• Vote for None of The Above!
    We are now faced with voting in as our next President the lessor of two evils! Send a message to these elected officials that we are unhappy with both candidates and plan on voting none of the above.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by PJ Vinch
  • Americans for Term Limits
    I propose that congress enact term limits so that no one individual can serve more than 4 terms in the U.S. House of representatives.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald T Reiner Jr.
  • Bring Scott Walker back to Congress to explain his contradictory testimony.
    The citizens of Wisconsin deserve the truth from Governor Walker. His testimony in front of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform contradicted recorded statements that have come to light since his testimony. Was Act 10 a plan to attack unions developed immediately after Governor Walker's election, rather than a way to address a fiscal matter? Scott Walker should be called back to Congress to explain his answers to the Oversight Committee that don't match information that has recently come to light.
    8,492 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Stahl
  • Recalls in Pennsylvania
    There is currently no procedure in Pennsylvania by which elected officials may be recalled. The people of Pennsylvania need and deserve to have such recourse available to them.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Edwards
  • Publicly financed federal elections
    Our national representatives have lost sight of who they're elected to represent due to the large influx of campaign contributions from special interest groups.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Taylor
  • General pour goverment fuctions
    No one person can change Washington
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Waters
  • President Obama, End Drone Warfare Now!
    The President says he is using drone warfare to save American lives. He is actually making the country less safe. Our government is using our tax money to kill people by remote control. The government says everyone we kill with drone warfare is an enemy combatant but we are actually killing innocent men, women, and children too. These actions are breeding hate for our country and creating terrorists. As our elected officials debate how much to cut social spending in this country our government is wasting half of discretionary spending on illegal warfare that is ruining our reputation and putting our lives in jeopardy the world over.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg DeMarco
  • Scott Walker Criminal Defense Fund
    It was made clear in the recent past that Scott walker has PAID the Chicgo attorneys that were hired to defened him against the John Doe investigation. In Wisconsin it is illeagal to hire or PAY attorneys until AFTER an indictment has been handed down. The Joe Doe investigators, Dane County DA and Sheriff need to step up enforce this part of WI law as the WI DOJ is not doing anything. It is time we the people force action on this ASAP.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael J. Malcheski
  • Eliminate Political Advertisement from the Media
    The issue of unregulated campaign money would be greatly reduced if we outlawed the use of the media for political purposes
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rod Rylander
  • Take Back the Pledge
    New legislators showing up in Congress are being pressured to sign Grover Norquist's Pledge not to raise taxes under any circumstances. This unrealistic pledge hobbles their ability to compromise, meet in the middle, and work with both sides of the aisle. Realistically, we cannot balance the budget merely by cutting spending; some taxes must be raised as well. Senators & Congress persons were elected to work for the people of their states, not for a lobbyist. I believe this pledge is a conflict of interest; so I'm calling on all legislators who signed Grover Norquist's pledge, a pledge to a lobbyist, to take back that pledge.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Spisak
  • HONOR your OATH of office!
    Every Federal Senator, Congressman, Judge, and Elected Official took an oath of office which says in part that they will "Protect the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic". Every one who voted for the Patriot Act, NDDA, the removal of the Glass Stegal Act is in DIRECT violation of that OATH of office. Lets make the direct violation of the oath of office a crime of treason and sedition that will make the offender in-eligible to hold office, and shall require them to be discharged without benefits or retirement immediately.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristian Rosvold
  • FCRA, redefine "court reporter" in the Statutes
    The state of Florida allows digital court reporters to be the guardians of the record by definition in the Statutes. Digital court reporting firms have the largest profit margins and provide large gift-giving incentives, which places the consumer of our services in serious danger of tax consequences as outlined by the NCRA. This also places the consumer of our services in danger of receiving inferior products. We implore you to redefine what a true court reporter is to exclude digital reporters in the private sector, yet allowing the government to continue to use their currently integrated systems in certain divisions.
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lee Walker