• medicinal marijuana
    about legalizing medical marijuana for those who have cancer crohns and other diseases also for people who suffer from chronic pain medinal marijuana would greatly help with their quality to live a higher quality of life and not in pain constantly I know i suffer chronic pain from 2 bike wrecks and an getting tired of not enjoying life and having to take medications that are way worse such as morphine, oxycontin and dursgesic and belive medical marijuans may help me get off these very additive drug. I have keep switching between these 3 mdicines because lose their pain contol. there are also alot of others suffering from these these diseases and chronic pain. I think we deseve a higher quality of life
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Cossin
  • Politicians! Give up your pensions first!
    With all this talk about cutting into State worker's and now Railroad worker's pension funds to feed the political machine, the question must arise: What about Politician's pensions? Anyone in the workforce, be it State, Union, or otherwise, pays into their own pension fund which they can not draw from until they reach retirement age. This is NOT an entitlement for them. Politicians, on the other hand, receive a lifetime pension for serving a single term (4 to 6 years in most cases) which is funded solely on our tax dollars! It is time we stand up and demand that these "public servants" give up their pensions first!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Markus Scherf
  • Increased penalty clause for elected officials
    We can scale the multiplier from the local level to the highest office. For example if a govenor of a state is found guilty of a crime committed while in office the multiplier can be 1.1, a senator 1.5, the president 2.0.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Davis
  • Term Limits
    Impose term limits on congress. Limiting terms on members of the house and senate will stop them from becoming career politicians and and spending more time trying to get elected rather than doing the country's work.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandy
  • Impeach The Supremes: Scalia; Thomas; Alito; Roberts
    This court has and is continuing to rewrite the laws and Constitution heavily in favor of the one percent over the rights of the people.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Marie
  • Congressional Reform Act
    The quickest and most effect way to stop corruption in our politics is for the American people to insist on reforms to their relationship with their political representatives.
    223 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Doug Myers
  • Term Limits for Supreme Court
    The notion of any position in government running for life is an idea which should have died with rule by monarchy.It invites a tyranny of the few affecting all. While an independent Court is best for all, a wholly unaccountable Court serves no one.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randy Handley
  • Paul LePage: Apologize for slandering public emloyees
    At a town hall meeting in Newport last Thursday, Governor Paul LePage accused Maine state employees of being “about as corrupt as you can be.” I agree with Republican State Legislators Roger Katz and Patrick Flood and others who have called on Gov. LePage to apologize. Public workers do important work for all Maine people. For Gov. LePage to call them "corrupt" is baseless and insulting to every public worker who has dedicated their lives to making Maine a great place to live, work, and raise a family.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Foreman
  • Abolishment of Affrimative Action
    Abolishment of affrimative action for eqaul opportunity of all americans not just certain people. The past is the past lets not punish the future generations with the past. As a minority having to work in another state in a professional position cause of Affirmative Action this is wrong.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Gallegos
  • Government Reform
    Privileges congress has voted for themselves, English as our National language, immigration and religion.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Alheim
  • Congress: Stop Wasting Our Money!
    While the Congress passes no bills, saves no money and talks about tax cuts in programs that help American citizens, they are doing NOTHING to cut waste, fraud, and mismanagement in government agencies. In many cases, they are protecting their power base. In many cases, they form oversight committees who have no real power to enforce the rules they are supposed to oversee. THIS HAS TO STOP!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Riggs
  • Stop the absurd
    After seeing a news story today about law makers who lease very expensive automobiles at tax payer expence, I believe we need to be heard. I believe that they should leases out of their bloated salaries. I also believe they should have medicare as their health insurance. It should be set up with the same quide lines as our medicare.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loreta Stewart