• Campaign Finance Reform
    Taking the money out of politics would take the influence of corporations and billionares out of our government. The corruption in Congress is all caused by political campaign contributions that buy influence and congressional votes. This is not the way the founding fathers wanted it to be and the majority of the people.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lloyd Marshall
    INSURANCE COMPANIES have MADE SURE that ERISA laws and WORKERS COMP laws are STACKED AGAINST THE WORKER.Your Group Disability Insurance Policy purchased at work is governed under ERISA law and is riddled with Fraudulent claims denial practices such as paying doctors to deny claims who have never met the claimant. NO trial by Jury or Punitive Damages are Allowed by Law . Stop Congress from favoring big Insurance Companies NOW.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Tius
  • Eliminate the "Electorial College"
    This process of electing our President needs to be eliminated!!!! It was started back 200 years ago when there wasn't all the communication that we have now. "Now" it's not needed. I think this is the big reason that alot of people don't vote, they feel that their vote doesn't count and that the politicians control everything. This needs to be changed for the good of our country!!!!!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley D Jones
  • Say NO to Ex-PATRIOT Act
    Senator Chuck Schumer is extremely vindictive: http://news.yahoo.com/facebooks-eduardo-saverin-spits-eye-american-people-172220717--abc-news-politics.html
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ba Smith
  • Abolish the Government
    When do the people take back our land, life and liberty. Sign me up for that because we are growing very tired of the governments oppressive in-human ways. Pretty soon the only choice will be to abolish all government and start over. Where again do I sign the petition for that because it's about time all of you politicians go get a real job to help humanity instead of thinking you can micro-managing the human race.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by hazel smith
  • Audit The Fed
    The Federal Reserve continues to manipulate our economy to benefit the wealthiest Americans while preventing ordinary Americans who want to save their money from accruing any kind of interest in their savings accounts by keeping interest rates artificially low. As if this wasn't enough, the Federal Reserve has also been picking the winners and losers of our economy by giving more than $16 trillion dollars away to "too-big-to-fail" banks in the form of bailouts. These are staggering facts, but this is just what we know of the secretive Fed and its actions. Enough is enough. Citizens deserve to know what the Federal Reserve has been doing behind closed doors, and it should be audited immediately.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julian Finelli
  • Easy Housing Fix
    Housing is all about the monthly payment, no matter if you call it rent, a lease, or mortgage. The higher the interest rate the higher the monthly payment. Investors jack up that rate. If the bonds from those rates were sold to homeowners, the pressure would be to lower interest rates. Homeowners would fund their fellow homeowners and get a modest retirement income at the same time.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edd Abraham
  • Stop Congessmen and Senators Free Ride
    Congressmen and senators receive taxpayer paid health and pension benefits. Since nearly all members of the two houses of congress are already millionares before they are elected to serve the people, they do not deserve taxpayer paid free health and pension benefits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael J. Dryden
  • Election of Supreme Court Justices
    In recent years the Supreme Court's decisions appear more and more political. This is not likely to change. Hence we need to change the Constitution as follows. A person would be appointed a justice for a 10 year term. After 10 years, if he/she wished to continue, they would have to stand for nationwide election on an up or down vote.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel J. Sandman
    End the filibuster and the rule that requires 60% to pass a Bill does not serve the American Voters. It does, however "guaranty gridlock". Congress should not be allowed to place their in-house rules above the interests of The American People.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernard Mills, Sr.
  • Shut down internet cafes or regulate them
    Internet cafes are not providing full service internet access because they block sites like Facebook and they freeze constantly while on YouTube. They should offer computer training to seniors but instead they rob them by not giving back a percentage in winnings. The seniors are mislead to believe that they can win their money back. These places should be regulated or shutdown.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon F. Pilgrim
  • Candidate Accountability & Truth in Politics
    This petition levels the playing field, by holding politicians accountable for the things they say during an election. If candidates knowingly lie to the voters, they are removed from office.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Kralicek