• Disbar John Eastman for undermining our Constitution & elections
    In leading efforts to undermine the peaceful transition of power after a free and fair election, he attacked the foundations of our democracy. Nearly 160 million Americans exercised their right to vote in the November 2020 election. Dozens of courts rejected unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud, and the Electoral College formally ratified President-elect Biden’s victory on December 14, 2020. Despite these clear expressions of the will of the people—and with full knowledge of the implications of their actions—John Eastman undermined the Constitution and our democracy. These actions prove John Eastman fundamentally unfit for membership in the legal profession. He has flagrantly violated some of the most elementary ethics rules governing the legal profession. The California Bar should undertake disbarment proceedings against John Eastman and send the message that the legal profession stands firmly in defense of our democratic institutions. They must do so whether or not John Eastman plans to assume the roles of advocate and counselor ever again, as a private or public lawyer. It is the least our profession can do to protect and defend our most cherished ideals and institutions.
    40,532 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Etelle Higonnet
  • We Need an Anti-Price Gouging Law in Maryland NOW!
    On June 11th, 11 churches joined together to provide $25,000 in free gas in Prince George's County to provide direct aid to the community. Organizers were discouraged to learn that Sunoco Gas Station on Marlboro Pike increased the price per gallon by 10 cents during the event- and immediately lowered the price after. Currently, in Laurel, MD residents are receiving rent increases from $400.00 - $1600.00 as well as parking fees of varying amounts depending on rental seniority & Schweb Partners LLC based in Jackson, NJ claims this is market value for their units. Blatant exploitation and price gouging are unacceptable when our community is struggling to make ends meet, Maryland needs explicit anti-price gouging legislation to protect our citizens from industry greed.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by PG CHANGE MAKERS Demanding Change Since BIRTH Picture
  • Sign Your Name to Hold Clarence Thomas Accountable With a Code of Ethics
    The lawyer who pressured Mike Pence to go along with a coup claims to know what Supreme Court justices are discussing, and has been revealed to be emailing with Clarence Thomas’s wife. Despite his wife’s deep involvement in a very public act of sedition, Clarence Thomas will not recuse himself from any January 6th cases. On the contrary—he was the only justice to vote against granting the January 6th Select Committee access to key Trump administration documents related to the insurrection. This is a clear conflict of interest. It’s blatantly unethical. But unlike every other federal judge in the nation, Supreme Court justices aren’t beholden to any structured code of conduct. That has to change. Sign your name if you agree.
    2,296 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Freeman
  • Florida's Modernization of Parole Act
    This change lowers recidivism, decreases prison violence, reduces state spending, and increases public safety.
    516 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Smook Collins
  • Increase Mental Health Benefits for Medicare Recipients
    With 2.9% of every company's earnings contributing to the SSA, I am urging the decision-makers to consider the welfare of such a diverse community of citizens who are so in need of a hope to hold on to. By making one small step for man, we can rest assured that addressing this issue head-on is the most important leap for mankind during this prevailing crisis. By increasing policies to aid the crisis itself, I believe that taking action will create a domino effect in which others will want to be apart of. It is not too late to make a difference, sign this petition to propel this initiative forward and enact change in our country today.
    398 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kaysha Florvil Picture
  • Raise the legal age to buy a gun to 25
    Think back to when you were 18, 19, even 21, did you have need for a automatic rifle? Or even a handgun? So, why would we sell guns to 18 year olds? With no training, little background info, and zero questioning, we let a child buy weapons that kill. Are you comfortable with this? Please help raise this ridiculous legal age limit to something other than 18.
    817 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Tiffany Boyd
  • Homeless Bill of Rights for Wausau, Wisconsin
    Please help by signing this petition. We want to ensure that our unhoused citizens maintain their right to employment and resources essential for their survival and path to recovery. This petition will be presented to the Wausau City Council. By agreeing on the basic human rights of our unhoused, we can begin to work together to help.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jaimie Anderson
  • NY State can lead the way NOW to stopping global deforestation!
