• Tell BP to move forward with restoration of the Gulf Coast!
    The Gulf Coast didn’t need another reminder of the critical need for coastal restoration as Hurricane Isaac rolled through–but the emergence of BP oil along our coastlines provided that reminder. It’s been 16 months since the Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) Trustees and BP announced an agreement to provide $1 billion towards early restoration projects, yet the trustees have only allocated $60 million to projects. We’d like to know–what is taking so long? Keep BP accountable–tell them to move forward with restoration of our coast! Currently, the project selection has been occurring in a black box with little opportunity for public input. In November 2011, the Gulf Future Coalition released Sunshine on the Gulf, a report that outlines the need for transparency and public participation in the restoration project selection process, as well as putting forth a framework for evaluating many of the proposed early restoration projects. This report has been lost on BP as they continue to drag their heels, and stall the path to the restoration of our coast. Send a message to BP that we need transparency and public input to ensure the full repair of the damage to our coast.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Erenberg
  • Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
    Stop the pipeline at the border. DO NOT install it piecemeal inside the U.S. DO NOT destroy our country to make a Canadian corporation more wealthy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Carroll
  • Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
    Stop the pipeline at the border. DO NOT install it piecemeal inside the U.S. DO NOT distroy our country to make a Canadian corporation more wealthy.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Carroll
  • Mr. Murdoch, stop lying about climate change
    A new study has shown that in news outlets R Murdoch owns ( Fox News and Wall Street Jnl Op ed pages) more than 3/4 of discussions about climate change or inaccurate. (http://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-climate-coverage-93-wrong-report-finds-193433943.html) By misleading people, he may be causing them to respond too late, which could be devastating later. We want him to do the right thing and undo the misinformation he has given.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debra Morales
  • Mr. Murdoch, stop lying about climate change
    A new study has shown that in news outlets you own ( Fox News and Wall Street Jnl Op ed pages) more than 3/4 of discussions about climate change or inaccurate. (http://news.yahoo.com/fox-news-climate-coverage-93-wrong-report-finds-193433943.html) By misleading people, you may be causing them to respond too late, which could be devastating later. Do the right thing and undo the wrong you have done.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debra Morales
  • Ban Fracking city by city, Lansing, Michigan.
    Our federal and state governments have failed us. Its up to us, The People, community by community, block by block, locally on a city by city basis to make those that wish to pollute our ground water feel as unwelcome as we possibly can. Please sign this and share with everyone you know. Demand that your city council ban fracking in and near your town. Use this petition as a template when you do the same where you live. Your city administrator emails are usually readily available on your City's home page. Thanks.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Orlich
  • Make Hawaii a leader in green energy
    There is so much sunshine in this state we should be the leader in solar energy. I put photovoltaic on my house in 2007 and my electric bill–for up to nine people using the three bedroom plus two apartments under one roof runs around $150 per month. Hawaii runs its grid on diesel fuel which is an abomination. Please help me to encourage the state legislature to continue efforts to keep Hawaii green.
    1,249 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Heathcote
  • Extend the Production Tax Credit (PTC)
    The livelihoods of thousands of Kansans is impacted by the wind industry. We are citizens, landowners, construction workers, business owners, teachers and others from all across the state who have benefited from local wind energy projects. Kansans know that a job is a job is a job, and that ANY project that brings jobs to our state as well economic security and a brighter future for our communities, deserves support. Please join, the Climate + Energy Project, the Wind Coalition and KS Interfaith Power and Light, along with thousands of Kansans, in asking Congressmen Huelskamp, Pompeo, Yoder and Congresswoman Jenkins, to please join Governor Brownback, Senators Moran and Roberts in supporting extension of the PTC. Find the entire letter here, http://blog.climateandenergy.org/
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Climate + Energy Project
  • Mayor Mike Bloomberg: Stop dousing NYC's public spaces with Roundup and other pesticides!
