• Gov. Haslam: Please veto the Guns in our Parks Bill
    We want the public to use our parks and public places without fear. I do not feel safer knowing the person nearby is carrying a loaded gun. This act will actually keep people from enjoying our parks and public places. Veto that bill, Gov. Haslam!
    3,638 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Hazel W Morrell
  • Keep concealed weapons permits!
    I have no problem with responsible gun ownership. However, as a wife and mother, I cannot sit idly by and allow the state to remove the permit required to carry concealed weapons in this state. Without this permit practice, it will be legal for criminals, domestic abusers and the mentally ill to carry concealed, loaded weapons. That is a threat to everyone's safety, my family's and yours.
    2,747 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan Koren
  • Halt guns in local Tennessee parks
    The Tennessee legislature has decided that local control of local parks should be overturned. This legislative overreach will prevent localities from setting reasonable rules for using our parks. There is clear evidence that carrying guns endangers the public. Many innocent persons have been injured in Tennessee communities by guns, to the point where we are faced with a health epidemic due to gun injuries. Yet, the Tennessee legislature has passed legislation to prevent localities from establishing reasonable restrictions on gun carry on their local park property. Please stop this legislation from becoming law.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Lovel
  • No concealed weapons on our campus!
    I hope for my son to attend the University of Texas someday unless this bill passes and any wacko can legally carry concealed handguns onto campus. Common sense has been lost in this legislation. Please keep our Texas campuses safe!
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Carberry
  • Ban Guns from college campuses
    I teach at the University of Texas and would much prefer not to be shot!
    5,609 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Villalon
  • No guns on campus
    I am very concerned about the potential for serious harm to innocent students, professors, or other staff if young immature students are allowed to bring guns onto campuses.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Anton
  • Stop college concealed carry in Texas
    Allowing people whose brains are yet to mature and so have poorer impulse control than they will later in life to carry concealed weapons in the emotionally charged atmosphere of a college campus is in really poor judgement. People could be harmed and die needlessly if this passes.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Michael Johnson
  • Congress: Stop being bullied by the NRA
    We don't want to be bullied by the NRA any longer. This week, Stop Handgun Violence released a billboard campaign that said "We're Not Anti-Gun, We're Pro-Life: Massachusetts Gun Laws Save Lives." The hope was that people who read the message would understand that we're not trying to ban guns, instead we're trying to enact responsible gun laws that help save lives. However, this message is the NRA's worst nightmare: responsible gun laws work. They immediately called upon their members to harass billboard companies until they removed the billboards. These same intimidation and scare tactics are used against Congress and the result is 83 gun deaths a day. Our message must be heard. The Constitution is much more than the Second Amendment, in fact we could start with the First. Please tell Congress to join me. We won't be silenced and the NRA will not bully us any longer.
    995 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by John Rosenthal
  • Do you think Guns should be Allowed on School Grounds in RI??
    The Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence wants to send a message that people in Rhode Island CARE about gun safety and want to keep guns out of our schools, away from domestic violence offenders and to reduce the magazine capacities of assault wepsons.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda finn
  • Veto Montana's concealed weapon law
    The NRA lobby has gone far enough in our state and in our nation. The idea that people can carry a concealed weapon without a permit to do so is horrifying on many levels.
    302 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gwen McKenna
  • HB298
    Gun rights groups are intent on everyone in the United States having the right to own and carry guns. In the past, gun safety was emphasized even here in Montana. Now it appears that guns have become idolized as part of Montana's values. Montana is so much more and better than that. Gun safety should be a major component of Montana's hunting culture as well as help prevent the state's very high suicide rate from escalating even higher.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Franco
  • Gov. Bullock: Veto concealed carry without a permit
    Too many people are killed each year already.
    389 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Gerry Stearns