• North Carolina: We Cannot Neglect Our Seniors
    North Carolina narrowed its criteria for Medicaid eligibility in 2012 and its effects are demeaning to our senior citizens and mentally ill. As of January 1, my father, who is sick with dementia, no longer qualifies for Medicaid because although he is mentally ill, he is not physically ill enough because he can still do things like bathe himself, walk, and dress himself, and therefore will be denied coverage even though his doctors agree that he is unsafe to live on his own or without the structure and care provided by his assisted living facility. Therefore, it is up to my two young sisters and my fathers siblings - and roughly 12,000 families like mine across the state - to produce the monthly cost of his care, putting all of our financial futures in jeopardy. Please help me send a message to our state elected officials that it is intolerable to treat our senior citizens like this, and we need to create new legislation that reverses the effects of this change and addresses the gap people in this position will be faced with.
    5,082 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Anne Keyworth
  • Stop the 25% Fee Increase and Obamacare Loophole for UC Students
    It was already too late when my friend, a UC Berkeley student Kenya Wheeler, found out that UC management caps our student health insurance coverage of lifesaving care. Now Kenya is having to fight off medical bankruptcy and collections agencies at the same time he is fighting to recover from brain cancer. But UC executives are trying to increase our health insurance fees by 25% instead of agreeing to meet Obamacare standards that would protect students like Kenya.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Eaton
  • Pain Medication
    People with invisible illness such as Fibromyalgia, Lupus and many others should be able to obtain pain medication at any time with any Doctor. Iowa needs to be the first state to allow some humanity to those of us who suffer everyday in silence and fear of being pain managed beyond the current strict guidelines!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trish Parvu
  • Your right to know hospital charges before you get services.
    Did you know some Medical Centers, particularly university hospitals, charge uninsured or underinsured people 3, 5 or sometimes 10 times more than other health centers? Did you know these Medical Centers make it almost impossible for you to find out their prices before you accept to get services? You are being bullied. They assign you the doctor they want, they tell you what to do and where, and then they charge you what they want. what I am asking in this petition is not impossible: Ohio requires a hospital to make its price information list available free of charge on its web site to any person and post an announcement of the list's availability in each of the hospital's billing offices and admission, patient waiting, and reception areas. New Jersey caps hospital charges at no more than 15 percent above the Medicare payment rate for residents with a gross family income less than 500 percent of the federal poverty level.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniela Munoz Maines
  • Deal with the cause of recent violence
    Let's take a solution oriented approach to curbing the epidemic mentally ill people committing violence. Get to the root cause of the problem.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Saarducci
  • Make Medical Marijuana Available to the Sick People Who Have Been Approved for its Use
    Medical Marijuana was voted and passed by the people of New Jersey for use by ill people who are determined by a State appointed Physician as useful for an ill patient. Yet in one of the most populace states in the Union, only one distribution store is open, and their hands are tied by only being allowed to grow at certain times of the year, and to only grow a limited amount. Other distribution centers would like to begin growing and helping patients, yet as of this moment, are not allowed to, while the state legislature is still accepting applications, accepting the money the patient is required to send along with the application, and issuing I.D. cards to these patients. The one distribution center is over 1000 patients behind, and since they are only allowed to grow a limited amount, will not be able to help these patients, who are hoping for the relief the marijuana could give them. So even though it is the will of the people, voted on and passed as law, Gov.Christie and Republican legislatures have made it impossible for deserving patients to receive help, circumventing the law.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edward Wilchins
  • To the Gov. of NC, Better Health and Educational Options
    I am a new resident to North Carolina and I am concerned about the Health Care for the lower income in this State and the Educational options for the lower income to get an Education that is progressive to the future of technology and the Country as a whole.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Moats
  • A New Progressive Democratic Party
    The entire country is affected by too many cowardly and/or "Republican Lite" Democratic leaders in congress. We need a new party that will support progressive Democrats and work against the others. Harry Reid's hypocritical failure to move forward on filibuster reform, along with a number of other Senate "Democrats", is all the evidence we need to demonstrate the need.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Menken
  • Medicaid Expansion Needed in Mississippi
    There are about 300,000 Mississippians who are uninsured because they can't afford to pay for insurance and they aren't eligible for medicaid. It is immoral to keep these people from medical care when it can be made available to them. Besides it would bring into this state hundreds of millions of dollars and create thousands of jobs.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Story
  • Government Grants and Funding for Ankylosing Spondylitis Research
    Ankylosing Spondylitis(A.S.) is an auto-immune arthritis that affects 1.7 million people in the United States of America and over 33 million people in the world. This disease needs to be better understood by the government, healthcare professionals and general public. There is currently not a cure for A.S., but through more government funded research studies and education, the people who it affects and their families can enjoy more comfortable lives. Please visit www.helgiolafson.org to contact the leader of this petition. The Helgi Olafson Foundation is a non profit organization. My name is Helgi Olafson and I have Ankylosing Spondylitis. I am a health activist, educating and inspiring people around the world to live healthier lives and take control of this disease through my involvement in endurance sports.
    840 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Helgi Olafson
  • Governor Pence except Federal Medicare Funds
    A lot of senior citizens have little or no health insurance, going with the federal government will make it easier for all senior citizens.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mr. Leslie (Les)Young
  • Free Dental care for Veterans
    Free Dental care for Vets
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Berry