• Stop the Damage to Healthcare by Red States
    It seems no one is listening. Bobby Jindal hears nothing from those in need. He hears what he wants to hear and it is usually people WITH MONEY. Bobby Jindal is the worst governor LA has had to endure and we are tired of him blocking what the poor and middle class need. Get out of the way Mr. Jindal and let the health program work. Stop destroying what little bit we have left. You have destroyed the education system, STOP YOUR DESTRUCTION NOW. Mary Landrieu is to be included. Do your jobs and help the people who elected you.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Olga Burke
  • St. Croix residents need Dr. Albert Titus @ JFLH
    My brother Dr. Albert A. Titus, MD. privileges to practice medicine at the Juan F. Luis Hospital have been suspended for superficial reasons and without due process given; he has been terminated from the Juan F. Luis Hospital. The best surgeon that we have on island and at the hospital that is needed in our community has been driven out for others own personal agendas. Re-instate Dr. Albert Titus' license and employment back to JFLH because the community needs him. Our communities health care is at stake and should be top priority for the citizens of St. Croix. Stop letting personal agendas cost us our lives and bring back Dr. Titus to our hospital.
    419 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sharlene Titus
  • Bayer: Allow Compassionate Use of Xofigo for Young Mother Fighting Breast Cancer
    My friend Warrior, a mother of two young children, is fighting Metastatic Breast Cancer as I am, and she’s almost run out of options. But a drug Bayer makes called Xofigo (Radium 223) could save her life. Please, ask Bayer to grant Warrior “compassionate use” and allow her to take Xofigo. Warrior was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001. She has tried the chemo drugs that are available to her and undergone extensive radiation, but they have not stopped the cancer from progressing throughout her body. She has even broken her sacrum and been wheelchair bound in an attempt to stop the cancer. But there is one drug Warrior’s oncologist believes provides significant promise to her – Radium 223. It’s made under the brand name Xofigo by Bayer, and has been successful in treating prostate cancer that has metastasized to the bone. The drug was approved in July by the FDA, but Warrior can’t access it because it was approved to treat prostate cancer, not breast cancer. This young mother has been fighting cancer for over a decade, and this drug is her last chance. Please, ask Bayer to do the right thing and grant Warrior compassionate use of Xofigo.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Hughes
  • Don't tamper with the Affordable Care Act
    Don't buy into the hype about letting people keep their functionally worthless, low-cost, low-value health plans. The Affordable Care Act is supposed to make healthcare more affordable for EVERYONE! The President needs to ignore the noise and hang firm for his signature achievement! Keep the individual mandate in place and make insurance companies provide better plans, as the Act directs. We need to fix the rollout & website, and let the process go forward. There are always problems with something big and new. Mr. President, don't give in to these bullies!! You know what's right - let the rollout continue and get the law implemented!!! We need to give it the time it deserves, not kill it in its crib! Republicans are counting on your lack of resolve in the face of pressure. Show them they're wrong! Don't give in to political pressure! Don't let Congress start tampering with this first step toward better healthcare for us all! Do what's right!!
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Maria Schafer
    We ask Sens. Merkley, Feinstein, Hagan, Pryor and Manchin and other Democrat legislators NOT to support the Landrieu bill that significantly disrupts and weakens the Affordable Care Act. All Democrats, United, need to show the same strength, support and confidence in the Affordable Care Act that you showed during the government shutdown. United, you must speak out in support of "Obamacare" and its benefits. A United front is a priority to regain the public's confidence in signing up for the Affordable Care Act.
    261 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Tschiedel
  • 48 Million Uninsured vs. 4 Million Cancelled Policies
    Why are we so fixated on 4 million insured people who may lose their current and mostly sub-standard health insurance policies and ignoring the fact that 48 million people who have never had health insurance will finally be able to buy health insurance? The 4 million insured have had the ability to purchase insurance all along. Now, due to circumstances beyond their control, including the greed of insurance companies, they could potentially lose their current policy. But they still have the option to get another plan. The 48 million people that have never had coverage would not be able to get any health insurance coverage if it were not for the Affordable Care Act. End of story! Tell your lawmakers to stop putting politics ahead of the needs of the majority—that is not the way a democracy is supposed to work.
    106,462 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Jim Frost
  • Tell President Obama: Set the record straight on insurance companies and stop apologizing
    With Obamacare going into effect, health insurance companies are misleading customers. While some on the individual market are losing their plans because they don’t comply with the new law, others whose plans are grandfathered in are being told they’ll lose coverage—and are threatened with rate hikes. Some insurers are using confusion created by the new law to hoodwink their customers into enrolling in much more expensive plans. So why is President Obama apologizing—telling the American public on national TV that he’s “sorry” to have promised that everyone can keep their health insurance? The actions of some of these companies proves why we needed health care reform in the first place: insurance companies are greedy, and cannot be trusted. It is time to set the record straight. Tell President Obama to stop apologizing for the despicable conduct of private insurance companies and hold them accountable.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Paul Hogarth
  • Medicaid Enrollment Proves: It's time for Single Payer
    While enrollment in private insurance plans under Obamacare stalls, enrollment in Medicaid is a huge success. Early reports from only 10 states show that nearly half a million people have already enrolled in Medicaid in only 6 weeks. We all know that there have been difficulties in the start-up of the online exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. But even if there had not been problems, many people are leery about joining another private insurance plan, even if it is subsidized. It's time for us to go the next step and implement a single payer system that will cover all Americans. Find out more here: http://www.pnhp.org/facts/what-is-single-payer http://www.laborforsinglepayer.org/hr-676/
    840 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Williams
  • Mr. President please ask for stricter change in the way medicine enters the market.
    In 2004 I was burned from the inside out and hospitalized for 8 months; I am still in recovery presently, due to medicine that had a high risk factor for people with a penicillin allergy. The doctors that are administering these drugs have no clue of the risks, but they swear it's the best drug for the job at hand; then it almost kills you. I am not the first person this has happened to. We need to speak up about poor regulations in the pharmaceutical business.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dawn brown
  • Extend Medicaid to 48,000 in South Dakota
    I am currently 63 and not eligible for Medicare till 65. My social security is under $650 a month, well below the poverty line. I am not eligible for coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) because my income is below the poverty line. Governor Daugaard of South Dakota refuses to enroll South Dakota in extending Medicaid to some 48,000 eligible enrollees. I am one of those.
    533 of 600 Signatures
    Created by ronald fuchs
  • Outlaw Prescription Drug TV Commericals
    The cost of health care is out of control. This seems like a good place to start to me. Let's cut the crap already and get this under control.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Poulson
  • Closing the Medicaid Expansion Gap
    As a physician in the state of Georgia, I have seen first hand the results of lack of health insurance. I have seen people with high blood pressure who develop heart failure and strokes because they cannot afford their blood pressure medications. I have seen people with diabetes who go on to develop kidney failure because of inadequate care. Many of these are the working poor - cooks, cashiers, cleaners, decent people who are working hard to make ends meet. They should not be left at the risk of unnecessary death, disability and financial ruin in the United States of America at this day and age despite the passage of the Affordable Care Act. The richest country in the world should not be the only developed country in which the poor do not have guaranteed access to healthcare, something that citizens of all other developed countries take for granted.
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Obi Emerole