• Join The Health Gap Supporting Commissioner Parks Resolution Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis
    This resolution would have Hamilton County to formally recognize racism as a public health crisis. Historically the health outcomes of minority populations, especially black people in the U.S. and locally in Hamilton County have been statistically lower than those of the white population. Black people die prematurely and are more susceptible to critical health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. These numbers are currently being increasingly exposed through data that is showing that black Americans are dying at disproportionately higher rates from the coronavirus than all other races. In addition to a lower life expectancy black Ohioans face higher rates of infant mortality where racism is a key driver in these cases. In Hamilton County the number of black babies who die before their first birthday is double compared to white babies. Furthermore, factors such as access to care, education level, income, race, and ethnicity, hinder black Ohioans from receiving the health care that they need, especially oral and dental health care. Other social determinants such as socioeconomic status, access to food, physical environment, education, and access to health care can further hinder positive health comes for black and minority populations in Hamilton County. This resolution would address these issues to ensure that the health of all residents is prioritized no matter their race. Here are a few ways racism in Hamilton County will be addressed through this resolution and improve the health outcomes for all people: ● The Hamilton County BOCC will support and collaborate with organizations that focus on black communities, in effort to eliminate health disparities. ● The Hamilton County Child Fatality Review and Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Processes will investigate child and infant deaths that were affected by racism. ● The Hamilton County Oral Health Coalition will advocate the oral health needs of all citizens of Hamilton County. ● Hamilton County BOCC will prioritize health for all races, issuing Health and Equity in All policies approach to decision making. ● The Office of the Hamilton County Sheriff will dedicate Active Bystander training for its officers in order to prevent wrong doings on the job. ● The Hamilton County BOCC will collaborate with the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to provide a curriculum for private, public and nonprofit entities to teach about the effect racism has on African-Americans and people of color. ● The Hamilton County BOCC encourages all community leaders and stakeholders to acknowledge racism as a public health crisis. To take action to advance equity in the community of Hamilton County. You can view the resolution at: https://www.hamiltoncountyohio.gov/UserFiles/Servers/Server_3788196/File/Government/Board%20Of%20County%20Commissioners/Public%20Hearings/2020/BOCC.2020%20DECLARATION6.29PREFINAL%20(2).pdf
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Hardin
  • Keep Florida School buildings closed in 2020-2021
    There is no way to keep students, teachers, staff, bus drivers and cafeteria workers safe if they report to school buildings. Until there is 100% assurance that children will not bring COVID-19 home from school, no school buildings should reopen in Florida. Remote instruction is feasible, and in cases where parents cannot handle instruction a tutoring program should be established to ensure that kids can keep learning. This can be accomplished state-wide or district by district. If families do not have computers or internet access, these resources should be provided by the Florida Department of Education, by federal funding, or by community foundations. Reevaluate this position in January 2021 and/or after an effective COVID-19 vaccine has been developed and tested and is widely available.
    98,959 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Dave Finnigan
  • Wear a Mask
    This is essential to maintain the health of our people and our economy during the corona virus pandemic.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renie Adams
  • Hazard Pay for Essential Workers
    I am an essential worker at a grocery store. Unlike those who have been able to work from home or have been furloughed and collect an extra $600 in unemployment, I have been showing up to work throughout the coronavirus pandemic. I provide an essential service to my community and, as such, should be paid accordingly, especially when I am putting my life at risk each and everyday I work. The risks involved in dealing with large groups of people indoors during a pandemic are high. Also, most essential workers have to travel long distances, many by public transportation, adding to their risk of becoming ill from COVID-19. Many of my fellow coworkers have gotten ill from COVID-19; some have been sick for months. At this time we don't know what long-lasting effects result from COVID-19, although evidence is starting to show even asymptomatic cases can cause lung damage. Aside from the trauma of working during the coronavirus pandemic, many grocery store workers rely on working several jobs at once and many of these jobs in the service industry are no longer available. Most of us live paycheck-to-paycheck, and have no real financial stability when we need it the most. The added stress and anxiety of trying to make ends meet at a time when our hours are being cut and other sources of income are not available takes a huge toll on us mentally and physically. Grocery store workers, truck drivers, doctors, and nurses have been the lifeline for communities, especially during this pandemic. We certainly appreciate all the thanks we have received, but it is time to show real appreciation by providing us with retroactive hazard pay. In this way, we can continue to serve the community knowing we are supported financially during this pandemic. I call on the US Congress to add retroactive hazard pay for essential workers into the new stimulus bill.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Dumais
  • Delay the Welcoming of Tourists
    COVID19 numbers on the mainland are higher than they have ever been so we need access to much more accurate and reliable testing to safely welcome tourists back to Hawaii without a quarantine requirement. Also school starts August 4th and welcoming tourism at the same time is dangerous to teachers and students. We don't yet know what the effect of opening schools will be.
    1,918 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cara Flores
  • MAYOR BOWSER: DC Demands For Change
    All black lives matter. No person shall be discriminated against based upon the color of their gender, sexual orientation, skin tone, economic status, social status, religious beliefs, or location. Everyone deserves adequate resources in order to live and thrive. Speaking out and standing against injustice is an essential human duty. There is a mutual duty to serve and protect between the community and its members. Acknowledge, respect, accept, and celebrate differences as well as commonalities. Believe in the power of words and their impact.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Occupy H Street
  • Norfolk City Council: Release Use-of-Force Records Now!
