• President, Congress, Senate: End all wars now! Keep our money at home!
    We all are having economic problems because of so much money going to support the wars. Many have lost family members either in the war or because of suicide committed because the returning servicemen could not deal with what they saw. Many more are paraplegics or quadriplegics, having lost legs and arms. This cost is incalculable as most of these men (and a few women) will never be able to do the jobs they had hoped to perform. It is time to end the money going to Israel too. This money here at home could prevent hunger and homelessness. It is time to keep our money here at home!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherrie Miranda
  • STOP Sending Foreign Aid Until the Deficit is Paid
    Foreign Aid goes for more grants to people overseas from our government than the people that pay the tax money to fund them. We are facing a fiscal cliff and are funding other countries. We continue to fund other countries that want to kill us. THIS mismanagement MUST STOP NOW!!!! .
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellette Jackson
  • Recogntion of Palestine
    The newly internationally recognized state of Palestine should be both recognized and supported as the free self determination of a people as part of the ongoing peace process in the Middle East. We ask President Obama to formally recognize Palestine and to offer them economic and other supports equal to that which we give to their neighboring states so as to promote economic development, stablize the region and promote democracy and justice.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William B Harrell
    It is time to review this longest running failed U.S. embargo of Cuba. Our foreign policy toward Cuba has been held hostage by a small minority of mean-spirited Cuban exiles for much too long. It's time for Americans to join the U.N., the Pope and many Congressional leaders who condemn this policy.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maura Barrios, M.A.
  • Stop Giving Foreign Aid to Military Regimes: Give To Womens Groups For Change Around The World
    Our Government should stop giving foreign aid to governments where so much of it goes into military spending and spreading brutality in their countries and around the world, by causing other countries to intervene in their interior wars. I watched programs on PBS about women who are standing up for change in their countries. I think more of our foreign aid should go directly to them. Then we will see a change for women's rights and for more humane societies.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ferne Jacobs
  • US Stop Supporting Corrupt Pakistan and Afghan Govts
    US soldiers continue to die in Afghanistan. As recently as November 16, U.S. Army Sgt. Channing "Bo" Hicks 24, was killed Nov. 1 by an improvised explosive device and small arms fire in Afghanistan. Please STOP this War with No-End, for several hundred years no one has ever truly conquered Afghanistan, or have won a war in Pakistan-Afghanistan region.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aga Majid
  • Secretary of State Clinton: Denounce police brutality in Myanmar
    Burma/Myanmar has announced to the world that it is entering a reform period toward democracy, but the recent crackdown on peaceful protesters - mostly Buddhist monks- reveals the ugly truth. Unless basic measures are taken to honor the people's right to freedom of expression, the reform process is exposed as a sham intended merely to bring legitimacy to the government rather than true change in society. The United States has been praising the reform measures taken thus far and responded with extensive rewards for good behavior. But the White House also has the responsibility to condemn human rights violations and remind the Thein Sein administration that the world is watching more closely than ever. Please sign this petition to urge Hillary to denounce the brutal Nov. 29 attack on the Monywa copper mine protesters.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Olney
  • Promoting democracy in Africa is benefitial to US interests
    Current US foreign policy is benevolent and non engaged in promoting real democracy in African countries ruled by dictators such as the case of Cameroon in Central Africa. President Paul Biya has ruled Cameroon for 30 years through fraudulent elections and on one occasional paid retired congress people huge sums of money to validate a frudulent election. Under President Paul Biya, Cameroon has remained stagnant with doctors doing major surgery without the use of anesthestics. Many young Cameroonians are denied the opportunities to educate themselves or to be gainfully employed leading to droves of Cameroonians leaving the country by any means possible and occasionally losing their lives when attempting to cross the Sahara desert to reach Europe. Seeking opportunities in other countries has become a major factor linked to lack of opportunities for Africans in their own countries despite vast potential and resources. Dictatorship such as the entrenched one one in Cameroon has seen a few elites concentrating all the wealth into their own hands with no resources allocated to healthcare, infrastructure, education and much more. American policy makers have to be better educated to bubble up more proactive policies that would improvee the lives of Africans. As a Cameroonian - American, I am very interesting in participatiing with you to to start a petition geared toward policy makers. Please visit youtube to view people undergoing major surgery in Cameroon without the benefit of aneathestics because of the lack of investment in people oriented initiatives because of the hedonism of the dicatorial regime.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gaston Poufong
  • President Obama: Stop Two Ticking Time Bombs!
    I am the CEO of Aesop Institute, an NGO, that has posted extensive information about both of these little recognized dangers to all of us. The website is: www.aesopinstitute.org These Time Bombs are little recognized threats to our National Security. Preventing the second one, a solar superstorm, can accelerate replacement of fossil fuels with decentralized, renewable energy and boost the economy, creating jobs.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Goldes
  • No More Drones
    The drone attacks in Pakistan are eerily reminiscent of the London blitz.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Stanley
  • Cut Military Spending. Close Overseas U.S. Military Bases
    As a way to reduce military spending President Obama should establish a Commission to study the feasibility of closing some U.S. military instulations located on foreign soil. This Commission would report back to the President within one year with recomendations for the closing of overseas U.S. military instulations. The closures would encompass roughly %50 of U.S. military personel and roughly %50 of all foreing instulations. To be implemented within 10 years.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Helsel
  • Time to End the War in Afghanistan
    President Obama is about to receive a set of military options for Afghanistan from his advisers. We believe that the best strategy to serve the interests of the American people and our brave troops on the ground is an accelerated withdrawal to bring to an end the decade-long war as soon as can safely and responsibly be accomplished. Please stand with me and the more than 45 representatives who've stood up so far. Sign your name to the letter below.
    382 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Lee