• Media not covering Health Care Denial Attacks
    To raise awareness of the malicious nature of the right wing in harming people by trying to deny efforts to get people health care coverage.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Schaffer
  • Raleigh, NC; Support Dr. Jennifer Federico, WCAC Animal Services Director
    Independent animal rescues are calling for the resignation of Dr. Jennifer Federico. A week ago, Dr. Federico authorized the euthanization of 60 cats confiscated in a hoarding raid. Both sides agree that the 60 cats were ill and were suffering. The independent rescuers wanted the cats treated, but if that were to happen, then 60 cats in the shelter would have died. There is not unlimited space and resources for the animals in our community. We are all in agreement that irresponsible pet ownership and lack of regulation on spaying and neutering are to blame. Our hope is that we can all join forces to work against that, instead of working against the people who are cleaning up the aftermath of this animal-overpopulation epidemic. Instead of criticizing the shelter and its staff, we can save animals by volunteering, fostering, and donating to the county shelter. Please join us in standing with Dr. Jennifer Federico.
    740 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Johnstone
  • Rescind all Obamacare laws immediately
    We have seen nothing but absolute failures in this law. It makes no sense, costs too much money and does not solve any problems! Why was it ever even passed? Let's just realize it is a total failure and get rid of it immediately. We can revisit healthcare reform once Obamacare is gone!
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob
  • Tell President Obama: Expose and stop insurance company sabotage
    It’s time to expose and stop insurance companies that are sabotaging the Affordable Care Act. Some people have lost their substandard health insurance plans, because they are not in compliance with the new law. But some insurance companies are using the confusion about Obamacare to trick people into buying new (more expensive) policies without telling customers about alternative plans and subsidies available on the new exchanges. And some are out and out lying about the law, selling new junk policies without explaining that people buying them will also have to buy real policies. Rather than discrediting Obamacare, the actions of these companies prove why we needed health care reform in the first place. Insurance companies put profit over patients, and cannot be trusted to do the right thing for their customers. It's time to put a stop to this. Tell President Obama: Expose and stop insurance company sabotage.
    218 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hogarth
  • President Obama Help Us Support the ACA
    As a health care consultant and Move On member I am desperate for the President to take the offensive in explaining the many critical benefits of the ACA. The President needs to stop apologizing and conduct regular press conferences to correct misinformation, contrast the ACA with the dismal status quo healthcare system, and give real life examples of the hundreds of thousands of individuals benefiting already. We need him to help us fight for non discriminatory healthcare for all Americans!
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Schmelter
  • Jones County Mississippi - Animal Control
    I am starting this petition as a concerned mother and citizen. I have a small child and currently live in a rural county with no animal control. This is a danger not only to my child, but to everyone living in this county. It is time for this to change.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terra George
  • Help My Aunt Recieve the Healthcare She Needs and Deserves
    My aunt, Gwendolyn, is being housed at Rikers Island Correctional Facility's Rose M. Singer Center and needs dire medical attention! She needs surgery to fix her defective hip replacement, and is currently forced to walk with a cane, lie on a mattress all day or sit in a wheel chair while her hip dislocates, due to the separation of the bolts holding her hip in place. As her hip bones separate, she can now only recieve 4 basic Tylenol pills a day. It has gotten so bad for her that she has even declined continuing to receive visits, as it is too painful for her to make it to the visiting room and sit for that long. She is in terrible living, social, and mental conditions and that's hard enough to deal with. But to know every moment that passes that she is in such terrible pain and there is so little that I can do to change her circumstances is agonizing. I pray so hard every day for God to deliver her from her misery. In such, I have decided to contact everyone I can to seek help, justice and humanity for my ailing, medically deprived aunt. No matter how anyone feels about the circumstances surrounding inmate rights, it should never invalidate a person's right, my aunt's right, to live as a human being should live! Her right to live as God ordained His creations to live! My aunt needs help! She has four children, three grandchildren, with another on the way and dozens of nieces, nephews, sisters and brothers praying for and thinking of her every single day. So, I am coming to you all, the public, with faith, persistence, and few places other to go. Will you help my family and I secure humanity for my aunt please? Will you all be a part of this stand for justice and exemplifying the concept of doing to others as we would have them do to us?!
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shaquana Gardner
  • TB vaccination
    Years ago, when I was working on my Ph.D. my mentor had tuberculosis but we didn't know about it until he passed away. I find ironic that college instructors must be tested for TB and university professors do not. Tuberculosis is gaining grounds in the world, and among faculty, it is university professors who travel the most - especially in countries where tuberculosis is prevalent. This puts their students and colleagues at risk. Every one who works with students should be tested for TB.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simone Clay
  • Support Affordable Health Care
    Without the Affordable Health Care legislation, I would have not been able to find health care after having an operation for cancer and having my insurance company drop my coverage. This safeguard is so necessary.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terri Fawcett
  • Medicare Coverage Abroad
    I have paid into Medicare for decades, but I cannot use its benefits because I live in Germany. $104.00 is deducted from my Social Security each month. Many Americans travel back to the USA for major medical events when the US could save money if treatment is covered where the Americans live.
    82 of 100 Signatures
  • Stop Wasting Medicine: Allow licensed pharmacists, MDs and healthcare providers to redistribute m...
    As a Social Worker in an outpatient Hematology-Oncology Clinic, I see numerous people without insurance, without prescription coverage, and who cannot afford their medications, some of which are life-saving.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Kachalsky
  • Congress: Add a Public Option
    As Americans, we talk about freedom of choice. Under the Affordable Care Act, we're allowed to choose between hundreds of insurers, from Aetna to Wellpoint--but the biggest one is excluded, and that's the federal government. It's time to allow that choice.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Sommer