• Further Investigated Background Checks When Selling Guns
    Over a dozen wanted fugitives and even those under domestic violence restraints are allowed to buy guns. Responsible people should be allowed to buy and sell guns, but we need to stop guns from falling into the wrong hands. How do we expect to stop mass shootings when we're practically handing them the guns?
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha & Stephanie
  • Pass An Assault Weapons Ban
    1 hater + 1 military style assault weapon = 49 killed, 53 wounded, infinite heartache. Because he had easy access to a military style assault weapon, a man filled with hate turned a place of celebration and joy for Orlando’s LGBT community into a scene of devastation and loss. This is one of the worst mass shooting in America, with 49 shot dead and 53 wounded, many of them young Latinos just beginning their lives. Such mass shootings have been increasing. We say: Enough. We demand that Congress act to stop the carnage now: Military style assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines, which make such shootings possible and so deadly, have no place on our streets. They are made for battlefields, not our schools or our churches or our gathering places. We do not agree that we are powerless to stop these tragedies. We are a caring, can-do nation and it’s time to put aside partisan biases and prioritize our dying young people. We demand that Congress step up to the plate at last and pass an effective ban on civilian use of these weapons. H.R. 4269 was introduced by Rep. David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island and currently has 125 cosponsors.
    4,842 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by States United to Prevent Gun Violence
  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Co-Sponsor HR 4269
    After the devastating mass shooting in Orlando, citizens across the country are once again demanding that their leaders act decisively. As your constituent and a resident of a state that benefits from gun control laws, I ask that you truly represent Hawaii and our district by co-sponsoring this common sense legislation, which keeps weapons of war out of our communities.
    294 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shay Chan Hodges
  • Congress: Allow Funding for CDC Research on Assault Rifles
    When automobile deaths were on the rise, our government funded research to make cars/driving safer and the number of annual deaths was reduced. The same should hold for guns. The CDC has attempted before to collect data on gun violence, but the US Congress (backed by the NRA) stood in its way. It's time that research was funded, that data collected. I started this petition in hopes of helping to prevent future mass shootings resulting in the loss of innocent American lives.
    294 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Hatfield
  • President Obama: Make Your Legacy Banning Assault Weapons
    In 912 days after Sandy Hook, there were 998 mass shootings. Kids are dying. It must stop. Assault weapons are not for personal defense, they are for mass murder or war. The founding fathers had single shot muskets and never imagined individuals armed with assault weapons. Stop mass killings.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Brenda
  • Gun Control Now
    To demand elected officials to act and pass stricter gun laws.
    235 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mariana Iglesias
  • Let's Have a National Referendum on Assault Weapons
    We have ALL been affected by this issue and have signed petition after petition asking lawmakers to do something, way too many times for far too many years. Let's start a petition for a National Referendum so the American people can vote Yes or No once and for all on outlawing the sale of Assault Weapons to the public. Thank you.
    244 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Scott Fagan
  • Ban High-Capacity Assault Weapon Magazines
    I am sickened by the constant mass shootings in my beloved country. I am sickened by the NRA and the Congressmen they have bought and paid for.
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Bodnar
  • #ENOUGH: Expand Brady background checks to all gun sales
    The tragic mass shooting in Orlando that killed or injured more than 100 people for who they are is the latest in a scourge of gun violence plaguing our country. It doesn't have to be this way. We the undersigned have had #ENOUGH of gun violence at the hands people who have no business owning a gun. We call on Congress to take immediate action to keep guns out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers, terrorists, and dangerously mentally ill people by passing Brady Bill 2.0 - legislation to expand Brady background checks to all gun sales. We've had #ENOUGH of the gun violence that kills 33,000 people killed every year and we've had #ENOUGH of the politicians who enable it.
    572 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Brendan Kelly
  • Ban Assault Weapons Now
    El Paso. Las Vegas. Dallas. Orlando. Sandy Hook. Aurora. San Bernardino. What do these horrific shootings have in common? Assault weapons. Assault weapons were used to murder five people in Dallas, 49 people in Orlando, 26 people in Sandy Hook, 12 people in Aurora, and 14 people in San Bernardino. Right now, these military-grade weapons are available for purchase online, at trade shows, and through gun brokers across our nation. They have become the weapon of choice for mass shooters. Assault weapons have no place in our cities and towns. They have no place on our streets. We need to ban all assault weapons now, while moving quickly to enact commonsense gun reform.
    680,345 of 700,000 Signatures
    Created by Jo Comerford
  • 14,074 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Wink Dixon
  • United Gun Group: Shut Down George Zimmerman's Hateful Auction
    Our state and the entire nation was shocked when George Zimmerman was exonerated for the murder of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin nearly three years ago. Since the acquittal, Zimmerman has had multiple brushes with the law, including allegations of domestic violence. He has been recorded using racially charged and insensitive language and he has been recorded bragging about "getting away with it." But his most recent actions take the cake. George Zimmerman is auctioning the gun that took Trayvon Martin away from his mother, his father, his family and his future. He is attempting to cash in on injustice. We can't allow this to happen. The Martin family has suffered enough, they should not be reminded of the worst day of their collective lives while a murderer profits off of their loss. United Gun Group must do the right thing and SHUT THIS AUCTION DOWN. Please sign our petition demanding United Gun Group stop profiteering off of injustice and murder.
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Chuck O'Neal