    Despite piles of research suggesting that Monsanto's Roundup is dangerous, the Big Apple continues to douse its parks with the stuff—potentially exposing millions of New Yorkers to toxic effects.
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Natalya Murakhver
  • The " Harbor Bill "
    A petition to protect our Hawaii Harbors from possible Black Oil pollution, during discharge operations. That every fuel barge discharging Black Oil at the harbor fuel docks, have a containment boom surrounding in case of a spill.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Captain Meyer Field
  • A simple stepping stone to sustainability
    Recycling and sustainability have long been a great concern for me because it is a simple thing to do but it can make a huge difference. The facts are clear from the 10 states with bottle bills that many jobs are created (The Container Recycling Institute's documented study estimates a national bottle deposit law will create 100,000 jobs), litter is dramatically reduced (cuts costly taxpayer-funded roadside and waterway clean-ups), and recycling participation improves significantly with financial incentive (20% participation rate rises to 80% almost overnight with container deposit law and bag tax implementation). A National $.25 Single-use Use Bag Tax would give $.05 back to retailers to enable them to do free or low-cost reusable bag promotions. $.10 would go directly into a grant program established by local communities to fund community building but chronically underfunded programs for youth and others in mentoring, animal and nature therapy and education, sustainable community gardens, the arts, and a wide range of non-profit and school groups that are really making a difference and need to be expanded instead of cut. The final $.10 would go to land and sea plastic pollution clean-up efforts and awareness campaigns. Hundreds of tons of carbon are prevented from being released by using recycled over virgin materials in container production. Reduced consumption of bags is also a greenhouse gas saver. Taxing an industry that is creating a burden on society is not a new idea; adopting a nationwide bottle and bag bill is common sense. A federal law would require that all states have their own container deposit and single-use bag tax/grant programs in place by September, 2013. I will be riding my bike from Montana to Washington,D.C. to deliver the signatures on this petition (please follow Wren's Ride on Facebook and Share! ) I am hoping to create a happy Mother's Day for Mother Earth by having a groundswell of support and convincing our corporate and government leaders to take clear and swift action to set our nation on a more sustainable and peaceful path. (Please see the World Bank's new PSA "4 Degrees Hotter by 2100" urging immediate action regarding greenhouse gases and climate change) Thank you for your support, together we can make a difference!
    1,161 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Wren Kilian
  • Ban hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") in Colorado
    Please read the information below. If you agree that hydraulic fracturing should be banned in Colorado, sign my petition using your full name, and if you're part of a couple please take time to sign individually. Hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) is a process used in the majority of natural gas wells in Colorado, where millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals are pumped to depths as much as 10,000 feet below the surface of the earth to break apart bedrock formations and release trapped natural gas [1]. Many of the chemicals used in fracking are known to cause adverse health effects, including cancer [2]. Fracking also releases radioactive substances and other naturally occurring toxins embedded deep in bedrock [3]. After a well is fracked, an average of 50% of the toxic soup returns to the surface (called “flowback”). It’s either dumped into an open pit “holding pond" and the toxins allowed to evaporate into our air and leach into our soil, or transported “away” and dumped into injection wells, often in undisclosed locations, where its presumably gone “forever” [4]. Clean water is “recycled” over and over again for new fracks until it becomes so saturated with toxic chemicals that it can’t be returned to the water cycle from which it came [5]. To make matters worse, the oil and gas industry is exempt from numerous environmental laws including the Safe Drinking Water Act, Clean Air Act and Hazardous Waste Regulations [6]. There is no such thing as "away" and "forever". When a toxic chemical