• Allow medical data to be copied directly to the patient
    Currently, California does not allow medical labs to send lab and medical test results to the patient. I want to keep my own medical files so that I can track medical data and help different doctors see test results rather than ordering tests that have already been recently performed. For example, Quest Labs has a great program that stores your lab results on line, available to you or your designate using a password. But the State of California is one of a few states that does not allow this and requires that such information go through your doctor only!!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike McCarver
  • reinstate our medical benefits for dentures and teeth care and eye glasses for the elderly age 65...
    benefits for dentures and teeth care and eye glasses because this is something every one is entitled to to give them the confidences they need to be able to eat right and drive there cars and not be depend on other and putting a hard ship on there family's
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jacqueline
  • New York Legislators and Governor Cuomo: Save SUNY Downstate University Hospital as a publicly-su...
    For several years SUNY Downstate's University Hospital administration has been making poor decisions, including purchasing a private hospital called Long Island College Hospital which had been running a deficit for 17 years. The results of chronic under-funding, mis-management, and that ill-advised purchase have been followed by the real threat of financial bankruptcy for the hospital, which would mean loss of support for their public medical school and a total loss of services to the surrounding Brooklyn community. New York State's Legislature and Governor should provide the funding and administrative expertise to rescue SUNY Downstate University Hospital from this disastrous situation and support and upgrade it as a needed public component for its associated public medical school and for the surrounding community.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Ritchie
  • Medicare drug negotiation
    Drug costs incurred by Medicare are unnecessarily costly because Medicare is currently prohibited from negotiating these costs with pharmaceutical companies, This does not allow the free market to take place and these higher costs are paid for by the American taxpayer.
    354 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Tom Dirnberger
  • no more hotspots in schools
    Radio frequency causes brain and throat cancer,say no to allowing use of ipads in schools with hotspots.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by cassie Hernandez
  • Rick Perry's Refusal of Federal funds cost all Texans
    Texas has the largest number of uninsured children in the nation. It also has the largest number of people living in poverty. These constituents need health care. Without access to services they suffer, as does all of Texas.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by leslie luciano
  • Repeal or Reform Arkansas' HIV Exposure Law
    Repeal this law because: It stops people at high risk from testing. It perpetuates and increases stigma. No empirical data are available regarding the effectiveness of HIV serostatus exposure laws.  - NIH It puts the person with HIV in danger of violence. It was written in 1989 when HIV/AIDS was untreatable. It is used as a weapon against people that are positive. Treatment decreases the possibility of spreading the infection by 97%. It makes everyone with HIV a victim. A person with HIV can be punished when no risk occurred. Reform this law because: HIV is now treatable and is considered a chronic illness. Treatment is available. Treatment decreases the possibility of spreading the infection by 97%. Tuberculosis has punitive actions that only make treatment the mandatory sentence. Since 2008, only 10 people have been convicted of exposure to HIV. Over 4,000 people are not in treatment and reforming this law can play a major role in encouraging people into care.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diedra Levi
  • State Insurance Denying Employees their Right to Separation of Church and State
    I found out recently that I can not afford birth control since Govenor Brownback increased the cost of this medication for state employes and their families. Also Brownback has made it so state insurance will not cover any of the cost for a woman to get a Hysterectomies in the state of Kansas. Brownback should not be aloud to push his Catholic views on state employees. Make it known you still believe in religous freedom and sign our petition today. Thanks
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tahira Schmidt
  • Pass Medicaid expansion in South Carolina
    South Carolina should not punish its poorest citizens by not participating in the Medicaid Expansion as part of the Affordable Care Act commonly referred to as "Obamacare".
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marvin McManus
  • Dental care reform
    The cost of dental care is out of control and is not regulated. Most dental procedures are considered cosmetic when in fact they are not. Treatment costs can be bargained which is unheard of in other medical fields. Person A will be charged $10,000 for a root canal OUT of pocket after insurance. Person B with the same insurance will only pay $600 for the exact same procedure at a different dentist.. There is no regulation on the cost a patient can or should pay. My wife recently underwent oral cancer treatment and the cost was over $25,000 out of pocket. They botched the treatment but there are no laws that protect patients who have a erroneous procedure done by a dentist. There are no regulations that will protect them and no Lawyer will touch a medical malpractice case involving dental mistakes. The same procedure was done by a different dentist and it only cost $3,500 out of pocket. the costs for these procedures need to be looked at. This is Price gouging!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Gould
  • obama care now
    There over tens of thousand of people that need Obama Care. but still the Governor of Texas won't join Obama Care....
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bstout27
  • Mental Health Reform
    My very intelligent daughter became psychotic in the 90s.She was diagnosed with Bi-Polar type 1 and had drug and alcohol addictions.. I was told that she would be in and out of mental institutions for the rest of her life. I said , "By God she will not." I thank God for the help she was able to receive without cost from the University of Pittsburgh.and a treatment center in another state for her addictions. It was a long hard battle.Only because of our determination and her will to get better she not only got her college degree from a highly regarded university but also got her masters degree. She presently is happily married with two children and a loving husband. She received the Excellence in Teaching award her first year teaching at a junior college. She is a wonderful mother and volunteer at school and in the community.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Regina Bull