• Accept federal funds for health services.
    I am SSDI from a quadruple bypass and pacemaker.I am a single dad and have a 12 year old and 21 year old daughter at home to help me.We barely get by and i am now just taking my meds about 10 for chroniuc blood pressure and other ailments.We 800,000 Louisiana children and elderly will be most affected,we need your compassion and understanding on this matter. Thank You
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stanley Davis
  • Gov. Corbet Accept Federal Medicaid funds
    This decision will affect seniors and children whole may need medicaid sometime in their life.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sharon Patton
  • Health Care
    I think that each person either disabled or an indiviaual shall have health care. For the following reasons, they shall have health care: for there own good and also for there personal needs.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Rui Ma
    Hospitals and out-patient clinics are drastically underfunded in Idaho. I have. 23 years experience as a psychiatric nurse and I have watched the revolving door for admissions spin faster and faster because of inadequate funding for out-patient services. Mental illness is on the national radar right now and this presents a chance for Idaho to lead on this issue.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy M Lerandeau
  • More medical attention needed for HSV
    Dear Friends, We need your help. We have started a petition for better HSV testing from the medical profession. According to the Center for Disease and Control, there are over 19 million people newly diagnosed with herpes each year. Why is that? Unfortunately, many treat herpes as a joke, and do not get tested. In fact many aren’t aware that both HSV1 (commonly associated with cold sores) and HSV2 can both be transmitted genitally, when no sores are present. Many in the medical profession do not test for HSV1 because they consider it the “safer one” and “everyone has that one.” Some people do not get tested because “they have never experienced an outbreak;” however, that does not mean that they do not carry the virus, or they cannot transmit it to an unsuspected partner. For newly infected people, the one blood test (Western Blot) that can tell you accurately which type you have is not covered by medical insurance and costs $400 because herpes is considered cosmetic. Cosmetic? How are acne treatments covered by insurance companies and herpes is not? Some studies of herpes has been linked to: cervical cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and has been known to cause brain damage and death if mothers pass it on to newborn children. We ask that you sign this petition, putting more pressure on the government and insurance companies to start treating herpes more seriously, and test people for HSV2 and HSV1. By signing the petition, it does not mean you have herpes, although if you have never been tested before, and can afford the $400 we urge you to do so. It just means you want better testing for you and your love ones. Thank you for your time. To end on an upbeat note, a cure is close. A team at Duke University believes they found a cure, however, their research is stalled due to lack of funding. For more information, updates, and to share your thoughts, please visit our Facebook page - Oral STD. Please note, any commercial product advertisement or negative comments will be deleted. Thank you! Fondly, Amanda Jones
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Jones
  • Expansion of Medicaid.
    Expansion of Medicaid is necessary to improve the health and economy of North Carolinians.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul P. Cook, MD
  • ACA creates Jobs and reduces overall healthcare COST
    Implementing ACA exchange in TN would improve the overall health of TN residence. A healthy people create a healthy economy for TN and reduce healthcare cost that brings down the national deficit. Too many Tennesseans stand in long lines for FREE HEALTH CLINIC. It is shameful and inhumane for all TN residence not to have easy access to reliable health care in Tennessee.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Cole, MBA
  • Why are companies dropping Health Care Plans?
    As a 23 year union member,we have had our health care negotiated in our contract with the company and the Union to come to an agreement as part of our package.Now all we are hearing from the company that as of now in negotiations that the employee's will have to pay their own.This sounds like the company's position is having to blame the present administration for this bargaining act.When companies make billions of dollars by our hard working members and then take the laborer's for granted.This is a real problem that will affect all families that work for the company.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Clay
  • William D Larson
    Cuts in health care and medicaid
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William D Larson
  • Single Payer Medical Plan
    We have been held hostage to the private insurance companies that provide NOTHING to the improvement of our health. They increase the cost of health care by many times what a single payor plan such as Medicare does. The profits go to overpaid and short-sighted CEOs and overpaid Boards of Directors.
    4,947 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Jerrold M. Milstein, MD
  • Enact Universal, Single-Payer Medicare for All
    Over 46 million Americans lack health insurance. A comparable number are underinsured. Those with insurance are paying more in premiums and more out-of-pocket as well. And even the insured may face bankruptcy if they get sick. Many have to choose between paying for medicine and paying for food and housing. A national, universal, single-payer health care program, or Improved Medicare for All, as defined by U.S. House Bill H.R. 676, would create a publicly financed, privately delivered health care system that builds on the existing Medicare program. It would improve and expand Medicare to cover all U.S. residents. It's time to choose people over profits!
    412 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jeremiah Smith
  • Expand Medicaid
    It is about convincing our governor to expand Medicaid as per the Affordable Care Act. Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have determined through research that expanding Medicaid would increase tax revenue and jobs.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marilyn Lee