• Idaho lawmakers: veto legislation extending the use of deadly force
    The legally extended use of deadly force in other states has increased the use of firearms unnecessarily and tragically. Adoption of such legislation in Idaho must be stopped.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Lorentzen
  • Demand that Rep. Daniel Webster give back or donate the $35,349 he received from the NRA.
    According to a poll taken this past spring by the Pew Research Center, 89% of Republicans favor preventing the mentally ill from purchasing guns, 82% favor barring gun purchases by people on no-fly or watch lists, 77% favor background checks for private sales and at gun shows, 56% favor creating a federal database to track gun sales, and 54% favor banning assault-style weapons. (Source: "Here are the gun control policies that majorities in both parties support," Ryan Struyk, CNN, Nov. 6, 2017) Even faced with these poll numbers from members of his own party, Rep. Webster has continued to let the NRA control his vote. It's time to stop gun lobby bribery and start protecting human lives.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elissa Malcohn
  • The State of Nevada Should Ban Assault Weapons
    If we continue to do nothing, nothing will change.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryce Henderson
  • No open carry
    Because with the rate of mental illness in our state and the lack of proper training guns are getting into the hands of the irresponsible.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leona Jackson
  • Young Protection in Schools from Guns
    As a mom of three children in New York City public schools, I often wonder what would happen in the all too common worst-case scenario of a school shooting. There should be more protection at the door, like an armed set of security guards and emergency button for 911/gun violence alarm. There should be bullet proofing on all doors both inside and outside, locks on all classroom doors, and an automated way to set these locks from security and the main office. Enough is enough; if we can't create gun control laws to minimize this risk, it is time to create protections to stop the killing and injuring of innocents.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malissa R Young
  • No guns in schools, bars or places of worship
    Our legislators and governor are considering changing our laws to allow people to carry guns in these establishments. This legislation is in process, including Michigan Senate Bills 584 and 586, so a change could happen soon. We must make our voices heard.
    248 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Krieger
  • Rep. Ann Wagner: Reject the NRA
    Our country is awash in guns. The NRA has become the perpetrators of violence through their continued cash flow to legislators in order to prevent enactment of common sense laws, which most Americans favor.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Frances Crecelius
  • Repeal the Dickey Amendment
    The Dickey Amendment prohibits the center for disease control (CDC) to study GUN DEATHS to make them safer. Repeal Dickey is dedicated to the repeal of the amendment so events like Sandy Hook and Vegas can be studied and eventually prevented.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jayson Schlesinger
  • Take military weapons out of civilian hands
    As a mother, I feel gut agony to witness in TV reports of war actions and in US mass murders children and babies shot, suffering hideously.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BetteLynn Johnson
  • LHV - Gun Reform
    Aside from the many mass shootings taking our great nation by storm. Right here in our own community, we have now seen our 17th homicide. Change will not come on it’s own, it requires action from the people. Gun violence is out of control in the United States, but especially in the Lehigh Valley. Now more then ever is the time to let our elected officials know that we don’t want gun reform, we need it! Before more lives are lost, The time to act is now.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Shahadi
  • U.S. Congressman Steve Knight (CA-25) accepts political contributions from the NRA gun lobby. Don...
    U.S. Congressman Steve Knight (CA-25) has received thousands of dollars in contributions from the NRA. We the residents of California's 25th Congressional District urge Steve Knight to return or donate all NRA contributions received during his political career and commit to not accepting another cent from them in the future. The National Rifle Association has a financial chokehold on much of Congress. That chokehold is one of the main reasons why in spite of the mass shootings in Las Vegas, Orlando, San Bernardino, and Sandy Hook, we are still unable to PASS COMMON-SENSE GUN LAWS. To date since the Las Vegas tragedy, two representatives–Tim Ryan (Ohio) and Tim Walz (Minnesota)—have donated previous NRA contributions to gun violence protection groups. We are asking Steve Knight to stand with these representatives and return or donate all contributions received from the NRA and commit to not accepting another cent from them in the future.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doug Broers
  • Representative Mac Thornberry: Give back NRA contributions
    Would like my congressman Mac Thornberry to quit taking money from NRA lobbyists. We need to fight for commonsense gun control.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Koonce