• Ohioans need the right to remove John Kasich from office
    In November 2010 John Kasich was elected governor with less than 50% of the vote. In December he told Ohioans they could either get on his bus or get run over by it. Turns out he wasn't kidding. Today, hundreds of thousands of dedicated public employees, including first responders and teachers, have been run over by Kasich's bus. Hard-working, middle class Ohioans have been stripped of their collective bargaining rights thanks to the passage of Senate Bill 5, just so Kasich can preserve tax cuts for the richest Ohioans. Public employees aren't the only people Kasich has run over. He and the Republican legislature are trying to make it harder for the poor, minorities, students and the elderly to vote. His budget undermines public education, makes college more expensive for working and middle class families, and picks the pockets of libraries and local communities. In Wisconsin, where a radical, anti-union, anti-middle class governor is following Kasich's lead, people have the right to recall dangerous state officials. Unfortunately, Ohioans don't have the right to run Kasich out of office because state law does not permit recall of the governor and other state officials. The time has come to change the law! Sign the petition in support of Representatives Mike Foley and Bob Hagan's legislation to give Ohio the right to recall radical extremists like John Kasich. Let's give Ohioans the right to put Kasich back on his bus and drive him out of Columbus.
    22,725 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Foley
  • Floridians Deserve The Right To Recall
    Florida law currently allows for the recall of local elected officials, but there is no provision to allow for the recall of state officials, unlike 18 other states. Engaged citizens deserve the tools to hold their public servants accountable without having to wait for the next election! (Note: This petition is an expression of political support for the recall legislation and not an official document for recall purposes. It also allows us to keep you informed on future recall news.)
    27,637 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Rick Kriseman
  • Austerity
    Elected representatives should demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice along with the people they represent by foregoing their taxpayer provided health care insurance and by also foregoing their taxpayer provided pension benefits. Let them be true free market worshipers.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Durst
  • Gov. John Kaisch must be removed from office
    John Kaisch has consistently displayed his reckless policies that are destroying families all across the State of Ohio. He must be stopped immediately. So, therefore, we are initiating a petition to have him recalled.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Mark Haynes
  • Amend the Constitution of Ohio
    Should the voters have the ability to recall elected state officials?
    3,684 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by DL Thomas
  • Lebanon Selectmen - Record You're Meetings!
    Presently Selectmen meet at workshops and do not keep minutes and the minutes from evening minutes may be vague and or lacking. This petition is to require recording of ALL Town boards and to have the audio and or video recordings placed online so residents may listen and or view to them on-demand. Recording is done by a great majority of towns and to implement this simple process is very inexpensive. It could also serve to protect the town in the case of a he said she said situation. It will provide much greater transparency and access for residents. Selectmen should take the quickest path to implement for example start audio recording while awaiting a more complex video solution.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Glen Stadig