• Health Care for Every Sick Wisconsinite
    Call the Governor and help hgin change his mind about hea;th care for the homelesss, poor and needed wisconsin residents.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Chapman
  • Urge Governor Branstad to expand Medicaid
    Expanding Medicaid to 150,000 Iowans will improve health and save Iowa’s general fund $131 million over the next seven years. That’s a deal, but Governor Terry Branstad doesn’t want to participate. He wants to continue IowaCare, which has very limited coverage.
    1,227 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen O'Leary
  • Hands off Medicaid, Medicare & SS
    Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security are not the place to save money. Millions of people rely on these programs and they will have
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Frederick
  • VOTE FOR the Colorado Health Care Cooperative in 2013!!!
    It's about our Health and our Health Care in Colorado! And, we want to VOTE FOR the Colorado Health Care Cooperative in November 2013! We need affordable, quality health care for all Coloradans NOW! Let us vote! Let us decide! We need it now! We cannot wait!
    694 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ken Connell
  • Representative Huffman, Get behind the Grayson-Takano Bill
    Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs should not be cut. It is essential for the economy as whole, now deep in a demand crisis caused by unemployment that these payments continue full bore. They are economic stimuli, not to mention that ordinary citizens have been paying for these programs for many decades.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Lahorgue
  • Stop Social Safety net Cuts
    This petition is in regards to the upcoming sequester that is due to hit funding for various departments in government March 1st. This petition is to urge Rep Frankel in Florida to vote against the slashing of Medicare, Medi-cade, Social Security, Food Safety inspectors, and any other service that will affect the medical class come sequestration.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Pennington
  • STOP! Mental Health CUTS Plan in Texas Mental Health is Real So is Funding These Programs
    My son is a very intelligent Teenager who has been bullied in School to the point that he became ill. Without the Mental Health Programs designed to counsel, and help children like my son, he would not make it through. Our TEXAS Children should be our Top Priority. How many more of them will self-destruct, Killing other innocent Children, Teachers, and Administrators before we act responsibly, and STOP the CUTS planned for the Mental Health Programs in Texas.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hattie McGill
  • Veto Senate Bill 4, No Exchange/No Medicaid Expansion
    NC must seize "the opportunity to provide access to affordable health care to 500,000 currently uninsured North Carolinians." Hospitals "lose the most on patients who have no insurance at all" and "are counting on an increase in paying Medicaid patients to offset the scheduled loss of the federal indigent care funds." We can't afford to lose our many, small, rural hospitals operating so close to the edge. The House must not pass, and, if it does, Gov. McCrory must veto Senate Bill 4, No Exchange/No Medicaid Expansion. http://www.newsobserver.com/2013/02/18/2690111/verla-insko-keep-medicaid-funds.html
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M.B. Hardy
  • Rep. Lowenthal: Support Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
    Over a dozen members of Congress just signed a letter to President Obama promising to "vote against any and every cut to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security benefits." Rep. Lowenthal, show your constituents that you, too, will stand up against attacks on the social safety net that protects taxpayers -- cosign the Grayson-Takano letter!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Lee Salazar
  • Cuts to Medicaid, Social Security Benefits and Medicare
    I am a breast cancer survivor, who has been tremendously blessed by the assistant that the service of Medicaid had given myself, while endeavoring to fight and battle the deadly disease. The best interest and well being of our People as a Nation; should be at the forefront of each life changing decisions that Congress persons choose to display, therefore, let us allow this to be considered urgent and top priority and know that these cuts must be stopped.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donnamay Stewat
  • Vermont's Rep. Peter Welch unwilling to preserve Social Security & Medicare Funding
    More than a dozen congressional representatives have signed onto the the Grayson-Takano letter, thereby vowing to "vote against any and every cut to Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security benefits." Vermont's lone congressional representative Peter Welch has been resisting signing this letter. I think we should help him make up his mind.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kai Mikkel Forlie
  • Keeping Chiropractic Principled
    As the President of the Chiropractic Society of Texas, I am concerned with regard to the actions of our Bd of Examiners. They seem to continue to be influenced by other organizations in the state to "expand our Scope of Practice" . I have on numerous times addressed them these past two years, stating that Anytime we add what is not Chiropractic to Chiropractic, we have problems with litigation and legislation. Our Board of Examiners has had 5 open litigations during this time with the TX Medical Bd & Texas Medical Association. They have gone to the point of trying to take "Diagnosis" away from Dr.'s of Chiropractic. The Profession of Chiropractic is NOT a medical sub-specialty, but a seperate and distinct profession, based on all things natural. It already affects the whole human condition, via the nervous system. The very source of addressing the spine and it's weight bearing articulations, via neurologic processes which control All body organ systems. We are NOT simply "musculoskeletal" practitioners. The Central & Peripheral Nervous system are the key to true Health. The Chiropractic profession does NOT address symptoms, nor treat conditions. They remove Nerve Interferences to Allow the Inborn Innate control system of the body to function optimally as Nature intended it to do. Regardless of condition, we all perform better, with a clearly functioning nerve system and its ability to convey Nerve & Mental impulses to the systems of the body.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Brettmann, D.C.