Keep Huey P Long Medical Center openHuey P Long Medical Center "Charity Hospital" has been servicing our state since 1939. Our people need it to remain open.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Melissa
Legalize Medicinal Marijuana in MARYLANDI started this petition because I felt it would be helpful to myself and others. Please sign. Legalize Medicinal Marijuana in MARYLAND I just signed a petition to The Maryland State House, The Maryland State Senate, and Governor Martin O'Malley: Legalize the use of medicinal marijuana in Maryland as it is in the District of Columbia! This is needed by many and should be approved.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Collier
keep midwifery and homebirth safe and legalMidwifery and homebirth have always been legal in Texas. Study after study has shown homebirth with a qualified midwife to be safe. The choice of where and with whom a woman chooses to give birth is a fundamental human right. Please continue to protect that right.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by cindy lockhart
Legalize Medical MarijuanaI'm 100% disabled with a back injury, I have to take Narcotics for the Pain, I believe Medical Marijuana would reduce my dependentcy on so many Narcotics, not to mention the tax value that would be included for the state of Oklahoma...9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by charles Ingram
tubalizationI am 23 yrs old and the drs at UT hospital said that if I got pregnant going the pregnacy and birth would kill me50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara Stander
Medicaid ExpansionThe decision as to whether to accept Medicaid assistance from the federal government is being considered by the Florida House, whose leader opposes it along party lines. The governor, Rick Scott who has refused it for several years, now is in favor of providing Medicaid expansion. Economic conditions caused by unregulated government policies and wasteful spending have caused severe financial hardships for hard working people who paid taxes that have provided this funding. Health care costs have skyrocketed! This Medicaid funding is desperately needed for thousands of Floridians. This is not a "party" issue, it is making a humane decision for persons who elected these officials and have provided the money to help themselves and others at a period of extreme need. It is time to serve the people and not special interest groups who elect officials.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janet Cardulla
House Bill 660, requiring the labeling of food sold in New HampshireTo allow consumers to make their own choice regarding consumption of Genetically Modified Food Consumption. Rep. Maureen Mann, a Deerfield Democrat, got it exactly right when she said, “The bottom line is people have a right to know what they are putting in their bodies.” Lawmakers should pass the bill and the Governor should sign it into law.2,034 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth A Trought
Legalize the Cure and Save Our Planet!My hand has been deformed since birth and causes lots of pain, to no avail pain killers dont help. I am a good samaritan and hate to break the law, but marijuana is the only thing I've found to relieve the pain to nothing. Another thing is that hemp can save our rain forest which are the lungs of our Earth. Paper is made from trees and trees take along time to grow. While hemp requires months Just like standard crops are today. Thank you for your time and concern.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph
Governor Keep our ACA money in Iowa!Implementation of the Medicaid expansion program for Iowa.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Perkins
Governor Bentley; Expand Medicaid, set up exchange.Gov. Bentley says Alabama won't set up exchange, won't expand Medicaid. As a physician myself working in Alabama I see firsthand what poverty and lack of insurance can lead to. We need this. This expanded insurance coverage will save lives and eventually save the state money. The Affordable Care Act requires that almost all individuals have health insurance by 2014 or face a fine – this was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2012. However, the Supreme Court ruling allows states to choose whether or not to expand their Medicaid programs to cover individuals at 138% of the FPL by 2014. States or the federal government will develop and implement health insurance exchanges in the states so that consumers can more easily compare health plans. Medicaid Cost-Sharing models will change under the new eligibility programs. If all 50 states implemented the Medicaid expansion, it would cover an additional 21.6 million of the 41.2 million currently uninsured adults (or 52%). The additional cost of implementing the Medicaid expansion is estimated to be only a 2.8 percent increase from what states would have spent between 2014 and 2022 without the health reform law. However, this number is significantly overstated, as CBO’s calculations do not factor in the savings that state and local governments will realize in their health care spending for the uninsured4,626 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Glenn Archibald MD
Washington Legislators: Pass HB 1085 (Washington Health Security Trust)Health care in Washington as it exists now, without HB 1085, causes personal bankruptcies, stops people from seeking preventive health care, cripples small businesses with insurance costs, bogs down doctors' offices with paperwork, while it is generating huge profit for private insurance companies.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jean E Brechan
Stop Pennsylvania Department of Public Health FundingThe Governor’s budget has significantly reduced funding to the Department of Public Health. These cuts have caused Mon Valley location to stop providing services and schdeule to close in the near future. This local site hosts many critical public health services including Child/Maternal Health, Injury Prevention programs and various free health clinics. The local citizens must use our voice to speak out against the loss of these services!61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vanessa Branch