• Demand ICA Release All Detainees
    Privatized ICE detention exacerbates the mass incarceration crisis created by the U.S. prison-industrial complex. Mass incarceration allows those in power to continue to exploit, forcibly displace, abuse and profit from people who are marginalized, disenfranchised, criminalized, and silenced. As one particularly brutal wing of this privatized system, ICA-Farmville has a history of failing inspections, failing to prevent and contain disease outbreaks, and failing to treat our immigrant friends, family, and neighbors with basic human dignity. Their profit-focused management has resulted in maggot-infested food, mumps and COVID outbreaks, and repeated inappropriate and unnecessary uses of force. Join our call to tell the investors who made this operation possible that profit from pain is inhumane.
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Free Them All
  • A Choice and a Voice for Monongalia County Back-to-School
    There is much confusion among parents and teachers regarding Mon County’s re-entry plan for the 2020-2021 school year. The official release posted on 8/14 states that remote is no longer an option. But in emails sent 8/15, the board president states that remote is still an option, and The Dominion Post indicates that remote learning is one of the three plans sent to the governor on 8/14. How can both be true? The new plan (every-other-day instruction, with no remote option) was not an option on the Mon County parent survey but appears now to be the only plan available for families who want their students to be taught by local teachers. Additionally, the burden is placed on teachers, even those with families themselves, to bear the brunt of both remote and in-person classes. As a result, many families (including those of teachers) are reeling, contemplating leaving jobs and jeopardizing their livelihoods in order to provide the assistance their children will need in any of the remaining options, including every-other-day instruction, virtual, or homeschooling.
    472 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mon Cty Parents
  • Primex workers fired for exposing company’s deadly COVID-19 practices
    We've told you about the dire situation happening at Primex Farms, a nut company in Wasco CA. The situation is escalating. According to a July 26 CNBC article, 150 of the 400 workers have now tested positive. In addition, a UFW census shows 49 of their adult family members and 34 children have tested positive for COVID-19. Sadly, one Primex worker has since died. A second worker, who tested positive, was removed from life support and sent home for palliative care; she is not expected to survive. Protesting Primex's flawed response to the virus, employees walked out on strike and formed a picket line. Workers were requesting safety measures, including social distancing procedures, company provision of personal protective equipment such as face masks and payment of sick leave for infected or exposed employees. The company promised improvements, but when they did not happen, workers -- including those in quarantine with the virus -- defied the company and held a virtual press conference. Now the major pistachio and almond processing company is retaliating against key groups of outspoken workers. This company uses several staffing agencies to supplement their direct hire workforce. Many of the workers who spoke out worked through USA Staffing. On July 22, Primex told the dozens of workers employed by USA Staffing that they were terminated because “production had dropped” -- but then they brought in new workers the same day! Brisdey Nieto is one of these fired workers. She tells us, “The company's anti-union consultant told us that due to the union taking the actions it had taken the clients had heard and therefore production had dropped. They were firing us. I could not believe that. I saw that same day they hired new workers and that they had started working. If production had dropped; why hire new workers?” The UFW immediately filed unfair labor practice charges with the National Labor Relations Board for the company illegally retaliating against the workers for union activities and joining together to improve conditions. Workers don't want to wait; they want their jobs back now and they want to be protected on the jobsite. They're asking you to sign their petition telling the company to rehire them, with appropriate coronavirus protections in place. Workers are hoping to turn in thousands of signatures in the next few weeks. Will you add your signature today?
    29,992 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by United Farm Workers UFW
  • Reclaiming Our Time - Let Progressives Speak
    Progressives have been sidelined by the DNC for far too long. The people have spoken and they favor progressive politics. We will not allow our party to be taken over by never Trumpers. We believe in healthcare as a human right, a wealth tax, criminal justice reform, and so does America. We refuse to be pushed aside.
    355 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ghost Of The Republic
  • 658 N Edinburgh Ave / Party House and Neighborhood Nuisance
    Since 2017 we have had to endure a never ending turnover of inconsiderate renters and an owner that is unreachable. Many of us have lived in and called this neighborhood home for over twenty years. As a result of this ‘party house’ we have had to endure years of sleepless nights, littering, rat infestations, loud music day and night, noise pollution, and masses of people coming and going at all hours. For example my neighbor has had his two children woken at two AM on a weeknight due to the noise. When we approach the renters it is futile because a new renter appears the next day. Since November of 2019 when the "Short Term Rental Law" was passed, this Airbnb listing has continued to have new guests checking in regularly and on a frequency that does NOT comply with the law. In response the neighbors have tried talking with the renters, calling the police, emailing LADBS, reaching out to Mayor Garcetti, and contacting AirBnB. Yet nothing has been done. We are fed up that these owners run a strictly for profit event space in clear violation of the law and have yet to face any consequences. We are a neighborhood of hard working families who just want the owner held accountable for the laws they are violating. In previous years our complaints were based on quality of life but with Covid it is now a health crisis. The listing continues to promote a space suitable for 16+ people to stay at even though it is a 3 bedroom home and is breaking the law according to LA Department of Building and Safety. We want you to help us remedy this situation as quickly and decisively as possible. The home has an owner who lives abroad (NOT ON PREMISES) and it is NOT lived in by anyone other than short term renters and party goers. The home/listing is run by a Real Estate/Contractor and Concierge event company owner by the name of Shay Shalom Gozlan ( livingthedream.com and New Horizon Development) . Who apparently owns and runs several other properties in and around this neighbor that do the exact same thing. During this global pandemic crisis there has been a constant stream of new tenants each week. This home is not only a nuisance but is now a health risk. They and others like them need to be dealt with immediately and for good! We have the right to enjoy our homes in peace and quiet and walk our neighborhoods and feel safe.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Braden Anderson
  • Give AOC more time to speak at the DNC
    It’s important that one of the most influential people in modern day politics, especially a Democrat, to speak at the Democratic National Convention. We all need to hear what she has to say. And giving just 60 seconds is not enough. At the very least give her 2 minutes. Obviously we would love for her to have even more time than that since she is such a champion for fair wages, corporate accountability, environmental justice, and so many other important issues. Please sign and share!
