• New Political Party
    At present, the Democratic and Republican parties are beholden to entrenched interests and do not truly represent the progressive interests of a growing majority of voters. As both parties have become increasingly corrupted, fighting undeclared wars, impinging on our civil liberties, withholding information from citizens, violating due process and the like, it is essential that restoring democracy requires a 3rd political party. We could call it The Progressive Party, The Peoples' Party or The 21st Century Party.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr Jerry Cecere
  • Congressional term limits
    Membership in the House of representative should be limited to 7 terms (14 years) while membership in the Senate should be limited to 3 terms or 18 years.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Kravette
  • Sunday National Election Day
    Voting for national offices moved to Sunday so that there will be more equal opportunity for working people to cast their vote.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Daigle
  • Constitutional Amendment to change election cycle and process
    Amendment would: 1. End the unproductive cycle of politicians spending their time and efforts to raise funds and achieve support for their re-elections instead spending their time and efforts to work with others to solve problems facing the US and its citizens, especially our growing deficit and debt; and, tax code. 2. Reduce the negative influence that special interest groups, lobbyists and big donors have on our elected officials’ words and actions; and, on the legislative process. 3. Give US citizens, especially children, a break from very negative campaigns, which occurs every two years and demonstrates how terribly grown-ups, candidates and their supporters, may act in order to gain election or re-election or power. 4. Our current elections’ cycle and process does not promote elected officials to work together: but, instead fosters division, polarization and grid lock due to politicians being more concerned about maintaining power and position by any means necessary instead of acting honorably, decently, reasonably and responsibly with other elected officials, regardless of party affiliations, for the best interests of US citizens and our great country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Adams
  • Reform of our system of elections and terms of office.
    I believe that it is time to reform our system of elections and terms of office and am sure that I am not alone. Our present system promotes the corruption of our government.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Goodwin
  • pay cut for congress
    When we don't do our job right or even if the company has to cut costs, we get a pay cut. WELL, congress and the senators in Washington haven't done their jobs for a while and we also need to cut the deficit. Give them a pay cut now
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat carroll
  • Disavow the No Tax Increase Pledge
    Some members of Congress and the Senate have signed pledges to vote against any tax increase, even those that are reasonable and necessary to balance the budget. This practice prevents representatives from voting their conscience and puts the power of legislation in the hands of outside interests. The House and Senate Rules Committees can change this.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Hasling
  • Repeal of the 16th Amendment
    Whereas, the Founding Fathers created a Federal Government which was not allowed to levy an Income Tax on its Citizens, the 16th Amendment changed this in 1913 and now allows the Federal Government to take away the wealth of the Citizens of the States and place undue burdens on the States for the return of their Citizen's money. Whereas, the Federal Debt per person was $12 in 1910 before the Income Tax amendment and was $28,229 per person in 2006 and growing, the need for limits on Federal spending is obvious.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anton Grambihler
  • Repeal the 17th Amendment
    Whereas, the Founding Fathers created a Congress with a House of Representatives to represent the people and a Senate to represent the States, the States now have no representation in the Federal Government and the they are being forced to bear burdens for which they have no representation, it is therefore necessary to restore the Senators as representatives of the States. Whereas, the 17th Amendment was added to the constitution in 1913, in 1917, which is the four years necessary for a majority of the Senators to no longer be representatives of the States, they voted for President Wilson to turn a European war into World War I by allowing him to declare war on Germany. This and the other Wars encouraged by the Senate is more than enough justification to show the need for repealing the 17th Amendment.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anton Grambihler
    The Democrats in WI must agree on ONEcandidate to oppose Walker in the recall election to avoid the Primary Battle where fake Democrats will receive votes of Repiublicans. This will assure that by uniting, the recall will succeed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald R Vineburg
  • Members of Congress Must Be Held to Higher Standards
    Elected officials, and specifically members of congress, must be held to higher standards of conduct than those of elementary school children.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by justice4x
  • Two parties can't represent 300 million people: We demand Proportional Representation
    While we in the US lag behind, most modern democracies have embraced the idea of Proportional Representation (PPR) as a way to increase the people's voice in government. Under this system, votes are cast nationwide for political parties which in turn send representatives to the legislature. This allows more than two parties to hold seats in government, more accurately represents the will of the people, and prevents the kind of political blackmail we face here in the US, where if you don't vote for one the two parties, you tacitly vote for the one in the lead. Isn't it time that America holds multiparty elections and becomes at least as democratic as Germany or France? Help us make this great country even more free.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin W. Sewell