• Genetically Modified Foods
    This petition is about allowing people the opportunity to know whether food has been genetically modified. This allows people the option to avoid such foods.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Shaia
  • Make Plastic Responsible
    Plastic is everywhere! It's plentiful, and it can be useful. But plastic waste that is left in landfills won't biodegrade - it breaks into smaller bits that stay around for a long, long time. Some of this plastic ends up in the oceans (search for The Great Pacific Garbage Patch), and in animals like fish and seagulls. Plastic disposable items - razors, bags, packaging (think about the plastic that wraps around your vitamin bottles, candy wrappers, CD's) that aren't recyclable are never "disposed" of. But we can change that! Let's make the plastic that we dispose of either recyclable or biodegradable - keeping it out of the landfills and out of the food system. Sign this petition to ask our Governor to make all disposable plastic - from razors to wrappers - recyclable or biodegradable.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mari Mac
  • Climate Change: An Essential Topic of Presidential Debate!
    Climate change is one of the most critical issues facing the United States, and the world. The Arctic sea ice melt is at record levels and most of our country experienced extreme weather this summer, yet our Presidential candidates are saying little to nothing about how they will address this issue. The time is now. Candy Crowley must ask the candidates tough questions about how they will fight climate change.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Schultz
  • Climate change is real. Politicians need to act now.
    We are all being effected by the change in climate: farmers, the food industry, utilities, the whole area of environment, animal life, the economy, it goes on and on.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Florence Sandok
  • Just Say No to ALEC
    The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) wants to sell our public lands and pollute our air. Stand up and say no!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Langgin
  • Solar power for the Roundhouse
    New Mexico’s state capital, Santa Fe, has over 300 days of sunshine a year. However, this great resource has not yet been harnessed to power our state capitol building, the Roundhouse, and its surrounding buildings. Taxpayers spend an average of $60,000 a month to power the Capitol Complex.
    2,738 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Got Sol?
  • Clean Energy Alternative
    For decades, WE THE PEOPLE have understood how we are being controlled by the fossil fuel providers of this planet. Why haven't more of us done something to stop the gasoline industry rip off? They don't get to hear about the alternatives. The small companies and foundations are prevented from raising enough backing by governments, like ours, that are too invested in oil to allow progress to limit their income, billions through gouging us at the pumps! now you have a chance to support a solution! http://www.blogger.comblogger.g?blogID=7067089276830432670#editor/target=post;postID=411348622711191843
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Siesel
  • Dump the Dump! Tell IPL to Close the Harding Street Plant
    Indianapolis Power & Light, wants to keep this dirty and deadly coal plant operating for decades into the future. Worse yet, it wants my friends and family to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars in upgrades the plant needs to continue operating. Indianapolis Power & Light is expected to make a decision about the Harding Street plant soon. Let's make sure the company knows that Central Indiana residents don't want to pay more for electricity to extend the life of this dirty coal plant, which spews air pollution right into downtown Indianapolis. According to their own website, Indiana Power & Light calls itself "an industry leader in environmental stewardship;" and their website displays intentions of going green. But pollution from its Harding Street coal plant is not green. The clean air task force has estimated the pollution to cause 76 premature deaths, 120 heart attacks and 1,300 asthma attacks each year in Central Indiana. The EPA's Coal Waste Data sheet reports that the Harding Street Station now has two hazard ponds. According to the National Inventory of Dams (NID) criteria, “high” hazard coal ash ponds are categorized as such because their failure will likely cause loss of human life. "And if Indiana Power & Light moves forward with the costly plant upgrades it is considering, Indianapolis and surrounding areas we will be stuck with this dirty air pollution for decades." We can't allow that to happen."
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Faulkner
  • Prop 37
    Please label GMO's. We want to know!!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Smith
  • FDA & Monsanto's GMOs
    Ban Monsanto's GMOs from the United States of America.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gretchen Wilson
  • Ban commercial trade in polar bear parts
    "The world no longer has any polar bears to spare — certainly not to end up as a rug in front of a trophy hunter’s fireplace. We have to put a stop to the worldwide commercial trade in polar bear parts." -Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., NRDC Senior Attorney
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lydia
  • EPA: crack down on factory farms and save our waters
    There is no polite way to avoid it. Our waters are in need of some straight talk about an unsavory subject: Chicken poop. And lots of it. Polluting the Chesapeake Bay. Every single year. We can't avoid it because every year, factory farms raise hundreds of millions of chickens in Maryland. The millions of pounds of manure from those birds continue to be one of the biggest sources of pollution into the Chesapeake Bay. Pollution from all those chickens and other sources creates a vast dead zone in the Bay each year where fish and wildlife perish. Use this petition to send a message to the EPA telling them to keep factory farm manure from polluting Maryland's waters and the Chesapeake Bay. Right now, agricultural runoff containing nitrogen, phosphorous, pathogens and hormones is contaminating the Bay's tributaries like the Choptank River and threatening Marylanders' health. That's why we're calling on the EPA to require that all giant factory farms (or concentrated animal feeding operations, aka "CAFOs") be held accountable for their runoff and obtain a permit to pollute. Sign our petition now and keep Big Ag's waste out of our waters. You'd think giant agribusiness polluters like Perdue wouldn't be chicken about taking responsibility for their waste. But Big Ag and mega-chicken and hog operations across the Bay’s watershed are fighting tooth and nail to use our waterways as their personal sewer system. Thanks to the polluters' squawking, the EPA halted a measure earlier this year to better identify and monitor giant factory farms. This was a big set back for the recovery of the Chesapeake Bay. We can't let that happen again. If enough people send the EPA the message to limit pollution from factory farms, we can take a huge step forward towards protecting the health of our waters. It's going to take your help, but I'm confident we can cut the chicken crud and keep the Chesapeake Bay on a path to restoration.
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Megan Cronin