• Support Susan Rice
    I am disgusted by senators looking to score political points by destroying the Ambassador's reputation.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Evans Glass, M.D.
  • Lift the Embargo on Cuba Now!
    We have voted for President Obama to work for us and this blockade is about 50 years old. This is the time to lift embargo on Cuba who helped release Nelson Mandela from jail. They send 200 medical doctors to Ghana every year to work in the remote villages. We should trade and be able to visit Cuba.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isaac Kusi
  • Stop the assaults on Gaza and Israel
    Demand an end to the mutual attacks by Israeli Defense Forces and the outgunned Palesinian forces of Hamas. Demand that both sides--Israel and Palestine--recognize each other's right to exist in peace and dignity. Withhold Federal aid and military from both sides until sound ideological grounds for coexistence is reached. No more "pushing Israel into the sea", or saying "Palestine is not a nation."
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luigi Petrigh-Dove
  • Restore full diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba.
    Now is the time for the President to end the 60 year old failed Cold War policy that has accomplished nothing except the impoverishment of the Cuban people. Thanks to the massive turnout of all Latino voters for the President, Obama can now open relations without fear. It will mean jobs and sales for American workers and businesses, people to people contacts that could lead to reforms and change, and an end to the hypocrisy where we deny trade and travel to Cuba but permit it to China and Vietnam. THIS IS PETITION IS ON WHITEHOUSE.GOV at www.tinyurl.com/endcubaembargo, please sign it in both locations!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sven Serrano
  • Stop the Rush to Judgment On Benghazi
    A few politically charged Republican lawmakers are casting stones and making disparaging remarks to try and make political points about an American tragedy like the attack on our embassy in Benghazi. We need bi-partisanship, and to come together as Americans for the sake of the families of those who were killed, and those who were terrorized. The President did say that this was a spontaneous demonstration, that he does not know who is responsible for the attack and that the demonstration was a spontaneous one. When I was in high school, a couple of kids were pushed into me, and we fell to the floor. While they were helping me to my feet, someone else took off with my wallet. To this day, I truly believe that most of those kids were mere pawns who suffered a fall, just as I did. I don't know the identity of the person who stole my wallet, but I do know that he or she is a thief. President Obama is neither cynical enough, nor naive enough, to believe that the entire crowd of protesters was in on the full attack with a rocket launcher. It is far more plausible to believe that they were deliberately whipped into a frenzy to serve as a distraction for the real attack. Otherwise, intelligence about the impending attack would have been more widespread. When viewed in this light, each of the President's statements is true, rather than a lie. However, these lawmakers find this view inconvenient, because the truth does not amount to a scandal. The President neither takes, nor fills, security staffing requests from U.S. embassies. This is a fairly routine task that would have probably never risen to his attention, nor to that of Secretary Clinton. Like anyone who is in a position of leadership, they must depend on others to do their jobs conscientiously. Therefore, we currently have no evidence that either of them failed to handle their job with competence and with a deep regard for the lives of those people whose lives were changed that night. Making wild accusations without evidence serves no positive interest for the American people. Therefore, I am asking that Congress, and especially Senators Graham and McCain, do the same thing that even a rookie prosecutor would know to do the first day on the job right out of law school: Wait for the investigation to run its course. Then speak.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Pauling
  • A statement to China about Immolation
    This is a petition requesting that China should make efforts to address the suffering of the Tibetan People in Tibet. There has only been silence regarding the ever increasing number of Tibetan's committing immolation. China must come to terms with this reality and not think that it will go away. We the world must know what solution does China have? Blaming the Dalai Lama is not a solution to the failed policies in Tibet. Please support this effort. The Tibetan issue will not go away, how can we have good trade relationship with China when human rights means so little to them
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jampa Pryor
  • Apologize to President Obama and Susan Rice
    Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham should be ashamed and need to apologize in a press conference, immediately.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LXCHI25
  • End Drone Warfare
    The extrajudicial use of drones to kill supposed terrorists actually kill many more innocent women and children. More so, the use of drones actually terrorizes and traumatizes the entire population in areas where they are used as death and destruction comes without warning. Innocent men, women and children live in constant fear, afraid to gather in groups for weddings, funerals and other normal human functions, unable to sleep or behave in any normal fashion. Furthermore, these planned assassinations are based on conjecture and supposition without any due process and are morally and legally bankrupt. Their use creates greater animosity and hatred for the United states and more terrorist recruits. Their use is really self-defeating.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by J. Adam Milgram
  • Let's bring our troops home now!
    Our beloved country is going bankrupt. The stated goal of Osama bin Laden. Who will win? Our troops and their families have been pushed to no end. What would God's parents do?
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen H Klein
  • nominate Malala Yousufzai, a Pakistani girl shot in the head by the Taliban for advocating girls'...
    Malala Yousufzai, a Pakistani girl was shot by Taliban for advocating girls' education. Many other countries have joined in support of her by petitioning that she receive the Nobel Peace Prize. It is my hope that women in the United States will now join women from other countries in that effort. What better way to show support for our own daughters then by encouraging the nomination of Malala Yousufzai.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Quinion
  • Stop defacto Declaration of PreEmptive War
    Senate Joint Resolution 41 was passed 90-1 on September 22, 2012. It is astonishing that it is not being covered in the media, and that it also had 83 co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle, introduced by Lindsay Graham, Bob Casey and Joe Lieberman. It has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Relations. We would like a hearing on this matter. Please contact your CongressPerson and tell them to vote NO.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Murphy
  • Freedom for Cuba
    End the brutal embargo against Cuba!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john w. scanlon