• Extend Medicaid to include dental
    Everone has a right to good dental hygiene, it is an intregal part of good health. The problem is Medicaid only covers children. I am a disabled senior ,I used to have coverage for dental but since moving to Missori in 2009 I have had non. Consequently I have had to have three savable teeth pulled as I could not afford crowns and I have had two crowns break off that I cannot replace. Bad teeth can permeate your body with infection and cause excruciating pain. Good dental care should be considered 'preventive care' the lack of basic dental care can cause many other illnesses.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy T Long
  • Health Care for all Texans...
    Getting the Governor to do what's right for Texas///No this issue has not affected me, but, it's the moral thing to do.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Willard Burfict
  • change in mental health care for those on medicaid
    mental health concerns all people (not just those with mental health issues)these people with this challenge need to be able to access the help they so desperately need & to have a limit on the amount of days they can get this help as a inpatient is illresponsible,my grandson has been placed at a in care hospital & can only be there for 9 days cause thats all medicaid will cover,also they should provide medicines on a once only pre authorized status, as he has also ran out of meds waiting on them to be pre-authorized
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by crystal sponenberg
  • Pass Legislation for reasonable guncontrol and increasing funding to AHCCCS for qualified adults.
    In view of the recent school shootings which have affected us all; reasonable gun control laws should be passed such as background checks for anyone purchasing a gun, even at gun shows and online. RE: AHCCCS for qualified adults; it hits both my husband and I. My medications are very expensive; around $1000/mo just for my two insulins; and my husband who developed Guilianne -Barre Syndrome was released from Barrows Neurological Institute despite the recommendations of both the PT Department and his doctors because he had no insurance. Because of that, he probably will never walk again. Not only is he a Vietnam Veteran but he worked hard all his life and when his company closed the store in Kingman, he was unable to find a job due to the poor economy. It's not that he didn't try. It's not right he is denied medical coverage because he's not old enough for Medicare yet.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Watson
  • We Demand that Governor Corbett Accept The Federal Money for Medicaid Expansion
    We demand that Governor Corbett Accept the Federal Money for Medicaid Expansion
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Spross
  • set up the insurance pools in kentucky
    i have been paying nearly 1000.00 a month for insurance and don't think i can do it much longer. the insurance pools would maybe give me the ability to obtain health insurance at a reasonable cost. i represent disabled people who have no insurance and the pools would allow them to get adequate medical care as well.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by norma perry
  • Medicare For All
    This bill reintroduces the single payer health care system in a bill.
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Moore
  • Participate in the Medicaid Expansion
    To convince Governor Bentley to accept the Federal Medicaid Plan.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Maynard
  • medical marijuana
    medical marijuana is not legal in new hampshire and it is effective therapy for me and many others for depression and chronic pain. we are not criminals.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james medeiros
  • hb271, stating that New Hampshire will not accept expanded Medicaid
    The federal government is offering to give states money to set up a program to provide Medicaid to anyone who makes less than $15,000 a year. The NH legislature has formed a committee to reject the money. On February 14, 22013 they will vote on this bill. This petition is to encourage them to vote against the bill.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Bird
  • Governor Perry: Expand Medicaid in Texas
    Texas has more than 25 percent of its population without any health insuarance coverage. Affordable Care Act provides funding to expand the health insurance coverage through extra funding via Medicaid Program. Federal Government will pay 9 dollars of every 10 dollars of this Medicaid expansion; yet Governor Rick Perry is refusing billions of dollars for healthcare purely on political basis.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aftab Siddiqui
  • Chiropractic Expansion Act Improves Healthcare and Public Safety.
    30 million uninsured patients are expected to enter the healthcare system through 2019 as a result of insurance mandates required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. At the same time, a shortage of primary care physicians is expected to surpass 52,000 by 2025, according to a recent study published in the November/December issue of the Annals of Family Medicine. SB471 expands public access to conservative, cost-effective, primary care physicians in underserved and rural areas by expanding the scope of chiropractic medicine. We’re calling on Gov. Martinez, members of the New Mexico State Legislature, and members of the Senate Public Affairs Committee to stand-up for public safety and VOTE YES on SB471.
    658 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dr. J. Adam Metzger