Veterans and the intentional loss of military medical records and denial of denial of claims by ...What the Federal Government is doing between offices intentionally. When a veteran gets out of the service all his military records, emdical and personel records are supposed to maintain by the National Achieves or NPRC. When the veteran submits a claim, the VA ask for these medical records. to verify claim.-What they are doing to veterans, women veterans. The VA is asking for these records and NPRC is saying "we had them sorry but we misplaced them". NPRC even send a apology letter to the veteran. The VA then denies claim saying no records, even after the letter from NPRC is received -saying they lost the records- The VA still denies all claims and reason is still no records, in other words there committing fraud because another government agency already admitted to lose them / misplace them. The VA should have on the reason for denial, that NPRC has misplaced records and because of this they must deny claims. What even worse the VA is making veterans wait years-6 plus board hearing where they decide if they are going to approve claims. In short the federal government is losing Veteran records then denying their claims saying there is no records. Then when you do a VA appeal, it they make you wait another 6 years. They're hoping the veteran passes away so they do not have to pay claims. Also the veteran has to pay for prescriptions etc, because the government lost their records because there claim is denied to this VA board that they wait years for. What the government is doing is beyond unethical. Many politicians have been notified and there response is do nothing. What the petition it hopes to is ask the President if he can by executive order tell the VA when the NPRC or the VA admits in writing that the lost of records is by the United States Government the veterans claims should be automatically approved until the government finds what they lost. At least by out politicians a bill that stop this injustice, when the government admits wrong doing, the veterans should not have to be punished because of incompetency of the government, all claims should be approved until records are found or claim is automatically approved because lost by government right now the veteran has NO rights and is at the mercy of the VA and NPRC and right now there doing this intentionally not to pay claims with the veteran waiting decades to find out when they're going to go to this VA hearing. We ask all Americans to help disabled veterans who getting denied VA benefits because the government admits losing their records. Veteran have written the White House and even when the White House ask the VA whets going on the VA blows off the White House by doing nothing. Veterans are not being taken care of and this more of the circus that is thrown at them and we ask all to sign to stop this unethical madness. Please Mr. President fix this where veterans do not have to wait for claim approval when the government did wrong to them, we fought for this country and we come home and you have two government agencies playing games of we lost your records, to bad go wait in line for 8 years. When the government does wrong and admits it in writing the veterans should not have to suffer which is happening NOW. Please help stop this injustice to veterans tell the president and conger to correct this so veterans should not have to suffer because the federal governmental demits losing records. Then the government become responsible for their lost and the veteran sould not have to wait and suffer because NPRC lost the veteran records..92 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Suzanne Collins
corporations owning our countryCoporate money going to politician for there own aganda. To owned politicians. No mather if repb. Or dems.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ramiro Herrera
Revoke congress health and pension..Revoke all of congresmen and senators health plans and retirements ,and ensure they cannot pass any laws that exempt them from the laws,furthermore make them responsible for every dollor they spend during office. change thier terms to indefinate.furthermore include long federal jail terms for any state or federal laws broken during there term2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary L.Garibaldi
Prove it or Lose itWashington doesn't work. Congressmen even admit that they can't get anything done because of politics and partisanship. I would like to initiate a concept to replace the WHOLE federal government in this next election, unless each individual politician can sell us on why they should stay in office, what they have done lately to help matters (if any) and what they will promise to do, if reelected. So the idea is to begin with them being replaced, unless they can prove why they should stay, not the mindset of should we vote them out, assume they are out, why should they get the job back.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Z.
