• Medical Marijuanna
    Legalizing it. I have RA & can get pain meds, but then I go from bed to couch to bed! I finally quit the 3 serious cancer drugs they had me on & & down to 1/3 the dosage of steriods. The pain meds numb me & take away any ambition. I take a few hits off a joint & my mind gets to working on other things besides my pain & discomfort & next thing I know I am actually getting something done. It's like hitting you thumb with a hammer. The more you stare at it the more it hurts, but put it off to the side & you don't think about it as much. Still hurts but you can do other things! I am 62 years old & my high on life now is having a good day pain wise & trying to get some enjoyment of living! Or your way I sit on the counch like zombie & watch TV & go to bed & do it all over tomorrow. Is that a way to live? It takes the stiffness & pain of joint damage away to where I can do things without being on a narcotic!!!! It's not like I am abusing drugs, getting wild & crazy, I just want to live out what years I have left & be able do manage my pain & enjoy some sort of life! I have proven to my Doctor that I very seldom use the Oxycodone I was prescibed 2 years ago. In fact that prescription has expired & I still have many left. I only use them when I get tired of the pain & need some rest!! Or would you rather see me taking one every 4 hours? That's no life!!!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ernie Howe
  • Medicaid for GA's Uninsured
    Governor Nathan Deal refuses to accept federal funds to expand Medicaid. 600,000 Georgians will now go without healthcare. Tell Gov. Deal to put Georgia citizens before ideology!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Rose
  • Keep Chiropractic drug free in New Mexico.
    Chiropractors provide essential health care services to the people of New Mexico, and the rest of the country, offering primary contact and primary care services within the nationally and internationally accepted chiropractic model of care as a drugless, non-surgical approach to health care. If you believe that prescription drugs do not have a place in Chiropractic care, please help voice your concern by signing this petition and voice your vote "against" SB 471
    3,148 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Allen Miner
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RICK CRAWFORD
  • Governor Hickenlooper: Why are anti depressants legal in Colorado?
    Anti-depressants are illegal all over the world because of their close ties to both psychoses and suiciidality. Why are Colorado doctors and nurse practitioners still able to prescribe junk medicine (see e.g. Whitaker, Robert, Anatomy of an Epidemic, New York: Crown Publishers 2009).
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christa Turnell
  • Let Montanans Choose to Die With Dignity
    My father lived a full and vigorous life of 84 years, but he was not allowed to die in peace. Even in the excellent hospice facility he chose for his final days, he was forced to die in agony because the law didn't allow his doctor or care-givers to administer enough morphine to end his terrible suffering. Instead, very slowly, over a period of days, he drowned in his own body fluids. No-one should ever have to suffer that way. No family should ever have to watch helplessly as their loved one passes from this world in such pain. We don't even make our pets endure such needless anguish. Montanans must be given the option to die with dignity. Terminally ill patients must have the right to alleviate unnecessary suffering in their last days. We must pass SB220.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Betty Stroock
  • NY State Assembly: Pass A Medical Marijuana Bill Now!
    I suffer from Post Herpetic Neuralgia, a condition where an over-active nerve in the left side of my face causes me moderate to severe pain on a daily basis. I tried medical marijuana the last time I was in California and was able to cut down my Oxycodone intake by half! However, there are folks in this state who suffer quite a bit more than I do and it is a crime that we have no legal access to a very helpful remedy!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by anton cipriani
  • Fair & Equal PROPER Treatment for AIDS Patients
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin E. Larsen
  • HealthCare and Education
    We, the citizens of Louisiana need to provide health care /Hospice for those who do not have insurance. It is heartless to leave these people unprotected when they are sick and upon their death beds. We MUST develop more educational training for our children so that they can compete in the job markets of the world not merely to serve the tourism industry. We need to guarantee education from the Pre-School to College in quality settings for all in Louisiana. I am a retired New Orleans teacher and I know that Louisiana Education and Educators do not get the best conditions, materials, or pay but do a splendid job with almost nothing. Think what they could accomplish with more from the government. Provide for your citizens and allow us to be proud of our state and government again.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice K. Cosey
  • Expand Medicaid under the ACA in Texas
    If Texas expanded Medicaid coverage to impoverished adults in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act, the state could receive an additional $100 billion in federal dollars over 10 years, helping to offset that spending by local governments on emergency care. In addition, I have had many family and friends who have suffered from untreated chronic health problems because they worked low paying jobs with no affordable group health insurance available, and the ACA expansion would expand availability of health care to low income adults with almost 100% Federal Dollars. We pay our taxes to Washington, lets bring them back home to help our family and neighbors.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Killian
  • Fair Health Insurance for Californians
    There are a few issues regarding Health Insurance that affects all Californians. No pre-existing conditions. I have not been able to get health insurance in California due to a pre-existing condition. I had one incident 25 years ago. I have been taking medication for this condition since the incident and have never had a re-occurrence. Yet, I was turned down for Health Insurance due to this incident. Equal insurance policies for all. When you search for an insurance policy you get the gamete of policies and costs. Costs for private individual insurance vs. what the policies offer to cover is up and down the scale. They make no sense. Individuals should be allowed to form groups for insurance purposes and receive the same types of coverage and discounts that corporations receive.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Friedman
  • Dialysis Shelters
    I have end stage kidney failure and when there is a power outage, I have to do my dialysis in a cold apartment with no lights. This is dangerous! I would like to see a shelter procured so kidney faoilure and other chronic illness patients have a place to hang their hat.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by charlie wachtel