• Save the U.S. Post Office From Private Interest!
    Up until 2006, the United States Post Office has been making a profit year after year for the US government by simply selling postage and stamps. Ever since George W. Bush passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA), which obligates the USPS to prefund 75-years worth of future health care benefit payments to retirees within a ten-year time span — a requirement to which no other government organization is subject. Thus, in addition to the weak economy and the diversion of mail to electronic means, the mandates of PAEA have had a considerable impact on Postal Service finances. As a consequence, it has been charged that the US Postal Service budget crisis of 2011 is, in essence, an artificial one. Sign to tell let the government know you see their phony ways to cause fully functioning AND thriving government services to be bullied into legislated financial extinction by private corporate entities like competitors: FedEx and UPS spent money to back this bill to help edge out some federal competition.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey Kanjanapangka
  • Save Our Postal Service
    The PMG has moved to consolidate and close many post offices and processing plants across the nation. He has also changed the delivery standards which hurts our bottom line and will cause the loss of many of our customers who will choose alternate delivery companies. You need to ACT NOW to help preserve the postal service. Reject HR 2309 which will destroy the USPS.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Rose
  • Preference Voting
    Our political system is dysfunctional. This is due in large part to too many extreme views and not enough in the middle. It is well known among those who study voting systems, that our "first past the post" system is almost the worst possible voting system. Preference voting would get us more candidates with moderate views, perhaps a larger voice to other parties, and would ensure that the candidate most desired by the population would be the candidate elected. (Our current system does not do this!) It might even save money, as it may be possible to do away with primary elections.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Krogh
  • Congressional Term Limits
    Positions in Congress were never intended to be a lifetime occupation. Elected officials should spend all their time working on the peoples government. Re-election should be based on their performance not donations.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip G Kinneer
  • Implement Simpson-Bowles now
    Gridlock in our nation's capital is strangling our ability to formulate and implement the needed reforms to our economy that will allow us to climb out of this financial and fiscal hole we've dug for ourselves. The complicated nature of our problems allow special interests to obfuscate and resist changes. I offer a simple solution we can all get behind. It is generally agreed that the Simpson-Bowles solution, while containing hard to swallow pieces for both sides, would be a healthy step forward for our country. It is a balanced approach that would at least set us on the path toward reducing our deficit, and provide some much needed tax reform, that, in turn, would encourage businesses to feel more secure and start investing and hiring again. Let's simply implement it. The politicians won't or can't. The question at this point is: do We the People really have any power left? Lets test it. If we get 2 million signatures to this petition, they'll have to take notice. Can we do it? I think we can, if we stand together.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark F. McDougal
  • President Obama - Bring victory to Wisconsin with your presence.
    President Obama and Vice President Biden are our champions. If they do not have the courage to stand with Wisconsin Democrats for all to see, will progressive groups have the desire to come out to vote for them in November.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen J Quinn
  • Tax Citizens United Spending
    Since we need a Consitution Amendment to overturn the worst Supreme Court decision since Plessy v. Ferguson; we should have Congress pass at 95% tax on all spending over $1,000 by any PAC.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David C. Steinberg
  • Justice for a better world.
    Opening more presidential candidates for debates. Our two-party system is essentially a duplicate of one.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Mammel
  • Restore Our Democracy
    Pledge to our representative and two senators that we will not vote to reelected them in November 2012 unless they do what they can to promote a new Constitutional Amendment to restrict freedom of speech to publically aired speech and to promote the integrigy of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau so that those who take out mortgages and loans will not be cheated by not knowing the particulars of the mortgage.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald V Steward
  • Take Back The Middle
    There has to be a sizeable number of voters of both parties that are sick of the extremeism that has taken over both political parties.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Chapman
  • Political Jobs Should Have The Same Benefits As Regular Jobs.
    I feel ALL politicians should be should be held to the same standards as anyone holding a regular job. If or when you leave a regular job you do NOT get to keep any benefits from that job so why should our government officials get to keep their benefits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Schmitt
  • Federal Deficit Reduction.
    Some media advertizers blame President Obama for increasing the deficit. The executive office can only approve budget financial changes initiated from Congress. Americans need to force congressmen to submit all financial proposals to an vote for the citizens to approve. With computer access we can have a process where this will be an issue on Yea or Nay for all Americans to decide. Then congress can see what we want and not just lobbyist views. Making our voices heard will be in part for our direct benefits instead for how we are ignored today. Since the congress tends to favor the pay they receive for their partizenship proposal decisions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michele Kotula