    2,338 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mikey Joseph
  • Stop Punishing People in Pain!!!
    Since the 2016 CDC guidelines, millions & millions of people in pain have been forced tapered or dropped on their long time safe & effective prescription pain medicines, causing them to have adverse health conditions(such as heart attacks, strokes, etc.) as well as more people committing suicide now, because they just can't deal with all of the pain. Not to mention pushing more & more to illegal street drugs because their pain is untreated or undertreated causing the overdoses & deaths to keep increasing. Less than 1% of prescription pain medicines get diverted. Where's the crisis in that??? The mass majority of people who take prescription pain meds for their pain do so safely & as directed. But everyone is not the same & needs different dosing. Some need less for their pain. But some need more. Everyone is different & they do not get the same benefits from the same dose & same kind of medicine as everyone else. So you cannot treat everyone with the same dose or put a limit on them. People in pain who take prescription pain medicines are not druggies or addicts(although they are far to often treated like they are) which is very unfair. They have the pain to work against the medicines(& vise versa) & do not get "high". The medicines help dull the pain so they can move & get through each day. The 2016 CDC guidelines were supposed to be just that .... guidelines, for PCP doctors prescribing initial pain medicines. NOT for ongoing chronic pain. But some how those guidelines are now being used as law & as a weapon. The DEA is now using the 2016 "guidelines" as a weapon against our doctors. & this needs to STOP Now! This is causing doctors to drastically taper & drop everyone off of their long time safe & effective prescription pain medicines in fear for their license being taken by the DEA. Not to mention the DEA going after doctors, closing their practices down. Where & what are all their patients supposed to do being cut off in the blink of an eye? Yep, they are going to the streets for illegal street drugs, committing suicide or having detrimental adverse health conditions. People in pain are being harmed left & right! & this needs to STOP!!! It should have never started in the first place. But it needs to STOP NOW!!!! Throw out the 2016 CDC guidelines & do not make any more. Also, those guidelines were all one sided(when made) & based on false & misinformation. Throw out those guidelines & do not make any more. So it can bring back the doctor - patient relationship, to where the doctor can help their patients without fearing for their practice, license or their lives! STOP punishing people in pain. We did not ask for pain but are stuck with it. Opioids(the opioid plant) has been around since the beginning of time. It was given to us to help us with our pain. It wasn't until illegal street drugs came into the picture that started causing problems. Its illegal street drugs that are causing the over doses & deaths. & by restricting prescription pain medicines, you're just pushing more & more to illegal street drugs & therefore to over dose or die. Stop treating people in pain like addicts. Those are 2 totally different groups of people. Each of whom should have their own individualized treatment. Our government are not doctors. Nor do they have any idea of medical conditions or how it should be treated. So, they have no right putting restrictions on our doctors & how they can or can't treat their patients & with what & how much medicines that work best. PLEASE STOP Punishing People in Pain & the doctors who treat them! Thank you!
    184 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Candi P
  • Tell your senators: Include paid leave on the back-to-school checklist
    Schools shouldn’t be on the frontlines of this pandemic. All school staff need the ability to stay at home to recover or take care of their own families without losing their livelihoods. Educators shouldn’t be asked to risk their lives reporting to work everyday; but many will be left totally exposed, unless ALL staff and parents have access to paid leave. We all need the peace of mind knowing that nobody is coming to school sick because teachers, staff, and parents can’t afford to stay home. Guaranteeing paid leave gives working people the ability to protect themselves AND keep their children home for caregiving should someone in their family become ill with the coronavirus. If and when schools start to reopen, parents, teachers, and school staff must be able to stay home if they’re sick or need to care for a family member. Join us in telling the Senate "don’t reopen school without making sure EVERYONE has access to paid family and medical leave."
    4,245 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Apollo Gonzales Picture
  • Make Amazon open up niosh approved masks to educators
    Educators are on the front lines and need proper ppe, and should be able to buy what they need on amazon to protect themselves. This includes all first responder mask options.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Meyer-Penn
  • Cancel EdTPA 2020
    We as student teachers are not getting the real experience that we have prepared for, for the past four years of our college careers. It would be wrong to make these student teachers finish EdTPA when a lot of them won't see their student's faces at all this semester. Student teachers' degree depends on EdTPA but, it is unfair for them to complete the requirements without getting the full experience of being a student-teacher.
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Maddie Mitsdarffer
  • Support AB 2288 - Appropriations Committee.
    There is an urgent bill at the CA legislature that will allow flexibility in the clinical hours & lecture concurrency in the face of Covid-19​. AB 2288 would: • allow approved requests to last until the end of the approved academic term (semester/quarter, etc.) so that students do not lose any alternate clinical placements • maintain the current 50% direct patient care hours and might allow up to 75% in some circumstances • allow schools to teach theory and clinical non-concurrently up to one academic term to accommodate students who received an incomplete last term or students who may receive an incomplete but otherwise completed theory even if they lost their clinical placement. These are incredible provisions and, if passed, we would no longer be at the mercy of the BRN to act swiftly and appropriately in the face of further complications in our education due to Covid-19. It is critical we band together to urge the CA legislature to support AB 2288. How to take action: - Sign this petition & share it on social media! - Read & follow AB 2288
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scarlett Russell
  • Mayor Kenney: Give Sanitation Workers Proper PPE + Hazard Pay
    Their health and safety is essential and impacts the city of Philadelphia.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by M P