• Governor from the State Of New York
    Get the minimum wage higher in the State than $7.25 an hour. This does not work for the State. What will work for the State $11.00. If CA can have a wage of $10.00 why not NY have an $11.00 that would work for most people in the State, 35 hours a week at $11.00 that would come out to $385.00 a week people can live that way. Put something away for savings too.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Kaye
  • Term Limits for all politicians.
    Presidents are limited to 2 terms all other politicians should be also.No political office should be a career.After 2 terms they are not working in the interest of the common man they are working for the people who give the biggest donations and perks.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by micki voss
  • Abolish the U.S. Senate or Super-Majority Votes
    Re-claiming democracy in America, by getting rid of the 60 percenters. The U.S. Senate was never democratic, given each state gets two senators regardless of population, but now that it takes 60% to get an affirmative vote, is is by definition, undemocratic.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Close
  • lies and the truth for once
    lies in the goverment veit nam 911 big lie
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian B
  • Turn Utah's Congressional Seats Blue!
    Utah has yet to see more than 1 democrat in congress in over 50 years, let's change that and bring in a new, young candidate who wants to slash the cost of college education, bring new community involvement, and expand the rights of LGBT communities. Donate or sign the petition and let Ryan Combe know your standing with him to turn Utah from Red to Blue!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colton Webb
  • Reclaim Your Voice
    There is a cancer in our government and it must be removed. The influence of money in our political system is a non-partisan issue that touches every citizen of the United States. We are calling on Congress and all citizens to ban all forms of gifts to political campaigns or to organizations supporting political campaigns.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rfmoore
    We Seniors and Babyboomers could PASS-IT-FOWARD by contributing back into the social security trust every tax day.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Zoladz
    The Citizens United ruling was NOT a matter of free speech as they asserted. It IS a matter of one-man-one-vote in a republican form of government. By allowing unlimited contributions by corporations they have essentially given them as many votes as they can afford. It is the equivalent of saying that votes can be had for every x number of dollars, or that only landowners can vote; a concept proposed and rejected by our founders. In addition, they have ignored the laws that prohibit political contributions by foreign interests because almost all publicly held companies have some stock owned by non citizens. Further, because there is no reporting requirement for contributors, foreign interests can make direct anonymous contributions to these Super PACs. Shouldn't it be a violation to let foreign interests decide who is going to be a US public servant? Corporations are NOT people; they are commercial and legal paper entities, and they have legal protections people do not. They do not have children who need good schools, they cannot get cancer from a polluted environment, they cannot lose their lives in wars of choice, they cannot be sent to prison or jail, and they do not benefit from a happy populace. Their sole interest is in monetary profit. When corporations enter political debates with vast expenditures and propaganda, they seek to further their own interest, not those of humans. Far too often their interests prevail at the expense of the public well being because of their immense wealth.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas G Spencer
  • ALL United States Government Job Descriptions
    I believe it is in the best interest of the American People to rewrite the job description of all our Government Officials from the white house to the general labor and then match those jobs with a appropriate pay or salary according to the job or position. When the American Peoples Taxes are paying an employee to do the job for the USA we also need to enforce that that those positions and or jobs descriptions are being carried out to met the American Peoples expectations after all thats why they have the job because we believe they can and will serve the American people. I am sure we could also cut out a few positions that are only costing The US and not a necessary position if it is not serving the American People.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L. LaVonne Everly
  • Eliminate Real Estate Taxes
    Eliminate Real Estate Taxes by increasing sales taxes on a revenue neutral basis. Average sales tax increase required would be 1.75% (est). No sales tax increases can be authorized without a statewide popular vote. Eliminate all county and state offices that are presently tasked with the appraisal or collection of these taxes.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Roberts
  • Demand Gil Kerlikowski's resignation from ONDCP.
    Gil Kerlikowski, head of the White House Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), has continued to neglect and ignore rational, scientific data in regards to drug policy. He has additionally claimed successes where none exist and proliferates disinformation which inhibits rational progress for the sake of maintaining the ignorance of the status quo. Gil Kerlikowski needs replacement.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lincoln Nielson
  • End Federal Pensions for members of Congress
    I would like to see the Federal Employment Retirement system amended to eliminate the Federal Basic Annuity portion of the Act for members of Congress and make the contribution that would have been payable to the Annuity, payable to the Social Security System.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Pierce