is introduced into the surface environment it mixes with our soil, air and water where it continues to circulate. Once fracked, toxic chemicals can percolate slowly upward from the subsurface through existing natural fractures and deteriorated well casings, creating a long-term threat to our aquifers and drinking water [7]. According to the COGCC’s own records, thousands of releases have occurred in Colorado where toxic chemicals from fracking have poisoned the land, wildlife, and humans [8],[9]. In some cases, even death has resulted [10]. No business, and no benefits resulting from doing such a business, is worth the loss of our health, safety and the pursuit of happiness. Fracking threatens our air and water and all living organisms that rely on a healthy environment. There is growing evidence that chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing are increasing cancer rates [11],[12]. Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers has opened at least 17 cancer centers across Colorado in the last decade [13]. Could the next boom in our economy be the treatment of cancer, resulting from the chemical exposure of fracking fluids in our soil, water and air? Please sign this petition and let Colorado's Governor and state legislature know the People of Colorado want a ban on the dangerous and life-threatening process of hydraulic fracturing. To learn more and support the campaign, visit: Banfrackingcolorado.blogspot.com Mary Russell, Garfield County Endorsed by*: GrassRoots Energy activist Network (GREEN) (http://grassrootsenergynet.blogspot.com/p/aboutsupport.html) Our Healthy Earth: Inspiring Sustainability through Education Renewable Communities Alliance (http://www.renewablecommunities.org) Citizens for Huerfano County (www.huerfanofrack.com/) Commerce City Unite NOW (https://www.facebook.com/CommerceCityUniteNow/timeline) Adams County Unite NOW (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adams-County-Unite-NOW/437630749622216) The Mother's Project-Colorado (http://www.mothersforsustainableenergy.com) Rio Grand Watchdogs (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rio-Grande-Watchdogs/109319245803522) Sustainable Earth Education and Development (http://www.seed-llc.org) Denver Community Rights (http://www.denvercommunityrights.org) Citizens for a Healthy Community (http://www.citizensforahealthycommunity.org/) What the Frack?! Arapahoe (http://frackingcolorado.wordpress.com) Colorado Citizens Against Toxicwaste, Inc (http://www.ccatoxicwaste.org) *If your group is interested in endorsing this petition contact: [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________ [1] ProPublica, What is Hydraulic Fracturing?, http://www.propublica.org/special/hydraulic-fracturing-national [2] Earthworks, Hydraulic Fracturing 101, http://www.earthworksaction.org/issues/detail/hydraulic_fracturing_101#CHEMICALS [3] Hammer, Rebecca and VanBriesen J. Ph.D., PE, “In Fracking’s Wake: New Rules are Needed to Protect Our Health and Environment from Contaminated Waste Water”, NRDC Document, May 2012: 12-05-A, http://www.nrdc.org/energy/fracking-wastewater.asp [4] Garfield County pits, A Photo Essay by Judy Jordan (former Garfield County Oil & Gas Liaison. http://fromthestyx.wordpress.com/2012/10/08/garfield-county-pits/ [5] The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, “Chemicals in Natural Gas Operations:Introduction”. http://www.endocrinedisruption.com/chemicals.introduction.php and US House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce, “Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing”, April 2011 (view or download here). [6] Earthworks: “Gaps in Federal Oversight of Oil and Gas Production”, http://www.earthworksaction.org/issues/detail/gaps_in_federal_oversight [7] Tom Myers. “Potential Contaminant Pathways from Hydraulically Fractured Shale to Aquifers.” Ground Water. April 17, 2012, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-6584.2012.00933.x/abstract [8 Earthworks, Colorado Contamination incidents, http://www.earthworksaction.org/issues/detail/colorado_contamination_incidents [9] Bruce Finley, Denver Post, Drilling spills rise in Colorado, but fines rare, http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_18881512 [10] Dr. Sandra Steingraber, Letter to Governor Cuomo about fracking: http://steingraber.com/ [11] Dave Fehling, NPR State Impact, Texas, Texas ‘Needs More Research’ into Health Risk of Living Near Drilling Sites, http://stateimpact.npr.org/texas/2012/08/20/texas-to-investigate-health-risk-of-living-...
    3,653 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Mary L. Russell