Modifying our Banking SystemModifying our Banking System: It is mathematically impossible for the United States to solve the financial catastrophe we find ourselves in without dramatically modifying our banking system. We cannot tax our way out of the problem nor "cut" (spending) our way out of it nor borrow our way out of it. The reason, as understood by Benjamin Franklin and other "founding fathers" is that with our system, there is always more money owed back than there is in existence and since the only source for new money coming into the system under our current banking scheme is a loan which is a debt that carries an interest burden, it is not possible to not go deeper into debt. About the banking system we are now operating under, Franklin said that collectively, it represents an impossible contract which cannot be fulfilled. He is right. We have to go back to what our constitution says at Article I, Section 8 [5] - Congress shall have power to "Coin money (and) regulate the value thereof..." The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 purported to change this constitutional congressional mandate although our constitution was never amended to reflect that change. The Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) is a secret cartel of large private banks that creates our money and regulates its value contradictory to the provisions of our constitution. The entire banking system, including the Fed, mainly utilizes "fractional reserve lending", compound interest and the bonding process to transfer as much of the meager accumulated wealth of the 99+% at the bottom into the pockets of the less than 1% at the top as fast as they can, thereby enslaving all those below the less than 1% at the top. We have to go back to congress creating our money and regulating the value of it and our government spending that money directly into the economy (for education, roads, ports, health care for all, social security etc.) without borrowing any of it at interest. It's as simple as that and the only way out of our economic problems. You see, eliminating the monetary inflation generated by our "private" banking system by the three main methods I outlined above would automatically also eliminate price inflation. Our economy would stabilize and we would move toward full employment, foreclosures would virtually be eliminated, cities and states could slip back into the black and out of the red, taxes in all jurisdictions could be lowered and the list of benefits goes on and on. This will not be easy and those at the top that created this system to benefit themselves will fight to the death to keep it in place. They have most of congress and the courts in their pockets and we therefore have to take the decision to institute a change out of the hands of the congress and the courts and circulate a constitutional amendment to eliminate current banking practices, specifically prohibiting the federal bonding process, fractional reserve lending and compound interest. Short of doing this, we are doomed.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ken Kollodge
End Gridlock in Washington DCAre you fed up with a Congress that can't seem to work together to solve the urgent problems of our time ? Me too. It's time more voters acknowledge they have been co-opted into voting for candidates whose agendas are actually not in their own self interests . We MUST restore the Democrats to a majority in both houses of Congress. STOP ELECTING REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTIONISTS .2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Pridemore
Repay Social Security and lock itThe Social Security/ Medicare fund was always well funded by those who payed forward. Unfortunately it wasn't locked and over the years Congress has borrowed from it and not paid back. This fund needs to be unavailable for any reason except to its investors for pension and health care. It has not run out of money as we've been told. It was embezzled out of money.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carolyn Ortiz
Time to revise DUI laws.Pennsylvania (and other states) should revise DUI laws to permit offenders LIMITED driving privileges to work/school, mandated Counseling and Highway Safety School attendance, and medical care. People convicted of DUI are losing jobs, dropping out of school, and avoiding medical care because their licenses are suspended and they are prohibited from driving under any circumstance.130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Robin Como
Elections for the electorsIn the average state election, less than 20% of campaign contributions come from within the election district. What honest purpose could companies and individuals have when giving money to influence who will represent you but not them?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Lange
Legalizing marajuanaPeople should sign my legalizing marajuana petition because being bad for you is so old school. My husband had cancer and this was the only thing that helped his pain.. He choose it over the prescription pain medication which in my eyes was a good thing, thank you.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sharon stricklen
TRUTH IN POLITICAL ADVERTISINGSince we are stuck with "Citizens United" and unlimited corporate money in politics, we should at least get TRUTH in advertising. This will hold politicians accountable with what they say in ads. Right now, lies are allowed to be perpetrated with no penalty. This must stop!34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeffrey Malo
medicinal marijuanaabout legalizing medical marijuana for those who have cancer crohns and other diseases also for people who suffer from chronic pain medinal marijuana would greatly help with their quality to live a higher quality of life and not in pain constantly I know i suffer chronic pain from 2 bike wrecks and an getting tired of not enjoying life and having to take medications that are way worse such as morphine, oxycontin and dursgesic and belive medical marijuans may help me get off these very additive drug. I have keep switching between these 3 mdicines because lose their pain contol. there are also alot of others suffering from these these diseases and chronic pain. I think we deseve a higher quality of life8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Cossin