Expand Medicaid by accepting Federal FundsDue to the Affordable Care Act or "ObamaCare" as it is sarcastically referred to many have been put back to work(including myself) and healthcare will be availabl to many who would NOT have it.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dwayne Ford
GMO foods drive up HealthcareThe American people should have the right to know if the food they are eatting has been genetically modified. Genetically altered foods cause a myriad of health issues. Labeling foods give consumers the first line in preventative health care by allowing them to make better nutritional choices.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vicky Watson
Medicaid ExpansionWe need medicaid expansion here in Utah. Too many people from all walks of life(except the rich) are in need of this. Show us that you care about all the people in Utah...not just the few!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Graham
Unsafe nursing staffing issuesThe nursing to patient ratios in Nevada are unsafe. We owe the people of Nevada better care than what they are receiving. Nurses are doing all they can to function in stressful situations where they are not always able to deliver the best care possible due to being spread so thin. It is time to pass safe staffing laws to protect the patients.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by linda ward-smith
STOP MEDICAL OPT-OUTSThis bill would severely limit the health choices of Missouri women. The freedom of choice will be severely limited if not totally destroyed by this bill. It also forces all females to adher to someone else's beliefs and/or religion.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by karen lozano
Save Badger CareOn behalf of the 87,000 parents of children targeted to lose their BadgerCare due to Governor Walker refusing federal Medicaid money that would have covered an additional 177,000 people in WI, we say, "Do what Gov. Scott of Florida did, and change your mind. Cover those 177,000 people."18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Prudence Barber
We Need to Fluoridate Hawaii's Drinking WaterFluoridation of drinking water in Hawaii is a subject we need more education about in Hawaii. Fluride is a naturally occurring mineral, not "toxic waste" as it has been mislabeled. It protects children's teeth and is very safe when added in normal amounts (1 p.p.m.).5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip Zenn
NO MORE FLUORIDE.There should not be fluroid in my tap water. It is a chemical and calcifies your pineal gland in your brain. Its is a drug and if people want it they should have it from a doctor not their water! Please do some research and see for yourself the harm it is causing people.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff
U.S. Veterans Hospital Patient Abuse 6-15-2011 Still Not InvestigationI suffered a stroke at the U.S. Veterans eye clinic Fayetteville, AR June 15, 2011, a doctor there had my wife drive me to U.S. Veterans hospital, Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks. http://www.fayettevillear.va.gov/ (John R. Henley M.D. and Mark A. Elderle M.D.) there in Fayetteville, they did a scan on my brain, no doctor there at Fayetteville to read it so they sent it to Alabama to be read. I lay in the stench of my own feces and urine for 5 hours. My wife yanked me out of there and brought me back to Fort Smith, to Sparks Regional Medical Center http://www.sparkshealth.com/locations/sparks-regional-medical-center emergency room where I was given HUMAN care and hospitalized. My wife and I contacted Senator Mark Pryor http://www.pryor.senate.gov/public/ and Congressman Steve Womack http://womack.house.gov/ and ask for an investigation into the abuse at the U.S. Veterans hospital in Fayettevliie. For over a year now we have ask their help in opening an investigation and they do not return our phone calls and emails regarding investigation. I have had Parkinson's disease for about 9 years, I have since June 11, 2011, had 3 more major strokes, suffered many falls, broken my shoulder from a fall, and now bound to a wheelchair. In my opinion, Senator Mark Pryor and U.S. politicians care less about the medical care of U.S. Veterans. Seems to me they wish we would just die and go away. If you get a chance to speak to Senator Pryor, Congressman Womack, and Senator John Boozman, ask them to show you the letters I wrote and emailed them, also the emails my wife wrote them concerning the abuse my wife and I suffered June 15, 2011. I honorably served six years of U.S. Military service, Why am I being denied the investigation from the honorable service of my Government elected officials who are paid to represent "we the people who pay their salary" Lynn E. Carter Fort Smith, Arkansas3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynn E. Carter
Transportation to Medical AppointmentsIn Sept 2012 I moved to Cumberland County to be closer to my grandchildren and to take advantage of better housing. Soon afterwards I found out from Regional Transportation they can not give me rides (paid for by Medicaid) and with money donated by organizations like United Way, to my doctors I have long term 10+ yr. relationships with in York County. These are my Primary Care Physicians, a Surgeon who has still not dismissed me from my last surgery, and my Pain Management caregiver. My PPC has even written a letter asking for an exception, but it was denied by RTP. I have no private transportation and no family to give me a ride. In order to receive maintenance medication RXs I must go to my doctors every 2 to 3 months per the LAW. I have had to take our food money (I have a daughter) to hire total strangers to take me to my appts., and because I have been assaulted in the past I live in fear of what might happen on one of these trips with a stranger.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ila Turner
Single payer health care for every OregonianThis measure will provide health care for every Oregonian.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Bickers