and pollution issues have to be of grave concern to anyone wanting the U.S. to thrive for future generations.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Thompson
Ban Plastic Shopping Bags in Suffolk CountyEveryday my life and those of my fellow Long Islanders are impacted by the thousands of plastic shopping bags littering the landscape. They are flying from the tree limbs, blowing along the highways, and harming the wildlife. I would like to see these bags banned and reusable bags required.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anna Fox
Prevent GMO ProliferationPrevent the further introduction and proliferation of Genetically Engineered and Modified Organisms (plants, animals, bacteria, viruses, fungi, enzymes, vaccines, media) into our environment, food supply and bodies. Learning Disabilities, Organ Failure, Tumors, Infertility and Farm Failures are the the result of foisting GMOs upon the unwitting, unwilling and undocumented populace of America the Beautiful.33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by GodIs Shani Asantewaa Strothers
New Hampshire Wants GMO Foods Labeled!We have the right to know what is in our food. Please support the labeling of genetically engineered foods and agricultural commodities!5,356 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by State Representative Ian Raymond (co-sponsor)
Demand a free opt-out law from Smart Meters in WASmart meters pose known serious risks to health including cancer, and pollute the environment. They increase the likelihood of theft by monitoring a household's schedule. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a moratorium on the installation of transmitting utility meters. Present legislation, H.B. 2289 - Enacted – 5/11/2009, allows the installation of “'innovative energy technology,' to include smart grid and/or smart metering." This law must be changed.963 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Shira Nahari
I Pledge Not to Drive Anywhere on February 17A way for anyone to show solidarity with the important climate rally in DC on Feb. 17, by one day of non-participation in oil dependence.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andy Guthrie
SAVE THE FORT LAUDERDALE RAIN TREETHE FORT LAUDERDALE RAIN TREE IS A NATIONAL TREASURE! In 1987 The Fort Lauderdale City Commission declared the "FORT LAUDERDALE RAIN TREE" PROTECTED" against REMOVAL or DAMAGE. A DEVELOPER WANTS TO BUILD CONDOMINIUMS where the RAIN TREE LIVES and wants to MOVE this tree to a too-small 90' lot next to a warehouse and away from the River. THE DEVELOPER OF "Marina Lofts" will not alter their plans to keep the tree safely ON THE LOT THE RAIN TREE LIVES ON, on the eco-sensitive New River, already home to multiple condominiums - many of which are in foreclosure and whose units are EMPTY. IT IS "Supposed to be" a PROTECTED TREE! The Only Experts who say the Tree will survive a move are the EXPERTS BEING PAID BY THE DEVELOPER and they are THE ONLY ONES WHO SAY THE RAIN TREE CAN SURVIVE on this too small lot. IF THE FORT LAUDERDALE RAIN TREE IS MOVED THE DEVELOPERS OF MARINA LOFTS ENDANGERS ITS EXISTENCE.4,553 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Kross
dont frack New YorkNot fracking in New York2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa LeMomtagne
Save the earth from pollution killing it and all living creaturesYes I am suffering from the drought afflicting this part of the country16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Da. Adrian Hofstetter O.P.
Stop Chem-TrailsThe US Military, in an attempt to "control the weather", is spraying deadly chemicals into the atmosphere. These chemicals affect me as well as others with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and Environmental Illness. This spraying also affects crops and makes it a challenge for "organic growers" to maintain chemical free produce. Times of sunny, clear days when spraying occurs can result in me having to use a walker to get around; time spent hooked up to my O2 machine; and time confined to bed. We deserve clean air.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pati Gant