• Assualt weapons tax
    This petition is rather self-explanatory. It's to offer a disincentive towards the purchase of such unnecessary weapons, while not punishing those who use guns only in respected, sportsman-like ways.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce MacKay
  • Common Sense Gun Control
    I believe the Second Amendment and the freedom to be safe can coexist, but significant changes need to be made to prevent tragedies. I support common sense background checks, closing the gun show loophole and limiting the sale of high-powered assault weapons.
    313 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kate Price
  • Select Committee on Gun Violence
    There is no other country in the world that allows the kind of destruction we allow in the US from gun violence. It is time to stand up to the NRA and the gun manufacturers and do something to stop the carnage. We need to take back our freedom to live in a civilized country.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Juli Bunting
  • Stop Promoting Fame for Mass Murderers and Terrorists
    I live in Tucson and share the devastation of public acts of murder with those living in Roseburg, Charleston, Newton, Kileen , Blacksburg, San Ysidro, Austin, Edmond, Binghamton, Littleton and on and on-- all of our cities in which mentally ill individuals have sought fame by committing a mass murder. As a psychotherapist, it's obvious to me that major media collude in these heinous acts by rewarding the perpetrator with worldwide fame. At the same time, I am someone who has filed a federal lawsuit against the government in defense of the First Amendment, so treasure the media's right to inform the public about these events. I am asking Congress and the White House to create and adopt legislation that requires the media to RESPONSIBLY speak: In the same manner that we prohibit an irresponsible cry of, "Fire!", when none exists in a crowded theatre, we must limit the media from divulging specific identifying information about the perpetrator to only one readily accessible archival website where those who want to immortalize in their minds the identity of a mentally ill killer of children (or a terrorist committing a beheading) can go and do so.... ...BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE of encouraging other disturbed people to compensate for their feelings of powerlessness and damaging the American psyche-at-large by the systematic destruction of families, knowing they will be push-glorified, their rantings read and their faces globally seen and remembered for shooting bullets into school children, folks watching a movie, people eating lunch in a restaurant....folks just like us, future victims served up on a platter to all the would-be murderers watching the news, reading the headlines, surfing the web and plotting their immediate paths to similar fame.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Griffith, M.S.W., D.C.S.W.
  • Half Staff for Mass Shootings
    It is my hope that the symbolic value of a flag so frequently at half staff will motivate change that recognizes the value of American lives.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Todd Ridenour
  • Tell Lawmakers: I Vote For Gun Safety
    With each new mass shooting, and on the heels of the horrendous shooting at Umpqua Community College, our collective anguish is drowned out by resignation that no action will be taken to stop the next shooting. Far too often we give candidates a pass – in the name of respect for cultural traditions, hunting and sport shooting, and the 2nd Amendment, we permit candidates to dodge the question of their support for common-sense gun safety legislation. But these killings must stop.
    472 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Oregon Alliance for Gun Safety
  • Congress: Create a national monument honoring the victims of senseless gun violence
    Too many Americans have died in mass shootings, from Columbine to Aurora and from Sandy Hook to Umpqua. The President continues to call on Congress to act, and yet they do nothing to pass common sense gun laws -- laws, which are supported by a vast majority of responsible gun owners. Until Congress finally moves forward with legislation aimed at preventing further tragedies, we demand that they erect a monument to the hundreds of Americans who have died because they chose inaction. Join us in calling on a national monument honoring the lives we've lost, located in Washington, DC near Capitol Hill.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Crain
  • Insurance to purchase bullets requirement.
    Bullets are not protected by the Second Amendment and guns are not as lethal without bullets. It would compensate the insurance lobby for the excess they lose in health care. The insurance lobby will show the NRA for what they are. Facts and risk will be made evident to all.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Long
  • Congress: Pass universal background checks for all guns NOW
    Guns are a public health issue, and easy access to guns MUST be stopped. Holes in our background check system still exist online, in newspaper ads, at gun shows, and between individuals. All of our elected officials, Democrats and Republicans, need to go beyond words and prayer and take action to stop the next tragedy before it happens. A background check bill is the bare minimum, but it's a good start.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Packard Picture
  • Californians - Tell Gov. Brown to Sign SB 707 and Keep Guns off Campus
    The Campaign to Keep Guns Off Campus and the California Chapters of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence are partnering to ask Governor Brown to Sign SB 707 and stand up for safe K-12 schools and college campuses by limiting who can carry loaded, hidden guns in these places. Governor Brown has until October 11, 2015 to sign SB 707 and he needs to hear from his constituents right away. Currently, 39 states and Washington, DC prohibit people with concealed carry weapons permits (CCW) from possessing loaded, concealed handguns within K-12 school zones and 18 states (and DC) specifically prohibit concealed weapons on campus, while 24 allow colleges to determine concealed weapons' policy and 8 states allow guns on campus in some form. California is not one of these states but recently, the California legislature passed SB 707, legislation that would change current law so that CCW licensees could NOT carry loaded, hidden guns on school grounds or on a college campus. Certain exemptions to carry in school zones are made for law enforcement and military personnel. Please take a moment to sign this petition and share it. Thank you. Below is a list of organizations supporting passage of SB 707 California College and University Police Chiefs Association Association of California School Administrators Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (California Chapters) California Correctional Supervisors Organization California Narcotics Officers California Police Chiefs Association California School Boards Association California School Employees Association California State University Campaign to Keep Guns off Campus Coalition Against Gun Violence, Santa Barbara County County of Santa Barbara Courage Campaign Davis College Democrats Davis Joint Unified School District Fraternal Order of Police, California State Lodge Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Long Beach Police Officers Association Los Angeles Police Protective League Los Angeles County Probation Officers Union Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association Los Angeles Unified School District Peace Officers Research Association Physicians for Social Responsibility Retired and Disabled Police of America Riverside Sheriffs' Association Sacramento County Deputy Sheriffs' Association Santa Ana Police Officers Association University of California, Office of the President Violence Prevention Coalition Women Against Gun Violence Youth Alive!
    1,672 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Pelosi Picture
  • No Guns in Grocery Stores
    There is absolutely no reason to allow concealed weapons to be brought into a grocery store. Mariano's has so far refused to ban concealed weapons. Let's change that.
    630 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Sara Rashid
  • No tax dollars to the gun industry!
    The U.S. Justice Department has awarded the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the official trade association of the firearms industry, $2.4 million for its “Project ChildSafe” program, which it says protects children by supplying gunlocks to households. Gunlocks are important, but there are other giveaway programs the DOJ could support. Just as important is advancing gun safety policies, against which the NSSF has been one of the strongest opponents. For example, at a time when more than 20,000 children go to the emergency room every year with gun injuries, the NSSF has been among the most aggressive advocates for loosening gun laws and getting firearms into as many hands as possible to expand gun sales. It has strongly opposed universal background checks, and works to “rebrand” military-bred assault rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47 as “modern sporting rifles.” Most recently, it joined the NRA in suing Seattle over a sales tax on guns and ammunition designed to help offset the costs of gun violence in the city. Giving the NSSF gun safety grants is like entrusting the tobacco industry with taxpayer dollars to protect the public against lung cancer. By doing so, the DOJ only helps the gun industry project an image of being committed to gun safety, when in reality its top commitment is to expanding gun sales. In a nation where 33,000 Americans die each year from guns, our tax dollars should be spent supporting those working to reduce gun violence, not helping facilitate it.
    185 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Pan Picture