    If it passes, the NY Deforestation-free Bill can protect some of the world's most vital ecosystems, curb deforestation, inspire other states to do the same, and help humanity actually address climate change. Deforestation is a major driver of climate change. It causes 10 to 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. What's more, keeping forests standing and promoting reforestation is a key solution to reversing climate chaos. If deforestation were a country, it would be the third largest “country” in terms of emissions. We need to fight for climate solutions on the federal AND the State level, and NY State can lead the way. Bill S.5921 is simple. It would ensure that products New York State buys are not contributing to the deforestation of the earth's most precious forests. If NY pulls this off, it'll be the first State in the US to do so. But NY won't be alone. In fact, the European Union and the United Kingdom are already creating regulations to curb imported deforestation into their jurisdictions. By having NY do the right thing, we can send a message to other countries and companies that they should do the same. Sign our petition to pass a strong law to fight deforestation! Be a forest champion and help save this planet for future generations.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Etelle Higonnet
  • End Religion In Government
    If we are to be a country of religious freedom, then we need to be a country free from religious influence in our laws and government. For no one who lives under laws created by religious influence and zealotry has freedom of religion, only freedom to be subjugated under a singular religion.
    618 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Justin Williams Picture
  • Don't Shoot! Advocating for the passage of AB-89
    Black Californians are about three times more likely to be seriously injured, shot, or killed by the police relative to their share of the state’s population (Public Policy Institute of California, October 2021). California has already implemented many reforms through state legislation, including requiring local law enforcement agencies to report incidents of serious use of force, permitting public access to law enforcement records for certain misconduct and use-of-force incidents, and establishing an independent board and data collection effort aimed at reducing racial disparities in police encounters (Public Policy Institute of California, October 2021). Although these efforts may be valiant, there is still room for continued change in decreasing the amount of deaths due to excessive force and police brutality. Through the passage of Assembly-Bill 89, California police officers will be required to be trained at a state standard. Along with this, officers will be required to obtain either an associates or a bachelors degree. These changes will allow police officers across the state to be held to a higher standard and training program as well as increasing education has shown that it can decrease excessive use of force. T
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by SWRK645 Advocacy
  • Defund APD in FY23
    After George Floyd’s murder in 2020, there was a national cry to end racist policing. Though the national outrage has fizzled, police brutality remains far too common. In 2022, Orlando Taylor was killed by Springfield Police and Miguel Estrella was killed by Pittsfield Police, both during calls for a person in mental distress. Policing is not the solution to public safety. Advocates in Amherst have continued to call for defunding the Amherst Police Department. A promising, BIPOC-led envisioning of an alternative safety department has been implemented. However, the funding proposed is inadequate. The FY23 budget proposes only $621,520 in funding for CRESS, or $2,117,780 less than CSWG’s recommendation. There FY23 budget allocates $0 to a BIPOC cultural center, $407,690 less than CSWG’s recommendation. The FY23 budget allocates $500,000 to the youth empowerment center, above what was recommended— but it provides no clear plan as to what this money will support. The FY23 budget proposes $175,257 to the DEI office, $52,390 less than CSWG’s recommendation. These proposed programs will help create community safety in a responsive, anti-racist manner. They should be fully funded with money redirected from the police budget. The demand is still DEFUND THE POLICE.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by allegra clark
  • We The People!!
    I implore all Americans to stand up, be heard & do something to help better your life & the lives of all those around you! If we don’t speak up NOW, there will never be change… We have the power to change the world, right the wrongs, unlock the chains of injustice & demand a better quality of life! Change starts with you! Your voice matters! You CAN make a difference! Stand with me in pleading… no, DEMANDING more from our government! We demand more assistance to climb our way out of poverty! We demand our government to respect & hear the people! We demand a better quality of life for our children! And lastly, we demand action from our government! If change doesn’t happen NOW, I fear those people who feel frustrated & unheard will begin to revolt. We do NOT need a revolution, we need a resolution… When parents go hungry so their children do not, you know there is something inherently wrong with the system. When the people are scared to seek medical help because of the outrageously high costs, there is something inherently wrong with the system. When a parent has to choose between working just to pay daycare or staying home to raise their children and not being able to pay rent, there is something inherently wrong with the system. We are not asking for a handout, we are asking for a leg up! I implore you to take these words seriously. For if you don’t, the people may rise up to seek justice themselves. We will no longer stand by and go unheard and unseen. We will shout from the rooftops until change happens! I will stand up for what is right, even if I have to stand alone…
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Calder Picture