    As of 2016, Norfolk police have killed twice as many people as any other agency in Virginia since 2010, according to a Virginian Pilot investigation. According to The Guardian newspaper, out of the 19 people shot and killed by police in the state of Virginia in 2016, seven of those were killed in the Hampton Roads area, with 5 of those deaths being in Norfolk alone. These issues are not "another place's problem." Members of Norfolk City Council have the ability to make concrete change and address the systematic abuse Black and Brown people experience everyday here in Norfolk.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AJ Ache
  • Federal Mandatory Mask Mandate in the US Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
    I am a young adult, who is at a relatively low risk of COVID-19 to be fatal for myself, but this does not mean that I cannot contract this virus. My 73 year old Papa is a Type 2 Diabetic, which mean he IS at high risk to die from COVID-19. He, along with the millions of elderly and individuals with auto-immune disorders in the US are fatally at risk. According to Rachael Rettner of Live Science, "Without a mask, droplets produced during coughing can travel up to 12 feet. With a mask, this distance is reduced to just a few inches," (Rettner, 2020). A COVID-19 carrier without a mask has a 70% chance to transmit the virus to an individual wearing a mask. However, if a COVID-19 carrier wears a mask, there is only a 5% probability of transmitting the virus to someone not wearing a mask, and a 1.5% probability to someone wearing a mask, (Roseland, NJ; 2020). Mrs. Pelosi, ALL Americans are at risk of contracting this virus, and MILLIONS are at risk of dying from COVID-19. We needed Congress to act on this yesterday! If you will not do this for everybody, at the very least, do this for the ones that you love. Everybody loves someone, and everybody can lose someone. Please, sign this and tell Congress that they need to act now! Cited Works: Rettner, R. (2020, June 30). Visualization shows exactly how face masks stop COVID-19 transmission. Retrieved July 01, 2020, from https://www.livescience.com/face-mask-visualization-droplets-covid-19.html Roseland, New Jersey. (2020, May 7). COVID-19 - Why Mask? Retrieved July 01, 2020, from https://www.roselandnj.org/home/news/covid-19-why-mask Kim, A., Andrew, S., & Froio, J. (2020, June 25). These are the states requiring people to wear masks when out in public. Retrieved July 01, 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/19/us/states-face-mask-coronavirus-trnd/index.html
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sage Rabito
  • Urge Governor Inslee to move Washington back to Phase 1
    Phase 2 is not working. Masks are not being worn. In order to stay safe we must go back to phase 1 and reevaluate how to proceed.
    294 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Angela Storme
  • Do NOT Bring College Students Back To School and To Our Community This Fall
    We do not believe that the mitigation plans we have read about are sufficient to ensure not only the protection of the students but of the community at large. We also do not believe it should become the responsiblity of the host communities to assume the burden of supporting students as they become ill or need to quarantine. Or to have to enforce adherance to COVID mitigation measures when out in the community. Until the colleges and University can demonstrate that they have not only appropriate mitigation plans in place but the capacity and ability to enforce those plans on campus and off - as well as deliver any urgent and ongoing medical and health related services in a manner that does not burden the local resources - students should not return to campus. All future COVID mitigation plans should be reviewed and approved only by the town representatives who have been elected to represent the aforementioned communities.
    1,087 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Robin Jaffin
  • Make Masks Mandatory in St. Tammany Parish
    Masks, when combined with other measures, have proven to be the best way to significantly stop the spread of the virus. Masks have been proven effective across the globe and in our state. Orleans Parish successfully reduced the devastating effects of the COVID-19 virus by continuing to make masks mandatory throughout the reopening process. By doing so, Orleans Parish went from an epicenter of the virus to a safe place to work and live. As of June 29th, 2020, Jefferson Parish is instituting the same restrictions in order to reduce their numbers that have been increased since Phase Two of reopening. Not only are St. Tammany Parish’s COVID-19 numbers increasing, but close proximity to parishes with increasing numbers such as Washington and Jefferson create even more of a risk to those who live and work in St. Tammany. It is not uncommon to live on the Northshore and work on the Southshore. This commute increases the likelihood of infection and bringing the virus further into our community. According to recent numbers, St. Tammany is the parish with the fifth-highest recorded COVID-19 cases. Parish President Cooper even said it himself “We can shape the size of the scar this pandemic leaves on our community.” If he is truly committed to the safety of our parish then making masks mandatory in public is the only option for success. __________________ Here is the link for the contact information of your Parish Council Representative as well as the Parish President. Email them the statement above and let them know you support a safer St. Tammany! Below I have included a phone script if you would like to call their offices directly. http://www.stpgov.org/government/parish-council http://www.stpgov.org/government/parish-president Script for telephone: Be prepared to have your zip code in hand. “Hello, my name is (your name) and I am a constituent of (your council members name). I am calling today to urge (Council Member X) to introduce a policy to make facial masks mandatory in St. Tammany Parish. Thank you.”
    1,530 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kennedy A.
    I am a physician scientist actively engaged in COVID-19 education, organizing, and advocacy within and beyond Harris County. The local response to containing the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to struggle against the irresponsible decisions being made by other parties. We live and die by those decisions. The Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas is world renowned. But my colleagues admit readily that the hospitals there are full, and they are fearful of what lies ahead. We are universally appalled that the most visible physicians' organization is supporting a very large gathering of people at a mask-optional event amid this crisis. We cannot in good conscience continue to support the TMA if it moves forward with participating in the Texas GOP convention on July 16-18. This is a pledge for Texas physicians to boycott the organization if it fails to withdraw.
    1,839 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dona Murphey